Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary


STUPEFACTION, n. [L. See Stop.]

1. The act of rendering stupid.

2. A stupid or senseless state; insensibility; dullness; torpor; stupidity.

Resistance of the dictates of conscience brings a hardness and stupefaction upon it.

STUPEFACTIVE, a. Causing insensibility; deadening or blunting the sense of felling or understanding; narcotic.

Opium hath a stupefactive part.

STUPEFIER, n. [from stupefy.] That which causes dullness or stupidity.

STUPEFY, v.t. [L.]

1. To make stupid; to make dull; to blunt the faculty of perception or understanding; to deprive of sensibility. It is a great sin to attempt to stupefy the conscience.

The fumes of passion intoxicate his discerning faculties, as the fumes of drink stupefy the brain.

2. To deprive of material motion.

It is not malleable nor fluent, but stupefied. [Not in use.]

STUPEFYING, ppr. Rendering extremely dull or insensible; as the stupefying virtues of opium. [It would be convenient to write stupifaction, stupifactive, and place these words after stupidly.]

STUPENDOUS, a. [Low L., to astonish.] Literally, striking dumb by its magnitude; hence, astonishing; wonderful; amazing; particularly, of astonishing magnitude or elevation; as a stupendous pile; a stupendous edifice; a stupendous mountain; a stupendous bridge.

STUPENDOUSLY, adv. In a manner to excite astonishment.

STUPENDOUSNESS, n. The quality or state of being stupendous or astonishing.

STUPID, a. [L., to be stupefied, properly to stop. See Stop.]

1. Very dull; insensible; senseless; wanting in understanding; heavy; sluggish.

O that men should be so stupid grown, as to forsake the living God.

With wild surprise, a moment stupid, motionless he stood.

2. Dull; heavy; formed without skill or genius.

Observe what loads of stupid rhymes oppress us in corrupted times.

STUPIDITY, n. [L.] Extreme dullness of perception or understanding; insensibility; sluggishness.

STUPIDLY, adv. With extreme dullness; with suspension or inactivity of understanding; sottishly; absurdly; without the exercise of reason or judgment.

STUPIDNESS, n. Stupidity.

STUPOR, n. [L.]

1. Great diminution or suspension of sensibility; suppression of sense; numbness; as the stupor of a limb.

2. Intellectual insensibility; moral stupidity; heedlessness or inattention to ones interests.

STUPRATE, v.t. [L.] To ravish; to debauch.

STUPRATION, n. Rape; violation of chastity by force.

STURDILY, adv. [from sturdy.] Hardily; stoutly; lustily.

STURDINESS, n. [from sturdy.]

1. Stoutness; hardiness; as the sturdiness of a school boy.

2. Brutal strength.

STURDY, a. [G., connected with; a stub.]

1. Hardy; stout; foolishly obstinate; implying coarseness or rudeness.

This must be done, and I would fain see mortal so sturdy as to gainsay.

A sturdy hardened sinner advances to the utmost pitch of impiety with less reluctance than he took the first step.

2. Strong; forcible; lusty; as a sturdy lout.

3. Violent; laid on with strength; as sturdy strokes.

4. Stiff; stout; strong; as a sturdy oak.

He was not of a delicate contexture, his limbs rather sturdy than dainty.

STURDY, n. A disease in sheep, marked by dullness and stupor.

STURGEON, n. [Low L., G.] A large fish of the genus Acipenser, caught in large rivers. Its flesh is valued for food.

STURK, n. A young ox or heifer.

STUTTER, v.i. [G., that is, to stop. Stut is not used.] To stammer; to hesitate in uttering words.

STUTTERER, n. A stammerer.

STUTTERING, ppr. Stammering; speaking with hesitation.

STUTTERINGLY, adv. With stammering.

STY, n.

1. A pen or inclosure for swine.

2. A place of bestial debauchery.

To roll with pleasure in a sensual sty.

