Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



INTERLINKING, ppr. Connecting by uniting links; joining.

INTERLOCATION, n. A placing between; interposition.

INTERLOCUTION, n. [L. interlocutio; inter and locutio, loquor, to speak.]

1. Dialogue; conference; interchange of speech.

2. In law, an intermediate act or decree before final decision.

INTERLOCUTOR, n. [L. interloquor, supra.]

1. One who speaks in dialogue; a dialogist.

2. In Scots law, an interlocutory judgment or sentence.


1. Consisting of dialogue.

There are several interlocutory discourses in the holy Scriptures.

2. In law, intermediate; not final or definitive. An order, sentence, decree or judgment, given in an intermediate stage of a cause, or on some intermediate question before the final decision, is called interlocutory; as a decree in chancery referring a question of fact to a court of law, or a judgment on default in a court of law.

INTERLOPE, v.i. [inter and Eng. to leap. See Leap.]

To run between parties and intercept the advantage that one should gain from the other; to traffick without a proper license; to forestall; to prevent right.

INTERLOPER, n. One who runs into business to which he has no right; one who interferes wrongfully; one who enters a country or place to trade without license.

INTERLOPING, ppr. Interfering wrongfully.

INTERLUCATE, v.t. To let in light by cutting away branches of trees.

INTERLUCATION, n. The act of thinning a wood to let in light.

INTERLUCENT, a. [L. interlucens; inter and luceo, to shine.]

Shining between.

INTERLUDE, n. [L. inter and ludus, play.]

An entertainment exhibited on the state between the acts of a play, or between the play and the afterpiece, to amuse the spectators, while the actors take breath and shift their dress, or the scenes and decorations are changed. In ancient tragedy, the chorus sung the interludes. In modern times, interludes consist of songs, feats of activity, dances, concerts of music, etc.

INTERLUDER, n. One that performs in an interlude.

INTERLUENCY, n. [L. interluens, interluo, to flow between.]

A flowing between; water interposed. [Little used.]

INTERLUNAR, INTERLUNARY, a. [L. inter and luna, the moon.] Belonging to the time when the moon, at or near its conjunction with the sun, is invisible.

INTERMARRIAGE, n. [inter and marriage.] Marriage between two families, where each takes one and gives another.

INTERMARRIED, pp. Mutually connected by marriage.

INTERMARRY, v.i. [inter and marry.]

1. To marry one and give another in marriage; as two families.

2. To marry some of each order, family, tribe or nation with the other.

About the middle of the fourth century from the building of Rome, it was declared lawful for nobles and plebeians to intermarry.

INTERMARRYING, ppr. Mutually giving and receiving in marriage; mutually connecting by marriage.

INTERMEAN, n. [inter and mean.] Interact; something done in the mean time. [Not used.]

INTERMEATION, n. [L. inter and meo, to flow.]

A flowing between. [Not in use.]

INTERMEDDLE, v.i. [inter and meddle.] To meddle in the affairs of others, in which one has no concern; to meddle officiously; to interpose or interfere improperly.

The practice of Spain has been, by war and by conditions of treaty, to intermeddle with foreign states.

INTERMEDDLER, n. One that interposes officiously; one who meddles, or intrudes into business to which he has no right.

INTERMEDDLING, ppr. Interposing officiously; intruding.

INTERMEDDLING, n. Officious interposition.

INTERMEDIAL, a. [L. inter and medius, middle.]

Lying between; intervening; intervenient.

INTERMEDIARY, n. [from intermediate.]

1. Interposition; intervention. [Not much used.]

2. Something interposed.

INTERMEDIATE, a. [L. inter and medius, middle.] Lying or being in the middle place or degree between two extremes; intervening; interposed; as an intermediate space between hills or rivers; intermediate colors. Man has an intermediate nature and rank between angels and brutes.

INTERMEDIATE, n. In chimistry, a substance which is the intermedium or means of chimical affinity, as an alkali, which renders oil combinable with water.

