“I'd Like To Ask Sister White ...”


Tell Me About Some Of The Other Days.

Monday, July 21, 1873.—We spent the day principally in writing. In the evening we rode up the hill about two miles and gathered several quarts of berries. 13 LASW 76.2

Wednesday, August 6.—I devoted much time to arranging my room; tacked down carpet, put curtain around my rough pine table. We got four loads of broken wood. I helped them pick it up. LASW 76.3

Thursday, August 7.—I wrote five letters. The clouds looked dark. We had both rain and hail in great quantities. The hail was as large as hazel nuts. The water rushed down from the mountain and came into our sleeping room. Two were engaged in mopping and bailing water with dust pan. The kitchen leaked and flooded the floor. The dining room leaked badly. This has been a broken day. 14 LASW 76.4

Sabbath, September 6.—We had a rainy day. About nine o’clock a gentleman on horseback inquired if we had seen two men pass. I had seen them about midnight going by our house. They stopped to drink at the spring and then started up the hill on the road to Black Hawk upon the run. These men had been stealing, and the authorities were in search of them. Mr. Walling and an officer rode up to the door. Mr. Walling ate a lunch, changed horses, and drove on. LASW 76.5

Sunday, September 7.—Sister Hall and I did a large two weeks’ washing. I made an entire sheet by hand, hemmed three ends of sheet, made a pair of pillow cases. This was my day’s work. 15 LASW 77.1