Unlikely Leaders


Timothy’s Call to Preach

Paul knew that faithful, earnest work would have to be done in the churches, and he wrote to Timothy: “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” Calling Timothy before the judgment bar of God, Paul urged him to be ready to witness for God before large congregations and private circles, along the road and at the fireside, to friends and to enemies, in safety or hardship and danger. ULe 184.7

Fearing that Timothy’s mild, yielding personality might lead him to avoid an essential part of his work, Paul called on him to be faithful in condemning sin. Yet he was to do this “with all longsuffering and teaching,” explaining his rebukes by the Word. ULe 184.8

It is difficult to hate sin and at the same time show tenderness for the sinner. We must guard against being too severe with the wrongdoer, but we must not lose sight of how terribly sinful sin is. There is danger of showing such great toleration for error that the person doing wrong will look on himself as not deserving any correction. ULe 185.1