The Testimony of Jesus


The Disposition of Mrs. White’s Debts

What has been done about this indebtedness left by Mrs. E. G. White? Have these debts been paid? How have they been paid? These are some of the inquiries which came from the field to Elder C. H. Watson when he was president of the General Conference. We are privileged to quote in this connection a portion of a letter written by Elder Watson on this subject: TOJ 126.3

“I understand Sister White did owe an amount somewhere in the neighborhood of $90,000 at the time of her death. She, however, left assets of considerable value. Some of these were of a character that provided the estate with a reasonable annual income. Any statement of the value of the assets for the purpose of probate did not, of course, include figures that would represent the potential earnings of such assets. The General Conference Corporation did advance sufficient money to liquidate this indebtedness. This whole transaction has been held in separate account in the General Conference books, and against the sum advanced to the estate the earnings of the estate have been credited. It is a matter of satisfaction to inform you that the whole of the money so advanced has now been returned to the General Conference by the trustees of the estate, and they have been able to do this entirely from the sale and earnings of assets.” TOJ 127.1