3. An inflamed tumor on the edge of the eyelid.

STY, v.t. To shut up in a sty.
STY, v.i. To soar; to ascend. [Not in use.] [See Stirrup.]

STYCA, n. A Saxon copper coin of the lowest value.

STYGIAN, a. [L.] Pertaining to Styx, fabled by the ancients to be a river of hell over which the shades of the dead passed, or the region of the dead; hence, hellish; infernal.

At that so sudden blaze, the Stygian throng bent their aspect.

STYLE, n. [L., Gr., a column, a pen or bodkin; from the root of the Teutonic stellen, to set or place.]

1. Manner of writing with regard to language, or the choice and arrangement of words; as a harsh style; a dry style; a tumid or bombastic style; a loose style; a terse style; a laconic or verbose style; a flowing style; a lofty style; an elegant style; an epistolary style. The character of style depends chiefly on a happy selection and arrangement of words.

Proper words in proper places, make the true definition of style.

Let some lord but own the happy lines, how the wit brightens and the style refines!

2. Manner of speaking appropriate to particular characters; or in general, the character of the language used.

Not style is held for base, where love well named is.

According to the usual style of dedications.

So we say, a person addresses another in a style of haughtiness, in a style or rebuke.

3. Mode of painting; any manner of painting which is characteristic or peculiar.

The ornamental style also possesses its own peculiar merit.

4. A particular character of music; as a grave style.

5. Title; appellation; as the style of majesty.

Propitious hear our prayr, whether the style of Titan please thee more--

6. Course of writing. [Not in use.]

7. Style of court, is properly the practice observed by any court in its way of proceeding.

8. In popular use, manner; form; as, the entertainment was prepared in excellent style.

9. A pointed instrument formerly used in writing on tables of wax; an instrument of surgery.

10. Something with a sharp point; a graver; the pin of a dial; written also stile.

11. In botany, the middle portion of the pistil, connecting the stigma with the germ; sometimes called the shaft. The styles of plants are capillary, filiform, cylindric, subulate, or clavate.

12. In chronology, a mode of reckoning time, with regard to the Julian and Gregorian calendar. Style is Old or New. The Old Style follows the Julian manner of computing the months and days, or the calendar as established by Julius Cesar, in which the year consists of 365 days and 6 hours. This is something more than 11 minutes too much, and in the course of time, between Cesar and pope Gregory XIII, this surplus amounted to 11 days. Gregory reformed the calendar by retrenching 11 days; this reformation was adopted by act of parliament in Great Britain in 1751, by which act eleven days in September, 1752 were retrenched, and the 3rd day was reckoned the 14th. This mode of reckoning is called New Style.

STYLE, v.t. To call; to name; to denominate; to give a title to in addressing. The emperor of Russia is styled autocrat; the king of Great Britain is styled defender of the faith.

STYLED, pp. Named; denominated; called.

STYLET, n. [from style.] A small poniard or dagger.

STYLIFORM, a. [style and form.] Like a style, pin or pen.

STYLING, ppr. Calling; denominating.

STYLITE, n. [Gr., a column.] In ecclesiastical history, the Stylites were a sect of solitaries, who stood motionless on columns or pillars for the exercise of their patience.

STYLOBATION, n. The pedestal of a column.

STYLOID, a. [L., Gr.] Having some resemblance to a style or pen; as the styloid process of the temporal bone.

STYPTIC, STYPTICAL, a. [L., Gr.] That stops bleeding; having the quality of restraining hemorrhage.

STYPTIC, n. A medicine which has the quality of stopping hemorrhage or discharges of blood. Styptics have the quality of astringents, but the word styptic is used in a sense different from that of astringent, and much more limited. Styptics are usually external applications for restraining discharges of blood; astringents are usually internal applications for stopping bleeding, or for strengthening the solids. Astringent is the general term; styptic a subdivision of it.

STYPTICITY, n. The quality of stanching blood, or stopping hemorrhage.

STYTHY, v.t. To forge on an anvil. [See Stithy.]