INTERMEDIATELY, adv. By way of intervention.

INTERMEDIATION, n. Intervention; common means.

INTERMEDIUM, n. Intermediate space.

1. An intervening agent.

INTERMELL, v.t. or i. To intermix or intermeddle. [Not in use.]

INTERMENT, n. [from inter.] The act of depositing a dead body in the earth; burial; sepulture.

INTERMENTION, v.t. To mention among other things; to include. [Not used.]

INTERMICATION, n. [L. intermico; inter and mico, to shine.]

A shining between or among.

INTERMIGRATION, n. [L. inter and migro, to migrate.]

Reciprocal migration; removal from one country to another by men or tribes which take the place each of the other.

INTERMINABLE, a. [L. in and terminus, end; termino, to end.]

Boundless; endless; admitting no limit; as interminable space or duration; interminable sufferings. Milton uses this word as an appellation of the Godhead.

INTERMINATE, a. [L. interminatus, intermino.]

Unbounded; unlimited; endless; as interminate sleep.

INTERMINATE, v.t. [L. interminor.] To menace. [Not used.]

INTERMINATION, n. [L. interminor, to menace or forbid.]

A menace or threat. [Not used.]

INTERMINGLE, v.t. [inter and mingle.]

To mingle or mix together; to put some things with others.

INTERMINGLE, v.i. To be mixed or incorporated.

INTERMINGLED, pp. Intermixed.

There are trees and intermingled temples rise.

INTERMINGLING, ppr. Mingling or mixing together.

INTERMISSION, n. [L. intermissio. See Intermit.]

1. Cessation for a time; pause; intermediate stop; as, to labor without intermission; service or business will begin after an intermission of one hour.

2. Intervenient time.

3. The temporary cessation or subsidence of a fever; the space of time between the paroxysms of a disease. Intermission is an entire cessation, as distinguished from remission or abatement of fever.

4. The state of being neglected; disuse; as of words. [Little used.]

INTERMISSIVE, a. Coming by fits or after temporary cessations; not continual.

INTERMIT, v.t. [L. intermitto; inter and mitto, to send.]

To cause to cease for a time; to interrupt; to suspend.

Pray to the gods, to intermit the plague

That needs must light on this ingratitude.

INTERMIT, v.i. To cease for a time; to go off at intervals; as a fever. A tertian fever intermits every other day. The pulse sometimes intermits for a second of time.

INTERMITTED, pp. Caused to cease for a time; suspended.

INTERMITTENT, a. Ceasing at intervals; as an intermittent fever.

INTERMITTENT, n. A fever which entirely subsides or ceases at certain intervals. The ague and fever is called an intermittent.

INTERMITTING, ppr. Ceasing for a time; pausing.

1. Causing to cease.

INTERMITTINGLY, adv. With intermissions; at intervals.

INTERMIX, v.t. [inter and mix.] To mix together; to put some things with others; to intermingle.

In yonder-spring of roses, intermix’d

With myrtle, find what to redress ‘till noon.

INTERMIX, v.i. To be mixed together; to be intermingled.

INTERMIXED, pp. Mingled together.

INTERMIXING, ppr. Intermingling.

INTERMIXTURE, n. A mass formed by mixture; a mass of ingredients mixed.

1. Admixture; something additional mingled in a mass.

In this height of impiety there wanted not an intermixture of levity and folly.

INTERMONTANE, a. [L. inter and montanus, mons, a mountain.]

Between mountains; as intermontane soil.

INTERMUNDANE, a. [L. inter and mundanus, mundus, the world.]

Being between worlds or between orb and orb; as intermundane spaces.

INTERMURAL, a. [L. inter and muralis, murus, a wall.] between walls.

INTERMUSCULAR, a. [inter and muscle.] Between the muscles.

INTERMUTATION, n. [inter and mutation.]

