A Place Called Oakwood


21—Tell About the Huntsville School

Context: Ellen White writes a pioneering paragraph on fundraising among non-Seventh-day Adventists in this letter to J.H. Baldwin.

October 18, 1905

Several years ago it was presented to me that the Gentile world should be called upon to make donations to our work in the Southern field. Let discreet, God-fearing men go to worldly men that have means, and lay before them a plan of what they desire to do for the colored people. Let them tell about the Huntsville School, about the orphanage that we desire to build there, and about the colored mission schools that are needed all over the Southern states. Let the needs of this work be presented by men who understand how to reach the hearts of men of means. Many of these men, if approached in the right way, would make gifts to the work. PCO 38.1


Sources: Letter 295, 1905; Manuscript Releases 2:70