SUABILITY, n. Liability to be sued; the state of being subject by law to civil process. [Not much used.]

SUABLE, a. [from sue.] That may be sued; subject by law to be called to answer in court.

SUADE, for persuade, is not in use.

SUAGE, for assuage, is not in use.

SUANT, a. Even; uniform; spread equally over the surface. [New England, but local.]

SUASIBLE, a. [L.] That may be persuaded or easily persuaded.

SUASION, n. The act of persuading. [See Persuade.]

SUASIVE, a. [L.] Having power to persuade.

SUASORY, a. [L.] Tending to persuade; having the quality of convincing and drawing by argument or reason.

SUAVITY, n. [L.]

1. Sweetness, in a literal sense. [Not in use.]

2. Sweetness, in a figurative sense; that which is to the mind what sweetness is to the tongue; agreeableness; softness; pleasantness; as suavity of manners; suavity of language, conversation or address.

SUB, a Latin preposition, denoting under or below, used in English as a prefix, to express a subordinate degree. Before f and p it is changed into those letters, as in suffer, and suppose; and before m, into that letter, as in summon.

SUBACID, a. [sub and acid.] Moderately acid or sour; as a subacid juice.

SUBACID, n. A substance moderately acid.

SUBACRID, a. [sub and acrid.] Moderately sharp, pungent or acrid.

SUBACT, v.t. [L.] To reduce; to subdue. [Not in use.]

SUBACTION, n. The act of reducing to any state, as of mixing two bodies completely, or of beating them to a powder.

SUBAGITATION, n. [L.] Carnal knowledge.

SUBAH, n. In India, a province or viceroy ship.

SUBAHDAR, n. In India, a viceroy, or the governor of a province; also, a native of India, who ranks as captain in the European companies.

SUBAHSHIP, n. The jurisdiction of a subahdar.

SUBALTERN, a. [L.] Inferior; subordinate; that in different respects is both superior and inferior; as a subaltern officer. It is used chiefly of military officers.

SUBALTERN, n. A subordinate officer in an army or military body. It is applied to officers below the rank of captain.

SUBALTERNATE, a. [supra.] Successive, succeeding by turns.


1. State of inferiority or subjection.

2. Act of succeeding by course.

SUBAQUATIC, SUBAQUEOUS, a. [L., water.] Being under water, or beneath the surface of water.

SUBASTRAL, a. [sub and astral.] Beneath the stars or heavens; terrestrial.

SUBASTRINGENT, a. Astringent in a small degree.

SUBAXILLARY, a. [L., the arm-pit.] Placed under the axil or angle formed by the branch of a plant with the stem, or by a leaf with the branch.

SUB-BEADLE, n. [sub and beadle.] An inferior or under beadle.

SUB-BRIGADIER, n. An officer in the horse guards, who ranks as cornet.

SUBCARBURETED, a. Carbureted in an inferior degree; or consisting of one prime of carbon and two of hydrogen.

SUB-CELESTIAL, a. [sub and celestial.] Being beneath the heavens; as sub-celestial glories.

SUB-CENTRAL, a. Being under the center.

SUB-CHANTER, n. [sub and chanter.] An under chanter; a deputy of the precentor of a cathedral.

SUBCLAVIAN, a. [L., a key.] Situated under the clavicle or collar bone; as the subclavian arteries.

SUB-COMMITTEE, n. [sub and committee.] An under committee; a part or division of a committee.

SUB-CONSTELLATION, n. A subordinate constellation.

SUB-CONTRACTED, a. [sub and contracted.] Contracted after a former contract.

SUB-CONTRARY, a. [sub and contrary.] Contrary in an inferior degree. In geometry, when two similar triangles are so placed as to have a common angle at their vertex, and yet their bases not parallel.

SUBCORDATE, a. [L., the heart.] In shape somewhat like a heart.

SUBCOSTAL, a. [L., a rib.] The subcostal muscles are the internal intercostal muscles.