Interchange; mutual or reciprocal change.

INTERMUTUAL, for mutual, is an illegitimate word.

INTERN, a. Internal. [Not much used.]

INTERNAL, a. [L. internus.] Inward; interior; being within any limit or surface; not external. We speak of the internal parts of a body, of a bone, of the earth, etc. Internal excellence is opposed to external. The internal peace of man, is peace of mind or conscience. The internal evidence of the divine origin of the Scriptures, is the evidence which arises from the excellence of its precepts and their adaptation to the condition of man, or from other peculiarities.

1. Pertaining to the heart.

With our Savior, internal purity is every thing.

2. Intrinsic; real; as the internal rectitude of actions.

3. Confined to a country; domestic; not foreign; as the internal trade of a state or kingdom; internal troubles or dissensions; internal war. Internal taxes are taxes on the lands and other property within a state or kingdom; opposed to external taxes.

INTERNALLY, adv. Inwardly; within the body; beneath the surface.

1. Mentally; intellectually.

2. Spiritually.

INTERNATIONAL, a. [inter and national.] Existing and regulating the mutual intercourse between different nations; as international law.

INTERNECINE, a. [L. internecinus, interneco, to kill; inter and neco.] Deadly; destructive. [Little used.]

INTERNECION, n. [L. internecio.]

Mutual slaughter or destruction. [Little used.]

INTERNECTION, n. Connection. [Useless.]

INTERNODE, n. [L. internodium; inter and nodus, knot.]

In botany, the space between two joints of a plant.

INTERNUNCIO, n. [L. internuncius; inter and nuncius, a messenger.]

A messenger between two parties.

INTEROSSEALSEOUS, a. [L. inter and os, a bone.] Situated between bones; as an interosseous ligament.

INTERPEAL, v.t. [L. interpello.] To interrupt. [Not used.]

INTERPEL, v.t. To set forth. [Not used.]

INTERPELLATION, n. [L. interpellatio, interpello; inter and pello, to drive or thrust.] A summons; a citation.

1. Interruption.

2. An earnest address; intercession.

INTERPLEAD, v.i. [inter and plead.] In law, to discuss a point incidentally happening, before the principal cause can be tried.

INTERPLEADER, n. A bill of interpleader, in chancery, is where a person owes a debt or rent to one of the parties in suit, but, till the determination of it, he knows not to which, and he desired that they may interplead or settle their claims between themselves, that he may be safe in the payment.

INTERPLEDGE, v.t. interplej’. To give and take as a mutual pledge.

INTERPOINT, v.t. To point; to distinguish by stops or marks.

INTERPOLATE, v.t. [L. interpolo; inter and polio, to polish.]

1. To renew; to begin again; to carry on with intermission; as a succession of interpolated motions.

2. To foist in; to insert, as a spurious word or passage in a manuscript or book; to add a spurious word or passage to the original.

The Athenians were put in possession of Salamis by another law which was cited by Solon, or as some think, interpolated by him for that purpose.

INTERPOLATED, pp. Inserted or added to the original.

INTERPOLATING, ppr. Foisting in a spurious word or passage.

INTERPOLATION, n. The act of foisting a word or passage into a manuscript or book.

1. A spurious word or passage inserted in the genuine writings of an author.

I have changed the situation of some of the Latin verses, and made some interpolations.

2. In mathematics, that branch of analysis, which treats of the methods by which, when a series of quantities succeeding each other, and formed all according to some determinate law, are given, others subject to the same law may be interposed between them.

INTERPOLATOR, n. [L.] One who foists into a book or manuscript, spurious words or passages; one who adds something to genuine writings.

INTERPOLISH, v.t. To polish between.

INTERPONE, v.t. [L. inter and pono.] To set or insert between.

[Not in use.]

INTERPOSAL, n. s as z. [from interpose.]

