Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



UNBARBED, a. Not shaven. [Not in use.]

UNBARKED, a. Stripped of its bark.

[We now use barked in the same sense.]

UNBARRED, pp. Having its bars removed; unfastened.

UNBARRING, ppr. Removing the bars from; unfastening.

UNBASHFUL, a. Not bashful; bold; impudent.

UNBATED, a. Not repressed; not blunted. [Not in use.]

UNBATHED, a. Not bathed; not wet.

UNBATTERED, a. Not battered; not bruised or injured by blows.

UNBAY, v.t. To open; to free from the restraint of mounds.

I ought to unbay the current of my passions. [Not in use.]

UNBEARDED, a. unberd’ed. Having no beard; beardless.

UNBEARING, a. Bearing or producing no fruit.


1. Not beaten; not treated with blows.

2. Untrod; not beaten by the feet; as unbeaten paths.

UNBEAUTEOUS, UNBEAUTIFUL, a. [See Beauty.] Not beautiful; having no beauty.

UNBECOME, v.t. Not to become; not to be suitable to; to misbecome. [Not used.]

UNBECOMING, a. Unsuitable; improper for the person or character; indecent; indecorous.

My grief lets unbecoming speeches fall.

UNBECOMINGLY, adv. In an unsuitable manner; indecorously.

UNBECOMINGNESS, n. Unsuitableness to the person, character or circumstances; impropriety; indecorousness.

UNBED, v.t. To raise or rouse from bed.

Eels unbed themselves and stir at the noise of thunder.

UNBEDDED, pp. Raised from bed; disturbed.

UNBEDDING, ppr. Raising from bed.

UNBEFITTING, a. Not befitting; unsuitable; unbecoming.

UNBEFRIENDED, a. unbefrend’ed. Not befriended; not supported by friends; having no friendly aid.

UNBEGET, v.t. To deprive of existence.


1. Not generated; eternal.

2. Not yet generated.

3. Not begotten; not generated.

UNBEGUILE, v.t. To undeceive; to free from the influence of deceit.

Then unbeguile thyself.

UNBEGUILED, pp. Undeceived.

UNBEGUN, a. Not begun.

UNBEHELD, a. Not beheld; not seen; not visible.

UNBEING, a. Not existing. [Not in use.]


1. Incredulity; the withholding of belief; as, unbelief is blind.

2. Infidelity; disbelief of divine revelation.

3. In the New Testament, disbelief of the truth of the gospel, rejection of Christ as the Savior of men, and of the doctrines he taught; distrust of God’s promises and faithfulness, etc. Matthew 13:58; Mark 16:14; Hebrews 3:12; Romans 4:20.

4. Weak faith. Mark 9:24.


1. To discredit; not to believe or trust.

2. Not to think real or true.

UNBELIEVED, pp. Not believed; discredited.


1. An incredulous person; one who does not believe.

2. An infidel; one who discredits revelation, or the mission, character and doctrines of Christ. 2 Corinthians 6:14.


1. Not believing; incredulous.

2. Infidel; discrediting divine revelation, or the mission, character and doctrines of Christ; as the unbelieving Jews. Acts 14:2; Revelation 21:8.

UNBELOVED, a. Not loved.

UNBEMOANED, a. Not lamented.

UNBEND, v.t.

1. To free from flexure; to make straight; as, to unbend a bow.

2. To relax; to remit from a strain or from exertion; to set at ease for a time; as, to unbend the mind from study or care.

3. To relax effeminately.

You unbend your noble strength.

4. In seamanship, to take the sails from their yards and stays; also, to cast loose a cable from the anchors; also, to untie one rope from another.


1. Relaxing from any strain; remitting; taking from their yards, etc., as sails.

2. a. Not suffering flexure.

3. Unyielding; resolute; inflexible; applied to persons.

4. Unyielding; inflexible; firm; applied to things; as unbending truth.

5. Devoted to relaxation.

I hope it may entertain your lordship at an unbending hour.

UNBENEFICED, a. Not enjoying or having a benefice.

UNBENEVOLENT, a. Not benevolent; not kind.

UNBENIGHTED, a. Never visited by darkness.

UNBENIGN, a. Not benign; not favorable or propitious; malignant.

UNBENT, pp. of unbend.

1. Relaxed; remitted; relieved from strain or exertion.

2. In seamen’s language, taken from the yards; loosed; as, the sails are unbent; the cable is unbent.

3. Not strained; unstrung; as a bow unbent.

4. Not crushed; not subdued; as, the soul is unbent by woes.

UNBEQUEATHED, a. Not bequeathed; not given by legacy.

UNBESEEMING, a. Unbecoming; not befitting unsuitable.

UNBESOUGHT, a. unbesaut’. Not besought; not sought by petition or entreaty.

UNBESPOKEN, a. Not bespoken, or ordered beforehand.

