The Ministry of Health and Healing

Chapter 4—The Touch of Faith

“‘If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.’” Matthew 9:21. A poor woman spoke these words, a woman who for twelve years had suffered from a disease that made her life a burden. She had spent all her money on physicians and remedies, only to be pronounced incurable. But as she heard of the Great Healer, her hopes revived. She thought, “If only I could get near enough to speak to Him, I might be healed.” MHH 27.1

Christ was on His way to the home of Jairus, the Jewish rabbi who had pleaded with Him to come and heal his daughter: “‘My little daughter lies at the point of death. Come and lay Your hands on her, that she may be healed’” Mark 5:23. Jairus’s heartbroken petition had touched the tender, sympathetic heart of Christ. At once He set out with the ruler for his home. MHH 27.2

They made slow progress, for the crowd pressed Christ on every side. Finally, the Savior came near to where the afflicted woman was standing. Again and again she had tried in vain to get near Him. Now her opportunity had come. She could see no way of speaking to Him. She would not try to hinder His slow advance. But she had heard that healing came from a touch of His garments, and, fearful of losing her one chance for relief, she pressed forward, saying to herself, “‘If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.’” MHH 27.3

Christ knew every thought of her mind, and He was making His way to where she stood. He realized her great need, and He was helping her to exercise faith. MHH 27.4

As He was passing, she reached forward and succeeded in barely touching the border of His garment. That moment she knew that she was healed. In that one touch was concentrated the faith of her life, and instantly her pain and feebleness disappeared. She felt the thrill as of an electric current passing through her body, restoring her to perfect health. “She felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction.” Verse 29. MHH 27.5

The grateful woman desired to thank the Mighty Healer who had done more for her in one touch than the physicians had done in twelve long years, but she dared not. With a grateful heart she tried to withdraw from the crowd. Suddenly Jesus stopped, then, looking around, asked, “Who touched Me?” MHH 28.1

Looking at Him in amazement, Peter answered, “‘Master, the multitudes throng You and press You, and You say, “Who touched Me?”’” Luke 8:45. MHH 28.2

“‘Somebody touched Me,’” Jesus said, “‘for I perceived power going out from Me.’” Verse 46. He could distinguish the touch of faith from the casual touch of the careless crowd. Someone had touched Him with a deep purpose and had received an answer. MHH 28.3

Christ had not asked the question for His own information. He had a lesson for the people, for His disciples, and for the woman. He wished to inspire the afflicted with hope and to show that it was faith that had brought the healing power. The woman’s trust must not be passed by without comment. God must be glorified by the woman’s grateful confession. Christ desired her to understand that He approved her act of faith. He would not have her leave with a half blessing only. She must not remain ignorant of His compassionate love and of His approval of her faith in His power to save to the uttermost all who come to Him. MHH 28.4

Looking toward the woman, Christ insisted on knowing who had touched Him. Finding concealment impossible, she came forward trembling, and cast herself at His feet. With grateful tears, before all the people she told Him why she had touched His garment and how she had been healed immediately. She feared that it had been presumptuous of her to touch His garment, but no word of censure came from Christ’s lips. He spoke only words of approval. They came from a heart of love, filled with sympathy for human woe. “‘Daughter,’” He said gently, “‘be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace.’” Verse 48. How happy these words made her! Now no fear that she had offended Jesus embittered her joy. MHH 28.5

To the curious crowd pressing about Jesus no vital power was imparted. But the suffering woman who touched Him in faith received healing. So in spiritual things the casual contact differs from the touch of faith. To believe in Christ merely as the Savior of the world can never bring healing to the soul. The faith that brings salvation is not a mere assent to the truth of the gospel. True faith is that which receives Christ as a personal Savior. God gave His only-begotten Son, that I, by believing in Him, “should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. When I come to Christ, according to His word I am to believe that I receive His saving grace. The life that I now live, I am to “live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”See Galatians 2:20. MHH 28.6

Many hold faith as an opinion. Saving faith is a transaction, by which those who receive Christ join themselves in covenant relation with God. A living faith means an increase of vigor, a confiding trust, by which, through the grace of Christ, the soul becomes a conquering power. MHH 28.7

Faith is a mightier conqueror than death. If the sick can be led to fix their eyes in faith upon the Mighty Healer, we shall see wonderful results. It will bring life to both body and soul. MHH 29.1

In working for the victims of evil habits, instead of pointing them to the despair and ruin toward which they are hastening, turn their eyes away to Jesus. Fix them upon the glories of heavenly things. This will do more for saving both body and soul than will all the terrors of the grave when kept before the helpless and apparently hopeless. MHH 29.2