SUBCUTANEOUS, a. [sub and cutaneous; L., skin.] Situated under the skin.

SUBCUTICULAR, a. [L., cuticle.] Being under the cuticle or scarf-skin.

SUBDEACON, n. [sub and deacon.] An under deacon; a deacons servant, in the Romish church.

SUBDEACONRY, SUBDEACONSHIP, n. The order and office of subdeacon in the catholic church.

SUBDEAN, n. [sub and dean.] An under dean; a deans substitute or vicegerent.

SUBDEANERY, n. The office and rank of subdean.

SUBDECUPLE, a. [L. Sub and decuplus.] Containing one part of ten.

SUBDENTED, a. [sub and dent.] Indented beneath.

SUBDEPOSIT, n. That which is deposited beneath something else.

SUBDERISORIOUS, a. [L. Sub and derisor.] Ridiculing with moderation or delicacy. [Not in use.]

SUBDITITIOUS, a. [L., to substitute.] Put secretly in the place of something else. [Little used.]

SUBDIVERSIFY, v.t. [sub and diversify.] To diversify again what is already diversified. [Little used.]

SUBDIVIDE, v.t. [sub and divide.] To divide a part of a thing into more parts; to part into smaller divisions.

In the rise of eight in tones, are two half tones; so as if you divide the tones equally, the eight is but seven whole and equal notes; and if you subdivide that into half notes, as in the stops of a lute, it makes the number thirteen.

The progenies of Cham and Japhet swarmed into colonies, and those colonies were subdivided into many others--

SUBDIVIDE, v.i. To be subdivided.

SUBDIVIDED, pp. Divided again or into smaller parts.

SUBDIVIDING, ppr. Dividing into smaller parts that which is already divided.


1. The act of subdividing or separating a part into smaller parts.

2. The part of a thing made by subdividing; the part of a larger part.

In the decimal table, the subdivision s of the cubit, as span, palm, and digit, are deduced from the shorter cubit.

SUBDOLOUS, a. [L. Sub and dolus, deceit.] Sly; crafty; cunning; artful; deceitful. [Little used.]

SUBDOMINANT, n. In music, the fourth note above the tonic, being under the dominant.

SUBDUABLE, a. That may be subdued.

SUBDUAL, n. [from subdue.] The act of subduing.

SUBDUCE, SUBDUCT, v.t. [L., sub and duco, to draw.]

1. To withdraw; to take away.

Or from my side subducting, took perhaps more than enough.

2. To subtract by arithmetical operation.

If out of that infinite multitude of antecedent generations we should subduct ten--


1. The act of taking away or withdrawing.

2. Arithmetical subtraction.

SUBDUE, v.t.

1. To conquer by force or the exertion of superior power, and bring into permanent subjection; to reduce under dominion. Thus Cesar subdued the Gauls; Augustus subdued Egypt; the English subdued Canada. Subduing implies conquest or vanquishing, but it implies also more permanence of subjection to the conquering power, than either of these words.

I will subdue all thine enemies. 1 Chronicles 17:10.

2. To oppress; to crush; to sink; to overpower so as to disable from further resistance.

Nothing could have subdud nature to such a lowness, but his unkind daughters.

If aught were worthy to subdue the soul of man.

3. To tame; to break by conquering a refractory temper or evil passions; to render submissive; as, to subdue a stubborn child.

4. To conquer; to reduce to mildness; as, to subdue the temper or passions.

5. To overcome by persuasion or other mild means; as, to subdue opposition by argument or intreaties.

6. To overcome; to conquer; to captivate; as by charms.

7. To soften; to melt; to reduce to tenderness; as, to subdue ferocity by tears.

8. To overcome; to overpower and destroy the force of; as, medicines subdue a fever.

9. To make mellow; to break; as land; also, to destroy, as weeds.

SUBDUED, pp. Conquered and reduced to subjection; oppressed; crushed; tamed; softened.