The Testimony of Jesus


Not a Hard and Fast Rule

“I have been shown that some, especially in Iowa, make the visions a rule by which to measure all; and have taken a course which my husband and myself have never pursued. Some are unacquainted with me and my labors, and they are very skeptical of anything bearing the name of visions. This is all natural, and can be overcome only by experience. If persons are not settled in regard to the visions, they should not be crowded off. The course to pursue with such may be found in Testimony No. 8, pp. 328, 329 [quoted above], which I hope will be read by all. TOJ 139.2

“Ministers should have compassion of some, making a difference others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire. God’s ministers should have wisdom to give to every one his portion of meat, and to make that difference with different persons which their cases require. TOJ 139.3

“The course pursued with some in Iowa who are unacquainted with me, has not been careful and consistent. Those who were, comparatively, strangers to the visions, have been dealt with in the same manner as those who have had much light and experience in the visions. Some have been required to endorse the visions when they could not conscientiously do so, and in this way some honest souls have been driven to take positions against the visions and against the body, which they never would have taken had their cases been managed with discretion and mercy. TOJ 139.4

“Some of our brethren have had long experience in the truth, and have for years been acquainted with me and with the influence of the visions. They have tested the truthfulness of these testimonies, and asserted their belief in them. They have felt the powerful influence of the Spirit of God resting upon them to witness to the truthfulness of the visions. If such, when reproved through vision, rise up against them, and work secretly to injure our influence, they should be faithfully dealt with, for their influence is endangering those who lack experience.”—Testimonies for the Church 1:382, 383. TOJ 140.1