The Gospel Herald


March 1, 1899

An Appeal to the Sisters in the United States


“Brethren, you have a work to do which you have left undone. A long neglected field stands out in plain view before God to shame the people who have light and advanced truth, but who have done so little to remove the stones and the rubbish that have been accumulating for so long a time. Those who have enjoyed every privilege and blessing have passed by on the other side. As a Christian people, God has called you to prepare the way of the Lord in this unpromising field.” GH March 1, 1899, par. 1

“The use of means in lines which will make a good showing is right, but not until you have done the work the Lord has appointed you to do, in the field that has been so manifestly neglected. The Lord says: ‘Their suffering, their poverty, their degradation, have come up before Me. I have heard their cries, I have seen their neglect. I have called your attention to the field; but the means you should have used to advance the work there, you have appropriated to more pleasing work, more promising fields,—fields that have not such necessities, and will reveal no better results.’” GH March 1, 1899, par. 2

“The Lord now calls upon you to do more than begin where you ought to have begun years ago.” GH March 1, 1899, par. 3

“God's people need now to arouse and redeem their sinful neglect and indifference of the past. These obligations now rest heavily upon the churches, and God will graciously pour out his Spirit upon those who will take up their God-given work.” GH March 1, 1899, par. 4