The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement


Exalting The Book

Well I remember the last words this faithful servant ever spoke in the general assembly of the movement. At a world’s General Conference in Washington, D.C., she came to the platform, on the last day of the session, to speak a farewell word to the delegates who had come in from the four quarters of the earth. She felt impressed that she would never attend another General Conference; and she never did. What would be the last message by personal presence, in such an assembly, by one who had been so many years the agent through whom the writings of the Spirit of prophecy had come? Mrs. White spoke a few words of good cheer and farewell, and then turned to the pulpit, where lay a Bible. She opened the book, and held it out with hands that trembled with age. And she said: SPIAM 30.3

“Brethren and sisters, I commend unto you this Book.” SPIAM 30.4

Without another word, she closed the book, and walked from the platform. It was her last spoken word in the world assembly of the remnant church. Well was it symbolic of the lifelong ministry through this gift, ever exalting high, supreme above all, the Holy Scriptures as the foundation of the faith of the people of the advent movement. SPIAM 30.5

No; critics of this movement can never say justly that Seventh-day Adventists have “another Bible.” The one book is all that is needed to maintain the doctrines they preach as fundamental in the gospel of salvation, SPIAM 30.6