Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant


Mrs. White’s Income and Expenses

In the early days Mrs. White’s only income was from royalties from her books. These yielded but a small sum. After the death of Elder White in 1881, she was paid the salary of an ordained minister. She continued to receive the royalties from her books, and at times some financial assistance for the help of a copyist in the preparation of articles she furnished our periodicals. These monies she was instructed she should administer as a steward for the Lord. Her perception of this responsibility is clearly reflected in the terms she used in wording a terse order appended to a letter concerning the providing of some financial help for a destitute widow: EGWMR 122.12

“Battle Creek, Mich., March 28, 1889

“Brother C. H. Jones:

“Please pay to the order of —— —— $100.00 (One Hundred Dollars) as a gift from the Lord who has made me His steward of means. EGWMR 122.13

“Ellen G. White

(Letter 28, 1889.)

Six years later she wrote as follows, and the records bear testimony that she was faithful to her trust. EGWMR 122.14

“I do not profess to be the owner of any money that comes into my bands. I regard it as the Lord’s money, for which I must render an account.”—Letter 41, 1895. EGWMR 122.15

After the death of James White in 1881 the full financial burden fell upon Mrs. White. It was necessary that she meet her household expenses, continuing considerable entertaining. The expenses and salaries of her helpers were paid by her. She also met a large part of the initial expense in the publication of her many books. This included typesetting, the making of the printing plates, and the expense of illustrations. Often a set of printing plates was placed with each of the three publishing houses in America. These book-publishing expenses ran into many thousands of dollars. She shouldered the expense of translating her books into other languages, and there were many direct gifts to the cause. EGWMR 122.16