Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



UNKNOWING, a. Not knowing; ignorant; with of.

Unknowing of deceit.

UNKNOWINGLY, adv. Ignorantly; without knowledge or design.


1. Not known. The author of the invention is unknown.

2. Greater than is imagined.

3. Not having had cohabitation.

4. Not having communication.


1. Not produced by labor; as unlabored harvests.

2. Not cultivated by labor; not tilled.

3. Spontaneous; voluntary; that offers without effort; natural.

And from the theme unlabor’d beauties rise.

4. Easy; natural; not stiff; as an unlabored style.

UNLABORIOUS, a. Not laborious; not difficult to be done.

UNLACE, v.t.

1. To loose from lacing or fastening by a cord or strings passed through loops and holes; as, to unlace a helmet or a garment.

2. To loose a woman’s dress.

3. To divest of ornaments.

4. In sea language, to loose and take off a bonnet from a sail.

UNLACED, pp. Loosed from lacing; unfastened.

UNLACING, ppr. Loosing from lacing or fastening.

UNLACKEYED, a. Unattended with a lackey.

UNLADE, v.t.

1. To unload; to take out the cargo of; as, to unlade a ship.

2. To unload; to remove, as a load or burden. Acts 21:3.

UNLADEN, pp. of lade. Unloaded.


1. Not placed; not fixed.

2. Not allayed; not pacified; not suppressed.

3. Not laid out, as a corpse.

UNLAMENTED, a. Not lamented; whose loss is not deplored.

Thus unlamented pass the proud away.

UNLARDED, a. Not intermixed or inserted for improvement.

UNLATCH, v.i. To open or loose by lifting the latch.

UNLAURELED, a. Not crowned with laurel; not honored.

UNLAVISH, a. Not lavish; not profuse; not wasteful.

UNLAVISHED, a. Not lavished; not spent wastefully.

UNLAW, v.t. To deprive of the authority of law.

UNLAWFUL, a. Not lawful; contrary to law; illegal; not permitted by law.

Unlawful assembly, in law, the meeting of three or more persons to commit an unlawful act.


1. In violation of law or right; illegally.

2. Illegitimately; not in wedlock; as a child unlawfully born.


1. Illegality; contrariety to law.

2. Illegitimacy.

UNLEARN, v.t. unlern’. To forget or lose what has been learned. It is most important to us all to unlearn the errors of our early education.

I had learned nothing right; I had to unlearn everything.


1. Forgotten.

2. a. Not learned; ignorant; illiterate; not instructed.

3. Not gained by study; not known.

4. Not suitable to a learned man; as unlearned verses.

UNLEARNEDLY, adv. Ignorantly.

UNLEARNEDNESS, n. want of learning; illiterateness.

UNLEAVENED, a. unlev’ened. Not leavened; not raised by leaven, barm or yeast. Exodus 12:20.

UNLECTURED, a. Not taught by lecture.

UNLEISURED, a. unlezh’ured. Not having leisure. [Not in use.]

UNLENT, a. Not lent.

UNLESS, conj.

Except; that is, remove or dismiss the fact or thing stated in the sentence or clause which follows. “We cannot thrive unless we are industrious and frugal.” the sense will be more obvious with the clauses of the sentence inverted. Unless, [remove this fact, suppose it not to exist,] we are industrious and frugal, we cannot thrive. Unless then answers for a negation. If we are not industrious, we cannot thrive.

UNLESSONED, a. Not taught; not instructed.

UNLETTERED, a. Unlearned; untaught; ignorant.

UNLETTEREDNESS, n. Want of learning.

UNLEVELED, a. Not leveled; not laid even.

UNLIBIDINOUS, a. Not libidinous; not lustful.

UNLICENSED, a. Not licensed; not having permission by authority; as an unlicensed innkeeper.

The vending of ardent spirits, in places licensed or unlicensed, is a tremendous evil.

UNLICKED, a. shapeless; not formed to smoothness; as an unlicked bear whelp.


1. Not lighted; not illuminated.

2. Not kindled or set on fire.

UNLIGHTSOME, a. Dark; gloomy; wanting light.


1. Dissimilar; having no resemblance. Never were two men more unlike. The cases are entirely unlike.

2. Improbably; unlikely.



1. Improbably; such as cannot be reasonably expected; as an unlikely event. The thing you mention is very unlikely.

2. Not promising success. He employs very unlikely means to effect his object.

UNLIKELY, adv. Improbably.

UNLIKENESS, n. Want of resemblance; dissimilitude.

UNLIMBER, a. Not limber; not flexible; not yielding.

UNLIMITABLE, a. Admitting no limits; boundless. [We now us illimitable.]


1. Not limited; having no bounds; boundless.

2. Undefined; indefinite; not bounded by proper exceptions; as unlimited terms.

3. Unconfined; not restrained.

Ascribe not to God such as unlimited exercise of mercy as may destroy his justice.

Unlimited problem, is one which is capable of infinite solutions.

UNLIMITEDLY, adv. Without bounds.

UNLIMITEDNESS, n. The state of being boundless, or of being undefined.

UNLINEAL, a. Not in a line; not coming in the order of succession.

UNLINK, v.t. To separate links; to loose; to unfasten: to untwist.