UNBESTARRED, a. Not adorned or distinguished by stars.

UNBESTOWED, a. Not bestowed; not given; not disposed of.

UNBETRAYED, a. Not betrayed.

UNBEWAILED, a. Not bewailed; not lamented.

UNBEWITCH, v.t. To free from fascination.

UNBIAS, v.t. To free from bias or prejudice.

The truest service a private man can do his country, is to unbias his mind, as much as possible, between the rival powers.


1. Freed from prejudice or bias.

2. a. Free from any undue partiality or prejudice; impartial; as an unbiased mind; unbiased opinion or decision.

UNBIASEDLY, adv. Without prejudice; impartially.

UNBIASEDNESS, n. Freedom from bias or prejudice.


1. Not bid; not commanded.

2. Spontaneous; as, thorns shall be earth produce unbid.

3. Uninvited; not requested to attend; as unbidden guests.

UNBIGOTED, a. Free from bigotry.

UNBIND, v.t. To untie; to remove a band from; to unfasten; to loose; to set free from shackles. Unbind your fillets; unbind the prisoner’s arms; unbind the load.

UNBISHOP, v.t. To deprive of episcopal orders.

UNBIT, a. Not bitten.

UNBIT, v.t.

1. In seamanship, to remove the turns of a cable from off the bits.

2. To unbridle.

UNBITTED, pp. Removed from the bits; unbridled.

UNBITTING, ppr. Unbridling; removing from the bits.

UNBLAMABLE, a. Not blamable; not culpable; innocent.

UNBLAMABLENESS, n. State of being chargeable with no blame or fault.

UNBLAMABLY, adv. In such a manner as to incur no blame. 1 Thessalonians 2:10.

UNBLAMED, a. Not blamed; free from censure.

UNBLASTED, a. Not blasted; not made to wither.

UNBLEEDING, a. Not bleeding; not suffering loss of blood.

UNBLEMISHABLE, a. Not capable of being blemished.


1. Not blemished; not stained; free from turpitude or reproach; in a moral sense; as an unblemished reputation or life.

2. Free from deformity.

UNBLENCHED, a. Not disgraced; not injured by any stain or soil; as unblenched majesty.

UNBLENCHING, a. Not shrinking or flinching; firm.

UNBLENDED, a. Not blended; not mingled.


1. Not blest; excluded from benediction.

2. Wretched; unhappy.

UNBLIGHTED, a. Not blighted; not blasted.

UNBLINDED, a. Not blinded.

UNBLOODED, a. Not stained with blood.


1. Not stained with blood.

2. Not shedding blood; not cruel.

UNBLOSSOMING, a. Not producing blossoms.


1. Not blown; not having the bud expanded.

2. Not extinguished.

3. Not inflated with wind.

UNBLUNTED, a. Not made obtuse or dull; not blunted.

UNBLUSHING, a. Not blushing; destitute of shame; impudent.

UNBLUSHINGLY, adv. In an impudent manner.

UNBOASTFUL, a. Not boasting; unassuming; modest.


1. Having no material body; incorporeal; as unbodied spirits.

2. Freed from the body.

UNBOILED, a. Not boiled; as unboiled rice.

UNBOLT, v.t. To remove a bolt from; to unfasten; to open; as, to unbolt a gate.


1. Freed from fastening by bolts.

2. Unsifted; not bolted; not having the bran or coarse part separated by a bolter; as unbolted meal.

UNBONNETED, a. Having no bonnet on.


1. Not addicted to books or reading.

2. Not cultivated by erudition.

UNBORN, a. [It is accented either on the first or second syllable.] Not born; not brought into life; future.

Some unborn sorrow, ripe in fortune’s womb.

The woes to come, the children yet unborn shall feel this day.

UNBORROWED, a. Not borrowed; genuine; original; native; one’s own; as unborrowed beauties; unborrowed gold; unborrowed excellence.

UNBOSOM, v.t. s as z.

1. To disclose freely one’s secret opinions or feelings.

2. To reveal in confidence.

UNBOSOMED, pp. Disclosed, as secrets; revealed in confidence.

UNBOSOMING, ppr. Disclosing, as secrets; revealing in confidence.


1. Having no bottom; bottomless.

The dark, unbottom’d, infinite abyss.

2. Having no solid foundation.

UNBOUGHT, a. unbaut’.

1. Not bought; obtained without money or purchase.

The unbought dainties of the poor.

2. Not having a purchaser.


1. Not bound; loose; wanting a cover; as unbound books.

2. Not bound by obligation or covenant.

3. pret. of unbind.


1. Having no bound or limit; unlimited in extent; infinite; interminable; as unbounded space; unbounded power.

2. Having no check or control; unrestrained. The young man has unbounded license. His extravagance is unbounded.

UNBOUNDEDLY, adv. Without bounds or limits.