Manuscript Releases, vol. 1 [Nos. 19-96]


Take a Firm Stand in Harmony with Light

But selfishness has been cherished. High opinions of one's self will not give strength, but weakness. Guard the appetite, act intelligently, take a firm stand in harmony with the light God has given, and maintain your position. Many things that dishonor God have been practiced because of the perversity of the human heart. All who have a part to act in counsels, or in educating, should first show that they themselves have the true kind of education. Such an education will lead to practical results in the choice and preparation of food for the table. 1MR 279.1

Shall meat become the staple article of food because those who are in responsible positions have educated themselves to enjoy a meat diet? Shall the physicians be free to indulge their own habits, to gratify appetite as they choose, and thus mold the sentiments of the institution? Shall those who have had great light, and who are seeking to walk in that light, and to reflect the light, see their efforts counterworked by both precept and example? 1MR 279.2