“I'd Like To Ask Sister White ...”


Did You Have Any Accidents?

Wednesday, September 4, 1872.—I endured the horseback riding well, and could have my pony lope nicely. But alas! as I was in the best of spirits, enjoying the scenery very much, my pack behind me became unloosed and dangled against the horse’s heels. I was between two companies—three of our company ahead and five behind me. I saw the situation of things, slipped my feet from the stirrup, and was just ready to slip from the saddle to the ground and in one moment should have been safe. But the pony was frightened and threw me over his back. I struck my back and my head. I knew I was badly hurt, but felt assured no bones were broken. I could scarcely breathe or talk for some time, but finally improved a little. I was placed upon a bed in the wagon and rode thus a few miles, till we came to the mountain, then mounted my pony. Weak and full of pain, I rode up mountains as steep as the roof of a house, over rocky hills and big boulders that seemed impossible to pass. We camped at night, and bathed. I wore a wet bandage, and although in considerable pain, I rested well on the ground in camp and the next morning was upon my saddle again. 8 LASW 74.2

June 29, 1873.—We turned out for an ox team and were obliged to go up an embankment. In descending, one of the horses refused to obey the rein. My husband saw that the carriage was tipping over. He jumped out, but was thrown under the wheel and the wheel ran over him. Sister Hall and myself sprang from the carriage to obtain the lines. I looked to see how badly my husband was hurt. He was bruised, but no bones were broken. We felt gratitude to God for his preservation. 9 LASW 75.1