1. The act of interposing; interposition; interference; agency between two persons.

2. Intervention; a coming or being between.

INTERPOSE, v.t. s as z. [L. interpono, interpositum; inter and pono, to place.]

1. The act of interposing; interposition; interference; agency between two persons.

2. To place between or among; to thrust in; to intrude, as an obstruction, interruption or inconvenience.

What watchful cares do interpose themselves

Betwixt your eyes and night.

Human frailty will too often interpose itself among persons of the holiest function.

3. To offer, as aid or services, for relief or the adjustment of differences. The emperor interposed his aid or services to reconcile the contending parties.

The common Father of mankind seasonably interposed his hand and rescued miserable man--

INTERPOSE, v.i. To step in between parties at variance; to mediate. The prince interposed and made peace.

1. To put in by way of interruption.

But, interposes Eleutherius, this objection may be made against almost any hypothesis.

INTERPOSE, n. Interposal. [Not used.]

INTERPOSED, pp. Placed between or among; thrust in.

INTERPOSER, n. One that interposes or comes between others; a mediator or agent between parties.

INTERPOSING, ppr. Placing between; coming between; offering aid or services.

INTERPOSIT, n. A place of deposit between one commercial city or country and another.

INTERPOSITION, n. [L. interpositio.]

1. A being, placing or coming between; intervention; as the interposition of the Baltic sea between Germany and Sweden. The interposition of the moon between the earth and the sun occasions a solar eclipse.

2. Intervenient agency; as the interposition of the magistrate in quieting sedition. How many evidences have we of divine interposition in favor of good men!

3. Mediation; agency between parties. By the interposition of a common friend, the parties have been reconciled.

4. Any thing interposed.

INTERPOSURE, n. Interposal. [Not in use.]

INTERPRET, v.t. [L. interpretor, from interpres.]

1. To explain the meaning or words to a person who does not understand them; to expound; to translate unintelligible words into intelligible ones; as, to interpret the Hebrew language to an Englishman.

--Immanuel, which being interpreted, signified, God with us. Matthew 1:23.

2. To explain or unfold the meaning of predictions, vision, dreams or enigmas; to expound and lay open what is concealed from the understanding; as, Joseph interpreted the dream of Pharaoh.

3. To decipher.

4. To explain something not understood; as, to interpret looks or signs.

5. To define; to explain words by other words in the same language.

INTERPRETABLE, a. That may be interpreted or explained.

INTERPRETATION, n. [L. interpretatio.]

1. The act of interpreting; explanation of unintelligible words in language that is intelligible. Interpretation is the design of translation.

2. The act of expounding or unfolding what is not understood or not obvious; as the interpretation of dreams and prophecy.

Look how we can, or sad or merrily,

Interpretation will misquote our looks.

3. The sense given by an interpreter; exposition. We sometimes find various interpretations of the same passage of Scripture and other ancient writings.

4. The power of explaining.

INTERPRETATIVE, a. Collected or known by interpretation.

An interpretative siding with heretics.

1. Containing explanation.

INTERPRETATIVELY, adv. As may be collected by interpretation.

INTERPRETED, pp. Explained; expounded.

INTERPRETER, n. One that explains or expounds; an expositor; as an interpreter of the Scriptures.

1. A translator; one who renders the words of one language in words of corresponding signification in another.

INTERPRETING, ppr. Explaining; expounding; translating.

INTERPUNCTION, n. [L. interpunctio, interpungo; inter and pungo, to point.] The making of points between sentences or parts of a sentence. But punctuation is generally used.

INTERREGNUM, n. [L. inter and regnum, rule or reign.] The time in which a throne is vacant, between the death or abdication of a king and the accession of his successor. An interregnum, in strictness, can happen only in governments where the king is elective; for in hereditary kingdoms, the reign of the successor commences at the moment of his predecessor’s death or demise. The word however is used with more latitude.

INTERREIGN, n. interra’ne. An interregnum, or vacancy of the throne.