The Ministry of Health and Healing


Seek Constantly to Improve

Physicians who desire to be acceptable co-workers with Christ will strive to become efficient in every feature of their work. They will study diligently, that they may be well qualified for the responsibilities of their profession, and will constantly endeavor to reach a higher standard, seeking for increased knowledge, greater skill, and deeper discernment. Every physician should realize that he or she who does weak, inefficient work is not only doing injury to the sick but also doing injustice to other physicians. The physician who is satisfied with a low standard of skill and knowledge not only belittles the medical profession, but does dishonor to Christ, the Chief Physician. MHH 55.7

Those who find that they are unfitted for medical work should choose some other employment. Those who are well adapted to care for the sick but whose education and medical qualifications are limited would do well to minister faithfully as nurses. By patient service under skillful physicians they may be constantly learning, and by improving every opportunity to acquire knowledge they may in time become fully qualified for the work of a physician. Let the younger physicians, “as workers together with him [the Chief Physician], ... receive not the grace of God in vain, ... giving no offense in any thing, that the ministry [of the sick] be not blamed: but in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God.” 2 Corinthians 6:1-4, KJV. MHH 56.1

God’s purpose for us is that we shall ever move upward. The true medical missionary physician will be an increasingly skillful practitioner. Talented Christian physicians, having superior professional ability, should be encouraged to engage in the service of God in places where they can educate and train others to become medical missionaries. MHH 56.2

Physicians should gather to their souls the light of the Word of God. They should make continual growth in grace. With them, religion is not to be merely one influence among others, it is to be an influence dominating all others. They are to act from high, holy motives—motives that are powerful because they proceed from the One who gave His life to furnish us with power to overcome evil. If physicians faithfully and diligently strive to make themselves efficient in their profession, if they consecrate themselves to the service of Christ and take time to search their own hearts, they will understand how to grasp the mysteries of their sacred calling. They may so discipline and educate themselves that all within the sphere of their influence will see the excellence of the education and wisdom gained by a person who is connected with the God of wisdom and power. MHH 56.3

In no place is a closer fellowship with Christ needed than in the work of the physician. Anyone who would rightly perform the physician’s duties must daily and hourly live a Christian life. The life of the patient is in the hands of the physician. One careless diagnosis, one wrong prescription, in a critical case, or one unskillful movement of the hand during surgery, and a life may be sacrificed, a soul’s probation ended. How solemn the thought! How important that the physician shall be ever under the control of the divine Physician! MHH 56.4

The Savior is willing to help all who call upon Him for wisdom and clearness of thought. And who needs wisdom and clearness of thought more than does the physician, upon whose decisions so much depends? Let the one who is trying to prolong life look in faith to Christ to direct his or her every movement. The Savior will give the necessary tact and skill in dealing with difficult cases. MHH 57.1