1. Not liquidated; not settled; not having the exact amount ascertained; as an unliquidated debt; unliquidated accounts.

2. Unpaid; unadjusted.

UNLIQUIFIED, a. Unmelted; not dissolved.

UNLIQUORED, a. Not moistened; not smeared with liquor; not filled with liquor.

UNLISTENING, a. Not listening; not hearing; not regarding.

UNLIVELINESS, n. Want of life; dullness.

UNLIVELY, a. Not lively; dull.

UNLOAD, v.t.

1. To take the load from; to discharge of a load or cargo; as, to unload a ship; to unload a cart.

2. To disburden; as, to unload a beast.

3. To disburden; to relieve from any thing onerous or troublesome.

UNLOADED, pp. Freed from a load or cargo; disburdened.

UNLOADING, ppr. Freeing from a load or cargo; disburdening; relieving of a burden.


1. Not place; not fixed in a place.

2. In America, unlocated lands are such new or wild lands as have not been surveyed, appropriated or designated by marks, limits or boundaries, to some individual, company or corporation.

UNLOCK, v.t.

1. To unfasten what is locked; as, to unlock a door or a chest.

2. To open, in general; to lay open.

Unlock your springs, and open all your shades.


1. Opened.

2. a. Not locked; not made fast.

Unlocked for, not expected; not foreseen.

UNLOOSE, v.t. unloos’. To loose. [An ill formed word, as it expresses the same idea as loose.]

UNLOOSE, v.i. unloos’. To fall in pieces; to lose all connection or union.

UNLOSABLE, a. s as z. That cannot be lost. [Not in use.]

UNLOVED, a. Not loved.

UNLOVELINESS, n. Want of loveliness; unamiableness; want of the qualities which attract love.

UNLOVELY, a. Not lovely; not amiable; destitute of the qualities which attract love, or possessing qualities that excite dislike.

UNLOVING, a. Not loving; not fond.

UNLUCKILY, adv. Unfortunately; by ill fortune.


1. Unfortunateness; ill fortune.

2. Mischievousness.


1. Unfortunate; not successful; as an unlucky man.

2. Unfortunate; not resulting in success; as an unlucky adventure; an unlucky throw of dice; an unlucky game.

[This word is usually applied to incidents in which success depends on single events, to games of hazard, etc. rather than to things which depend on a long series of events, or on the ordinary course of providence. Hence we say, a man is unlucky in play or in a lottery; but not that a farmer is unlucky in his husbandry, or a commander unlucky in the result of a campaign.]

3. Unhappy; miserable; subject to frequent misfortunes.

4. Slightly mischievous; mischievously waggish; as an unlucky boy; an unlucky wag.

5. Ill omened; inauspicious.

Haunt me not with that unlucky face.

UNLUSTROUS, a. Wanting luster; not shining.

UNLUSTY, a. Not lusty; not stout; weak.

UNLUTE, v.t. To separate things cemented or luted; to take the lute or clay from.

UNLUTED, pp. Separated, as luted vessels.

UNLUTING, ppr. Separating, as luted vessels.


1. Deprived of its form or qualities.

2. a. Not made; not yet formed.

3. Omitted to be made.

UNMAGNETIC, a. Not having magnetic properties.

UNMAIDENLY, a. Not becoming a maiden.

UNMAIMED, a. Not maimed; not disabled in any limb; sound; entire.

UNMAKABLE, a. Not possible to be made. [Little used.]

UNMAKE, v.t.

1. To destroy the form and qualities which constitute a thing what it is.

God does not make or unmake things to try experiments.

2. To deprive of qualities before possessed.

UNMAKING, ppr. Destroying the peculiar properties of a thing.

UNMALLEABILITY, n. The quality or state of being unmalleable.

UNMALLEABLE, a. Not malleable; not capable of being hammered into a plate, or of being extended by beating.

UNMAN, v.t.

1. To deprive of the constitutional qualities of a human being, as reason, etc.

2. To deprive of men; as, to unman a ship.

3. To emasculate; to deprive of virility.

4. To deprive of the courage and fortitude of a man; to break or reduce into irresolution; to dishearten; to deject.

5. To dispeople; as towns unmanned.


1. Not manageable; not easily restrained, governed or directed; not controllable.

2. Not easily wielded.


1. Not broken by horsemanship.

2. Not tutored; not educated.


1. Not becoming a human being

2. Unsuitable to a man; effeminate.

Unmanly warmth and tenderness of love.

3. Not worthy of a noble mind; ignoble; base; ungenerous; cowardly.

UNMANNED, pp. Deprived of the qualities of a man.

UNMANNERED, a. Uncivil; rude.

UNMANNERLINESS, n. Want of good manners; breach of civility; rudeness of behavior.


1. Ill bred; not having good manners; rude in behavior; as an unmannerly youth.

2. Not according to good manners; as an unmannerly jest.

UNMANNERLY, adv. Uncivilly.

UNMANUFACTURED, a. Not manufactured; not wrought into the proper form for use.


1. Not manured; not enriched by manure.

2. Uncultivated.


1. Not marked; having no mark.

2. Unobserved; not regarded; undistinguished.

UNMARRED, a. Not marred; not injured; not spoiled; not obstructed.

UNMARRIABLE, a. Not marriageable. [Little used.]

UNMARRIED, a. Not married; having no husband or no wife.

UNMARRY, v.t. To divorce.