Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
MISRECKONED, pp. Reckoned or computed erroneously.
MISRECKONING, ppr. Reckoning wrong; and as a noun, an erroneous computation.
MISRELATE, v.t. To relate falsely or inaccurately.
MISRELATED, pp. Erroneously related or told.
MISRELATING, ppr. Relating or telling erroneously.
MISRELATION, n. Erroneous relation or narration.
MISREMEMBER, v.t. To mistake in remembering; not to remember correctly.
MISREMEMBERED, pp. Inaccurately recollected.
MISREMEMBERING, ppr. Remembering inaccurately.
MISREPORT, v.t. To report erroneously; to give an incorrect account of.
MISREPORT, n. An erroneous report; a false or incorrect account given.
MISREPORTED, pp. Incorrectly reported.
MISREPORTING, ppr. Reporting incorrectly.
MISREPRESENT, v.t. To represent falsely or incorrectly; to give a false or erroneous representation, either maliciously, ignorantly or carelessly.
MISREPRESENTATION, n. The act of giving a false or erroneous representation.
1. A false or incorrect account given, either from mistake, carelessness or malice.
MISREPRESENTED, pp. Falsely or erroneously represented.
MISREPRESENTER, n. One who gives a false or erroneous account.
MISREPRESENTING, ppr. Giving a false or erroneous representation.
[Note. This word is so customarily used for an euphemism, or as a softer expression for lie or falsehood, as to convey the idea generally of intentional falsehood. This signification however is not necessarily implied.]
MISREPUTE, v.t. To have in wrong estimation.
MISREPUTED, pp. or a. Erroneously reputed.
MISRULE, n. Disorder; confusion; tumult from insubordination.
Enormous riot and misrule--
1. Unjust domination.
MISRULY, a. Unruly; ungovernable; turbulent.
MISS, n.
1. The title of a young woman or girl; as little masters and misses.
2. A kept mistress; a prostitute retained; a concubine.
MISS, v.t. [L. mitto, misi; omitto, omisi.]
1. To fail in aim; to fail of reaching the object; not to hit; as, to miss the mark; to miss the object intended.
2. To fail of finding the right way; to err in attempting to find; as, to miss the way or the road.
3. To fail of obtaining.
Orgalus feared nothing but to miss Parthenia.
4. To learn or discover that something is wanting, or not where it was supposed to be; as, to miss one’s snuff-box; I missed the first volume of Livy.
Neither missed we any thing--. Nothing was missed of all that pertained to him. 1 Samuel 25:15.
5. To be without; as, we cannot miss him.
6. To omit; to pass by; to go without; to fail to have; as, to miss a meal of victuals.
She would never miss one day
A walk so fine, a sight so gay.
7. To perceive the want of.
What by me thou hast lost, thou least shalt miss,
He who has a firm sincere friend, may want all the rest without missing them.
8. To fail of seeing or finding.
MISS, v.i. To fail to hit; to fly wide; to deviate from the true direction.
Flying bullets now,
To execute his rage, appear too slow;
They miss, or sweep but common souls away.
1. Not to succeed; to fail.
Men observe when things hit, and not when they miss--
2. To fail; to miscarry, as by accident.
The invention all admired, and each, how he
To be the inventor missed.
3. To fail to obtain, learn or find; with of.
On the least reflection, we can miss of them.
4. To fail; to mistake.
MISS, n. Loss; want.
There will be no great miss of those which are lost.
1. Mistake; error.
He did without any great miss in the hardest points of grammar. [Little used.]
2. Harm from mistake.
MISSAL, n. The Romish mass-book.
MISSAY, v.t. To say wrong; to slander. [Little used.]
MISSAY, v.i. To speak ill.
MISSAYING, n. Wrong expression.
MISSEEM, v.i. To make a false appearance.
1. To misbecome.
MISSEL, MISSEL-BIRD, n. A species of thrush.
MISSELDINE, n. The mistletoe. [Not used.]
MISSEMBLANCE, n. False resemblance.
MISSERVE, v.t. misserv’. To serve unfaithfully.
MISSHAPE, v.t. [See Shape.] To shape ill; to give an ill form to; to deform.
