A Place Called Oakwood


22—I Am Glad I Can Do This Much

Context: Ellen White wrote periodically to Walter Harper, a colporteur very much interested in spreading the gospel. Often they would update each other on the work and needs in various areas.

October 27, 1905

I am sending you a copy of a letter which I recently received from Brother F. R. Rogers, who for some years has been laboring in the Southern field in connection with the mission schools for Colored children. I send you his letter that you may see what requests come to me. I will send Brother Rogers the books he asks for. This shall be my donation to the Vicksburg school. I will also send some books to the Huntsville School. I am glad that I can do this much to help them. PCO 39.1


Sources: Letter 307, 1905;Manuscript Releases 9:227