The Testimony of Jesus


God and Heaven Alone Infallible

In an article entitled “Search the Scriptures,” by Mrs. E. G. White, in the The Review and Herald, July 26, 1892, we find the following statement: TOJ 77.1

“We have many lessons to learn, and many, many to unlearn. God and heaven alone are infallible. Those who think that they will never have to give up a cherished view, never have occasion to change an opinion, will be disappointed. As long as we hold to our own ideas and opinions with determined persistency, we cannot have the unity for which Christ prayed.” TOJ 77.2

In all her writings Mrs. White not only conscientiously endeavored to express clearly and forcefully the great spiritual truths which formed the major part of her writings, but she sought painstakingly for accuracy in the statement of facts. This was one of her motives when, in dealing with historical matter, she read from the best historians, and in some instances quoted from them statements that were in harmony with what had been revealed to her. TOJ 77.3

Her efforts at accuracy are well illustrated in the manner of writing a biography of her former experience, in 1860. At that time she brought out Spiritual Gifts, Volume II, in the preface of which she wrote: TOJ 77.4

“In preparing the following pages, I have labored under great disadvantages, as I have had to depend, in many instances, on memory, having kept no journal till within a few years. In several instances I have sent the manuscripts to friends who were present when the circumstances related occurred, for their examination before they were put in print. I have taken great care, and have spent much time, in endeavoring to state the simple facts as correctly as possible. TOJ 77.5

“I have, however, been much assisted in arriving at dates by the many letters which I wrote to Brother S. Howland and family at Topsham, Maine. As they for the period of five years had the care of my Henry, I felt it my duty to write to them often, and give them my experience, my joys, trials, and victories. In many instances I have copied from these letters.” TOJ 78.1

An appendix of sixteen pages was printed and bound in only four hundred copies. In this appendix Mrs. White makes this statement: TOJ 78.2

“A special request is made that if any find incorrect statements in this book, they will immediately inform me. The edition will be completed about the first of October; therefore send before that time.” TOJ 78.3

Then there appeared several pages of letters from individuals, verifying Mrs. White’s statements. Two of these letters, however, suggest slight corrections in some statements contained in the printed pages. One statement corroborates her account of an incident, with the exception of the name of the one administering baptism to a certain sister. This correction was accepted, as is seen by a later revision. The other correction related to the initials of a person mentioned. TOJ 78.4

If she were convinced of error in statement, she would have been the first and foremost to correct it. It was in this spirit that she quoted with hearty approval the statement of J. N. Andrews, who in his rejoicing over additional light that had come to the advent band, exclaimed, “I would exchange a thousand errors for one truth.” This was the spirit of the true Bible student, which we today do well to cherish. TOJ 78.5