“I'd Like To Ask Sister White ...”


Weren’t You Anxious To Get Back To Civilization?

Tuesday, October 7, 1873.—We ascended the steep rocky hills—up, up, up as fast as our horses could climb. We passed through brooks and gulches, up hill and down, for about six miles. LASW 83.2

This brought us to the foot of the range. We there consulted what we should do—press on, or take a warm cooked dinner. We left it all with Mr. Walling. His decision was for us to eat a hasty meal, and with as little delay as possible, hurry over the range. We did so, and did not regret it. There was no wind. The sun shone pleasantly upon us. The works of God in nature as viewed by us on this journey were indeed wonderful. LASW 83.3

We had passed the range [summit] but a couple of hours when thick clouds began to gather, and we hastened on as fast as our team could carry us. Before we reached home the clouds were very dark. The wind blew dust and dirt, and blinded us so that we could not see. The lightnings flashed, and we were threatened with a fearful storm. However, we arrived safely at home [before the storm, broke]. It was a storm of wind and rain and snow. We were very thankful we were in our comfortable home and not in camp on the other side of the range. LASW 83.4

Wallings Mills, Colorado, Wednesday, October 8.—It was quite a luxury to rest upon a bed, for we had not done this for twenty-three nights. We feel very thankful that we are at home. There is a severe storm of wind, uprooting trees and even tumbling over outhouses. The sand and gravel are carried by the wind against the windows, and are coming in, covering bed and bedding, furniture and floors. This morning we see the mountain range is covered with snow. 25 LASW 84.1