“I'd Like To Ask Sister White ...”


Was Any Sign Given To Show That God Had Called You For A Special Work?

While prayer was offered that the Lord would give me strength and courage to bear the message, the thick darkness rolled back, and a sudden light came upon me. Something that seemed to me like a ball of fire struck me right over the heart. My strength was taken away, and I fell to the floor. I seemed to be in the presence of the angels. One of these holy beings again repeated the words, “Make known to others what I have revealed to you.” Father Pearson, who could not kneel on account of his rheumatism, witnessed this. When I revived he rose from his chair and said, “I have seen a sight such as I never expected to see. A ball of fire came down from heaven, and struck Sister Ellen Harmon right on the heart. I saw it! I saw it! I can never forget it. It has changed my whole being. Sister Ellen, have courage in the Lord. After this night I will never doubt again. We will help you henceforth, and not discourage you.” 11 LASW 35.4