“I'd Like To Ask Sister White ...”


Did You Go To Camp Meetings Too?

Our camp meeting is closed. We had a profitable meeting. LASW 23.1

In the afternoon we had a large concourse of people. I again was blessed with freedom, for which I thank God. After I ceased speaking, many came to us to know when we would speak again. In regard to our campground in Ohio, I wish you could have seen it. It was a beautiful ground of grand old beeches, maples and oaks, horse chestnuts, and many other trees, so high and lofty, towering toward the heavens. You could scarcely see the tops of the trees. I picked up the most wonderful large acorns I ever saw. They are a perfect sight in size. I gathered some as a curiosity. I also gathered a few buckeyes, horse chestnuts. 12 LASW 23.2