Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary


ANTICONTAGIONIST, n. One who opposes the doctrine of contagion.

ANTICONTAGIOUS, a. [and contagious.] Opposing or destroying contagion.

ANTICONVULSIVE, a. [and convulsive.] Good against convulsions.

ANTICOR, n. [anti, and L. cor, the heart.]

Among farriers, an inflammation in a horse’s throat, answering to the quinsy in man.

ANTICOSMETIC, a. [anti and cosmetic. See Cosmetic.] Destructive or injurious to beauty.

ANTICOSMETIC, n. Any preparation which injures beauty.

ANTICOURT, a. In opposition to the court. [Not used.]

ANTICOURTIER, n. anticortyer. [anti and courtier.]

One who opposed the court, or the measures of administration.

ANTICREATOR, n. One that opposes the creator.

ANTIDEMOCRATIC, ANTIDEMOCRATICAL, a. Opposing democracy; contrary to government by the people.

ANTIDOTAL, a. That has the quality of preventing the ill effects of poison, or of any thing noxious or mischievous.

ANTIDOTE, n. [against, to give.]

1. A medicine to counteract the effects of poison, or of any thing noxious taken into the stomach.

2. Whatever tends to prevent mischievous effects, or to counteract the evil which something else might produce.

ANTIDOTICAL, a. Serving as an antidote.

ANTIDOTICALLY, adv. By way of antidote.

ANTIDYSENTERIC, a. [Gr. against, and dysenteric.] Good against the dysentery, or bloody flux.

ANTIDYSENTERIC, n. A remedy for dysentery.

ANTIEMETIC, a. [Gr. against, and emetic, from to vomit.] Having the quality of allaying vomiting.

ANTIEMETIC, n. A remedy to check or allay vomiting.

ANTIENNEAHEDRAL, a. [Gr. opposite, nine, and side.]

In crystallography, having nine faces on two opposite parts of the crystal.

ANTIENTHUSIASTIC, a. [anti and enthusiastic.] Opposing enthusiasm.

ANTIENTRY, n. [More correctly, ancientry.] Cast of antiquity; that which is ancient.

ANTIEPISCOPAL, a. Adverse to episcopacy.

ANTIEVANGELICAL, a. Contrary to orthodoxy, or the genuine sense of the gospel.

ANTIFACE, n. Opposite face.

ANTIFANATIC, n. An opposer of fanaticism.

ANTIFEBRILE, a. [against, and febrile.]

That has the quality of abating fever; opposing or tending to cure fever.

ANTIFEBRILE, n. A medicine that cures, abates, or tends to allay fever.

ANTIFLATTERING, a. Opposite to flattery.

ANTIGUGLER, n. [anti and guggle.]

A crooked tube of metal, so bent as to be introduced into the neck of a bottle, for drawing out the liquor, without disturbing the sediment.

ANTIHECTIC, a. [Gr. against, and hectic.]

That has the quality of opposing or curing hectical disorders.

ANTIHECTIC, n. A medicine that is good in the cure of hectic disorders.

ANTIHYPNOTIC, a. [Gr. sleep.]

Counteracting sleep; tending to prevent sleep or lethargy.

ANTIHYPNOTIC, n. A medicine that prevents or tends to prevent sleep.

ANTIHYPOCHONDRIAC, a. [Gr. hypochondriac.]

That counteracts or tends to cure hypochondriac affections, and depression of spirits.

ANTIHYPOCHONDRIAC, n. A remedy for hypochondriac affections and low spirits.

ANTIHYPOPHORA, n. [Gr. an inference.]

In rhetoric, a figure which consists in refuting an objection by the opposition of a contrary sentence.

ANTIHYSTERIC, a. [Gr. uterus.] Counteracting hysterics.

ANTIHYSTERIC, n. A medicine that cures or counteracts hysterical affections.

ANTILOGARITHM, n. [anti and logarithm.]

The complement of the logarithm of any sine, tangent or secant, to 90 degrees.

ANTILOGY, n. [Gr. against, and speech.]

A contradiction between any words or passages in an author.

ANTIMAGISTRICAL, a. Opposed to the office of magistrates. [Not used.]

