The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement


Respect For Administrative Responsibility

Not as a leader, but as a “messenger,” she viewed her responsibility, bearing messages from God for the guidance of leaders and people. She felt herself, under God, subject to counsel and action of the administrative body, the General Conference, in cooperating with undertakings of the movement. SPIAM 65.3

This attitude is illustrated by one experience. Mrs. White found herself in a land over the sea, to which she had gone by General Conference invitation. But she was sick, and apparently helpless to undertake active work in a new field. “I deeply regretted having crossed the broad waters,” she related. “Why, at such an expense, was I in this country?” And in her physical misery and helplessness she wept. “But,” she wrote, “I did not long indulge in the luxury of tears.” She was there in obedience to the request of the General Conference, acting in the fear of God. She says: SPIAM 65.4

“I said to myself, ‘Ellen G. White, what do you mean? Have you not come to Australia because you felt that it was your duty to go where the Conference judged it best for you to go? Has not this been your practice?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ ‘Then why do you feel almost forsaken and discouraged? Is not this the enemy’s work?’ I said, ‘I believe it is.’ I dried my tears as quickly as possible and said, ‘It is enough. J will not look on the dark side any more. Live or die, I commit the keeping of my soul to Him who died for me.’ SPIAM 65.5

“I then believed that the Lord would do all things well, and during this eight months of helplessness I have not had any despondency or doubt. I now look at this matter as a part of the Lord’s great plan, for the good of His people here in this country, and for those also in America, and for my good.”—“Elmshaven” “Brown Leaflet,” No. 4 (written in Australia, 1893). SPIAM 66.1

It was on recognition of the responsibility of the apostolic or administrative gift in the church that the personal surrender and trust were based. And those years, 1892 to 1900, in Australia were wonderfully fruitful for good. There was worked out, under the guidance of the Spirit of prophecy, the union conference plan of organization, which obtains with blessed efficiency in our work in all the world. And in Australia and New Zealand a base was built up that carries the great and blessed burden of the island fields of the South Pacific. SPIAM 66.2

All gifts had a hand in it, but some people of the world, looking on, somehow saw what a strong part Mrs. White acted in the upbuilding process. SPIAM 66.3