Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant


Chapter 8—Guarding Against a Distorted Use

There is one phase of the work of the trustees of the Ellen G. White Publications which the reader may not have detected in that portion of Mrs. White’s “will” which outlines their duties. It has been clearly seen that to them was committed the custody of Mrs. White’s published works and manuscript files to be used in the manner specified by her. We wish now to call attention to the fact that with the ownership and control of these properties, there is closely linked the responsibility for their safekeeping and the prevention of their misuse. This division of the work is one which calls for careful study and clear discernment. The trustees recognize that care must be exercised in the use of the writings, both published and unpublished, not only by themselves, but by all workers and lay members as well. EGWMR 86.1