ANTIMANIAC, ANTIMANIACAL, a. [anti and maniac.] Counteracting or curing madness or frenzy.

ANTIMASK, n. A lesser mask.

ANTIMETABOLE, n. antimetab’oly. [Gr. against, and mutation.]

In rhetoric, a setting of two things in opposition to each other; as, an honorable action may be attended with labor, but the labor is soon past, and the honor is immortal.

ANTIMETATHESIS, n. [Gr. against, and a transposition.]

In rhetoric, an inversion of the parts or members of an antithesis; as, “Compare the arrival of this governor, with the victory of that general.” Compare this peace with that war.”

ANTIMETER, n. [Gr. measure.]

An optical instrument for measuring angles, with greater accuracy than can be done by the usual quadrants or sextants.

ANTIMETRICAL, a. Contrary to the rules of meter or verse.

ANTIMINISTERIAL, a. [anti and ministerial.]

Opposed to the ministry, or administration of government.

ANTIMINISTERIALIST, n. One that opposes the ministry.

ANTIMONARCHICAL, a. [anti, against and monarchical.]

Opposed to monarchy; that opposes a kingly government.

ANTIMONARCHICALNESS, n. The quality of being opposed to monarchy.

ANTIMONIAL, a. [from antimony.]

Pertaining to antimony; relating to antimony, or partaking of its qualities.

ANTIMONIAL, n. A preparation of antimony; a medicine in which antimony is a principal ingredient.

ANTIMONIATE, n. A compound or salt composed of antimonic acid and a base.

ANTIMONIATED, a. Partaking of antimony; mixed or prepared with antimony; as antimoniated tartar.

ANTIMONIC, a. Pertaining to antimony; the antimonic acid is a peroxide of antimony.

ANTIMONIOUS, a. Pertaining to antimony. The antimonious acid is a deutoxyd of antimony.

ANTIMONITE, n. A compound of antimonious acid and a base.

ANTIMONY, n. [Low L. antimonium.]

Primarily, a metallic ore consisting of sulphur combined with a metal; the sulphuret of antimony, the stibium of the Romans and of the Greeks. It is a blackish mineral, which stains the hands, hard, brittle, full of long, shining, needlelike striae. It is found in the mines of Bohemia, and Hungary; in France and England, and in America. This word is also used for the pure metal of regulus of antimony, a metal of a grayish or silvery white, very brittle, and of a plated or scaly texture, and of moderate specific gravity. By exposure to air, its surface becomes tarnished, but does not rust. It is used as an ingredient in concave mirrors, giving them a finer texture. In bells, it renders the sound more clear; it renders tin more hard, white and sonorous, and gives to printing types more firmness and smoothness. It is also useful in promoting the fusion of metals, and especially in casting cannon balls. In its crude state, it is harmless to the human constitution; but many of its preparations act violently as emetics and cathartics. It has also a peculiar efficacy in promoting the secretions, particularly as a sudorific.

ANTIMORALIST, n. An opposer of morality.

ANTIMUSICAL, a. Opposed to music; having no ear for music.

ANTINEPHRITIC, a. [anti, and nephritic, which see.]

Counteracting diseases of the kidneys.

ANTINEPHRITIC, n. A medicine that tends to remove diseases of the kidneys.

ANTINOMIAN, a. [Gr. against, and law.] Against law; pertaining to the Antinomians.

ANTINOMIAN, n. One of a sect who maintain, that, under the gospel dispensation, the law is of no use or obligation; or who hold doctrines which supersede the necessity of good works and a virtuous life. This sect originated with John Agricola about the year 1538.

ANTINOMIANISM, n. The tenets of Antinomians.

ANTINOMIST, n. One who pays no regard to the law, or to good works.

ANTINOMY, n. A contradiction between two laws, or between two parts of the same law.

ANTIOCHIAN, a. Pertaining to Antiochus, the founder of a sect of philosophers, contemporary with Cicero. This sect was a branch of the academics, though Antiochus was a stoic. He attempted to reconcile the doctrines of the different schools, and was the last preceptor of the Platonic school.