And horribly misshapes with ugly sights.
A misshaped figure.
Misshapen mountains.
MISSHAPED, MISSHAPEN, pp. Ill formed; deformed; ugly.
MISSILE, a. [L. missilis, from missus, sent; mitto, to send.]
Thrown or sent, or that may be thrown. A missile weapon is one that is thrown by the hand, or from an engine in war, in distinction from such as are held or retained in the hand, or fixed. An arrow, a dart, a javelin, a stone, a bullet, a bomb, are missile weapons.
MISSING, ppr. [from miss.] Failing to hit, to reach or to find; discovering to be wanting.
1. a. Lost; absent from the place where it was expected to be found; wanting. My horse is missing; my pen or my book is missing.
For a time caught up to God, as once
Moses was in the mount, and missing long.
MISSION, n. [L. missio, from mitto, to send.]
1. A sending or being sent, usually the latter; a being sent or delegated by authority, with certain powers for transacting business; commission; as sent on a foreign mission.
How to begin, how to accomplish best
His end of being on earth, and mission high.
2. Persons sent; any number of persons appointed by authority to perform any service; particularly, the persons sent to propagate religion, or evangelize the heathen. The societies for propagating the gospel have missions in almost every country. Last week a mission sailed for the Sandwich isles. We have domestic missions and foreign missions.
3. Dismission; discharge from service; a Roman use of the word; in English, obsolete.
4. Faction; party. [Not in use.]
MISSIONARY, n. One sent to propagate religion. Christian missionaries are called missionaries of the cross.
MISSIONARY, a. Pertaining to mission; as a missionary meeting; a missionary fund.
MISSIONER, for missionary, is not used.
MISSIVE, a. Such as is sent; as a letter missive.
1. Thrown or sent, or such as may be sent; as a missive weapon.
MISSIVE, n. A letter sent, or messenger.
MISSPEAK, v.i. [See Speak.] To err or mistake in speaking.
MISSPEAK, v.t. To utter wrong.
MISSPELL, v.t. To spell wrong; to write or utter with wrong letters.
MISSPELLED, MISSPELT, pp. Spelled wrong, or with wrong letters.
MISSPELLING, ppr. Spelling wrong.
MISSPELLING, n. A wrong spelling; false orthography.
MISSPEND, v.t. To spend amiss; to waste or consume to no purpose, or to a bad one; as, to misspend time or money; to misspend life.
1. To waste.
The genial moisture due
To apples, otherwise misspends itself.
MISSPENDER, n. One that consumes prodigally or improperly.
MISSPENDING, pp. Spending to no purpose, or to a bad one.
MISSPENSE, n. misspens’. A spending improperly; a wasting.
MISSPENT, ppr. Ill spent; expended or consumed to no purpose, or to a bad one; as misspent time or life.
MISSPOKE, MISSPOKEN, pp. Uttered or spoken amiss.
MISSTATE, v.t. To state wrong; to make an erroneous representation of facts; as, to misstate a question in debate.
MISSTATED, pp. Stated erroneously.
MISSTATEMENT, n. A wrong statement; an erroneous representation, verbal or written; as a misstatement of facts in testimony, or of accounts in a report.
MISSTATING, ppr. Stating falsely or erroneously.
MISSY, n. The sulphate of iron, having lost the water of its crystallization, is called sori; more thoroughly calcined, it is yellow, and called missy.
MIST, n. [L. mixtus, mistus, from misceo, to mix.]
1. Water falling in very numerous, but fine and almost imperceptible drops.
A mist is a multitude of small but solid globules, which therefore descend.
2. That which dims or darkens, and obscures or intercepts vision.
His passion cast a mist before his sense.
MIST, v.t. To cloud; to cover with vapor.
MIST-ENCUMBERED, a. Loaded with mist.
MISTAKABLE, a. That may be misconceived or mistaken.
MISTAKE, v.t. To take wrong; to conceive or understand erroneously; to misunderstand or misapprehend.
‘Tis to mistake them costs the time and pain.
1. To take one thing or person for another.
We mistake the eloquence of self-apology for the animation of conscious integrity.
