Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
UNMARSHALED, a. Not disposed or arranged in due order.
UNMASCULATE, v.t. To emasculate.
UNMASCULINE, a. Not masculine or manly; feeble; effeminate.
UNMASK, v.t. To strip of a mask or of any disguise; to lay open what is concealed.
UNMASK, v.i. To put off a mask.
1. Stripped of a mask or disguise.
2. a. Open; exposed to view.
UNMASTERABLE, a. That cannot be mastered or subdued. [Not in use.]
1. Not subdued; not conquered.
2. Not conquerable.
He cannot his unmaster’d grief sustain.
UNMATCHABLE, a. That cannot be matched; that cannot be equaled; unparalleled.
UNMATCHED, a. Matchless; having no match or equal.
1. Having no meaning or signification; as unmeaning words.
2. Not expressive; not indicating intelligence; as an unmeaning face.
There pride sits blazon’d on the’ unmeaning brow.
UNMEANT, a. unment’. Not meant; not intended.
UNMEASURABLE, a. unmezh’urable. That cannot be measured; unbounded; boundless.
[For this, immeasurable is generally used.]
UNMEASURABLY, adv. Beyond all measure.
1. Not measured; plentiful beyond measure.
2. Immense; infinite; as unmeasured space.
UNMECHANICAL, a. Not mechanical; not according to the laws or principles of mechanics.
Unmeddled with, not meddled with; not touched; not altered.
UNMEDDLING, a. Not meddling; not interfering with the concerns of others; not officious.
UNMEDDLINGNESS, n. Forbearance of interposition. [Not in use.]
UNMEDITATED, a. Not meditated; not prepared by previous thought.
UNMEET, a. Not fit; not proper; not worthy or suitable.
UNMEETLY, adv. Not fitly; not properly; not suitably.
UNMEETNESS, n. Unfitness; unsuitableness.
UNMELLOWED, a. Not mellowed; not fully matured.
UNMELODIOUS, a. Not melodious; wanting melody; harsh.
1. Undissolved; not melted.
2. Not softened.
UNMENTIONED, a. Not mentioned; not named.
UNMERCANTILE, a. Not according to the customs and rules of commerce.
UNMERCHANTABLE, a. Not merchantable; not of a quality fit for the market.
1. Not merciful; cruel; inhuman to such beings as are in one’s power; not disposed to spare or forgive.
2. Unconscionable; exorbitant; as unmerciful demands.
UNMERCIFULLY, adv. Without mercy or tenderness; cruelly.
UNMERCIFULNESS, n. Want of mercy; want of tenderness and compassion towards those who are in one’s power; cruelty in the exercise of power or punishment.
UNMERITABLE, a. Having no merit or desert. [Not in use.]
1. Not merited; not deserved; obtained without service or equivalent; as unmerited promotion.
2. Not deserved; cruel; unjust; as unmerited sufferings or injuries.
UNMERITEDNESS, n. State of being unmerited.
UNMET, a. Not met.
UNMETALLIC, a. Not metallic; not having the properties of metal; not belonging to metals.
UNMIGHTY, a. Not mighty; not powerful.
UNMILD, a. Not mild; harsh; severe; fierce.
UNMILDNESS, n. Want of mildness; harshness.
UNMILITARY, a. Not according to military rules or customs.
UNMILDED, a. Not milked.
UNMILLED, a. Not milled; not indented or grained; as unmilled coin.
UNMINDED, a. Not minded; not heeded.
UNMINDFUL, a. Not mindful; not heedful; not attentive; regardless; as unmindful of laws; unmindful of health or of duty.
UNMINDFULLY, adv. Carelessly; heedlessly.
UNMINDFULNESS, n. Heedlessness; inattention; carelessness.
UNMINGLE, v.t. To separate things mixed.
UNMINGLEABLE, a. That cannot be mixed. [Not in use.]
1. Not mingled; not mixed; pure.
2. Pure; not vitiated or alloyed by foreign admixture; as unmingled joy.
UNMINISTERIAL, a. Not ministerial
UNMIRY, a. Not miry; not muddy; not foul with dirt.
UNMISSED, a. Not missed; not perceived to be gone or lost.
UNMISTAKEABLE, a. That cannot be mistaken. [Little used.]
UNMISTAKEN, a. Not mistaken; sure.
UNMISTRUSTING, a. Not mistrusting; not suspecting; unsuspicious.
UNMITIGATED, a. Not mitigated; not lessened; not softened in severity or harshness.
UNMITIGATED, a. Not mitigated; not lessened; not softened in severity or harshness.
1. Not mixed; not mingled; pure; unadulterated; unvitiated by foreign admixture.
2. Pure; unalloyed; as unmixed pleasure.
UNMOANED, a. Not lamented.
UNMODIFIABLE, a. That cannot be modified or altered in form; that cannot be reduced to a more acceptable or desired form.
UNMODIFIED, a. Not modified; not altered in form; not qualified in meaning.
UNMODISH, a. Not modish; not according to custom.
UNMOIST, a. Not moist; not humid; dry.
UNMOISTENED, a. Not made moist or humid.
UNMOLD, v.t. To change the form; to reduce from any form.
1. Not changed in form.
2. a. Not molded; not shaped or formed.
UNMOLESTED, a. Not molested; not disturbed; free from disturbance.
UNMONEYED, a. Not having money.
UNMONOPOLIZE, v.t. To recover from being monopolized. [Not in use.]
UNMONOPLIZED, a. Not monopolized.
UNMOOR, v.t.
1. In sea language, to bring to the state of riding with a single anchor, after having been moored by two or more cables.
2. To loose from anchorage.
UNMOORED, pp. Loosed from anchorage, or brought to ride with a single anchor.
UNMOORING, ppr. Loosing from anchorage, or bringing to ride with a single anchor.
UNMORALIZED, a. Untutored by morality; not conformed to good morals.
UNMORTGAGED, a. [See Mortgage.] Not mortgaged; not pledged.
1. Not mortified; not shamed.
2. Not subdued by sorrow; as unmortified sin.
UNMOUNTED, a. Not mounted. Unmounted dragoons are such as have not horses.
UNMOURNED, a. Not lamented.
UNMOVABLE, a. That cannot be moved or shaken; firm; fixed.
[Immovable is more generally used.]
1. Not moved; not transferred from one place to another.
2. Not changed in purpose; unshaken; firm.
3. Not affected; not having the passions excited; not touched or impressed.
4. Not altered by passion or emotion.
1. Having no motion.
2. Not exciting emotion; having no power to affect the passions.
1. To take a covering from the face.
2. To remove the muffling of a drum.
UNMURMURED, a. Not murmured at.
UNMURMURING, a. Not murmuring; not complaining; as unmurmuring patience.
UNMUSICAL, a. s as z.
1. Not musical; not harmonious or melodious.
2. Harsh; not pleasing to the ear.
UNMUTILATED, a. Not mutilated; not deprived of a member or part; entire.
UNMUZZLE, v.t. To loose from a muzzle.
UNNAMED, a. Not named; not mentioned.
UNNATIVE, a. Not native; not natural; forced.
1. Contrary to the laws of nature; contrary to the natural feelings.
2. Acting without the affections of our common nature; as an unnatural father or son.
3. Not in conformity to nature; not agreeable to the real state of persons or things not representing nature; as affected and unnatural thoughts; unnatural images or descriptions.
UNNATURALIZE, v.t. To divest of natural feelings.
1. Divested of natural feelings.
2. a. Not naturalized; not made a citizen by authority.