A man may mistake the love of virtue for the practice of it.
MISTAKE, v.i. To err in opinion or judgment.
Servants mistake, and sometimes occasion misunderstanding among friends.
MISTAKE, n. An error in opinion or judgment; misconception.
Infallibility is an absolute security of the understanding from all possibility of mistake.
1. A slip; a fault; an error. There is a mistake in the account or in the date.
MISTAKEN. In the use of this participle, there is a peculiarity which ought to be carefully noticed. When used of persons, it signified to be in an error, to be wrong; as, I am mistaken, you are mistaken, he is mistaken. But when used of things, it signified misunderstood, misconceived; as, the sense of the passage is mistaken, that is, not rightly understood.
MISTAKER, n. One that mistakes or misunderstands.
MISTAKING, ppr. Making a mistake; erring from the truth; misconceiving.
MISTAKING, n. An error; a mistake.
MISTAKINGLY, adv. Erroneously; falsely.
MISTAUGHT, pp. Wrongly taught; as a mistaught youth.
MISTEACH, v.t. [See Teach.] To teach wrong; to instruct erroneously.
MISTEACHING, ppr. Instructing erroneously.
MISTELL, v.t. [See Tell.] To tell erroneously.
MISTEMPER, v.t. To temper ill; to disorder.
MISTEMPERED, pp. Tempered ill.
MISTER, n. The common title of address to gentlemen, and to men of all classes. In writing, it is expressed by the abbreviation Mr.
MISTER, v.t. To occasion loss. [Not in use.]
MISTERM, v.t. To term or denominate erroneously.
MISTERMED, pp. Wrongly denominated.
MISTERMING, ppr. Denominating erroneously.
MISTFUL, a. Clouded with mist.
MISTHINK, v.i. [See Think.] To think wrong. [Little used.]
MISTHOUGHT, pp. of misthink. Thought wrong of.
Adam, misthought of her to thee so dear.
MISTIME, v.t. To time wrong; not to adapt to the time.
MISTIME, v.i. To neglect the proper time.
MISTIMED, pp. Ill timed; done at a wrong time.
MISTIMING, ppr. Ill timing; doing unseasonably.
MISTINESS, n. [See Mist.] A state of being misty; a state of thick rain in very small drops.
MISTION, n. [L. mistus, mixtus. See Mix.]
1. A state of being mixed.
2. Mixture; a mingling.
MISTITLE, v.t. To call by a wrong title or name.
MISTITLED, pp. Wrongly named.
MISTLE, v.i. mis’l. [from mist.]
To fall in very fine drops, as rain. [See Misle.]
MISTLETOE, MISLETOE, n. mis’lto. A plant or shrub that grows on trees. It is of the genus Viscum. The berry contains a glutinous substance, and the shrub is said to be propagated by birds. This plant was held in great veneration by the Druids.
MISTLIKE, a. Resembling mist.
MISTOLD, pp. Erroneously told. [See Tell.]
MISTOOK, pret. of mistake.
MISTRAIN, v.t. To train or educate amiss.
MISTRANSLATE, v.t. To translate erroneously.
MISTRANSLATED, pp. Erroneously rendered into another language.
MISTRANSLATING, ppr. Translating incorrectly.
MISTRANSLATION, n. An erroneous translation or version.
MISTRESS, n. [L. magistra.]
1. A woman who governs; correlative to servant, slave, or subject.
My mistress here lies murdered in her bed.
2. The female head of a family.
3. That which governs; a sovereign. Rome was mistress of the world.
4. One that commands, or has possession and sovereignty. The queen is mistress of the Indies.
5. A female who is well skilled in any thing; as, she is mistress of arithmetic.
6. A woman teacher; an instructress of a school.
7. A woman beloved and courted.
8. A woman in keeping for lewd purposes.
9. A term of contemptuous address.
MISTRESS, v.t. To wait upon a mistress; to be courting.
MISTRESS-SHIP, n. Female rule or dominion.
MISTRUST, n. Want of confidence or trust; suspicion.
MISTRUST, v.t. To suspect; to doubt; to regard with jealousy or suspicion.
Fate her own book mistrusted at the sight.