The Antiochian epoch was a method of computing time, from the proclamation of liberty granted to the city of Antioch, about the time of the battle of Pharsalia.

ANTIPAPAL, a. Opposing popery.

ANTIPAPISTIC, ANTIPAPISTICAL, a. Opposed to popery or papacy.

ANTIPARALLEL, a. Running in a contrary direction.

ANTIPARALYTIC, a. [paralytic, which see.] Good against the palsy.

ANTIPARALYTIC, n. A remedy for the palsy.


Having a natural contrariety, or constitutional aversion to a thing.

ANTIPATHETICALNESS, n. The quality or state of having an aversion or contrariety to a thing.

ANTIPATHY, n. [Gr. against, and feeling.]

1. Natural aversion; instinctive contrariety or opposition in feeling; an aversion felt at the presence, real or ideal, of a particular object. This word literally denotes a natural aversion, which may be of different degrees, and in some cases may excite terror or horror at the presence of an object. Such is the aversion of animals for their natural enemies, as the antipathy of a mouse to a cat, or a weasel. Sometimes persons have an insuperable constitutional antipathy to certain kinds of food.

The word is applied also to aversion contracted by experience or habit; as when a person has suffered an injury from some food, or from an animal, which before was not an object of hatred; or when a particular kind of food or medicine is taken into a sickly stomach, and which nauseates it; the effect is antipathy, which is often of long continuance.

2. In ethics, antipathy is hatred, aversion or repugnancy; hatred to persons; aversion to persons or things; repugnancy to actions. Of these hatred is most voluntary. Aversion, and antipathy, in its true sense, depend more on the constitution; repugnancy may depend on reason or education.

Inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments to others, are to be avoided.

3. In physics, a contrariety in the properties or affections of matter, as of oil and water, which will not mix.

Antipathy is regularly followed by to, sometimes by against; and is opposed to sympathy.

ANTIPATRIOTIC, a. Not patriotic; opposing the interests of one’s country.

Antipatriotic prejudices.

ANTIPEDOBAPTIST, n. [Gr. against, a child, and baptize.]

One who is opposed to the baptism of infants.

ANTIPERISTALTIC, a. [See Peristaltic.]

Opposed to peristaltic; retroverted, as in vomiting; as, the antiperistaltic motion of the intestines.

ANTIPERISTASIS, n. [Gr. against, and a standing around.]

The opposition of a contrary quality, by which the quality opposed acquires strength; or the action by which a body attacked collects force by opposition; or the intention of the activity of one quality by the opposition of another. Thus quick-lime is set on fire, or sensible heat is excited in it, by mixture with water; and cold applied to the human body may increase its heat.

ANTIPERISTATIC, a. Pertaining to antiperistasis.

ANTIPESTILENTIAL, a. [anti and pestilential, which see.]

Counteracting contagion or infection; having the quality of opposing or destroying pestilential diseases.

ANTIPHLOGISTIAN, n. [anti and phlogiston, which see.]

An opposer of the theory of phlogiston.

ANTIPHLOGISTIC, a. Counteracting heat or inflammation; tending to reduce arterial action; opposed to the doctrine of phlogiston.

ANTIPHLOGISTIC, n. Any medicine or diet which tends to reduce inflammation or the activity of the vital power.

ANTIPHON, n. [See Antiphony.]

The chant or alternate singing in choirs of cathedrals.


ANTIPHONICAL, a. [See Antiphony.] Pertaining to antiphony or alternate singing.

ANTIPHONARY, n. [contrary, and sound, voice.]

A service book, in the Catholic church, containing all the invitatories, responsories, collects, and whatever is said or sung in the choir, except the lessons; called also a responsary; compiled by Gregory the Great.

ANTIPHONER, n. A book of anthems or antiphons.

ANTIPHONY, n. [contrary, and voice.]

1. The answer of one choir to another, when an anthem or psalm is sung by two choirs; alternate singing.

2. A species of psalmody, when a congregation is divided into two parts, and each sings the verses alternately.

3. The words given out at the beginning of a psalm, to which both the choirs are to accommodate their singing.

4. A musical composition of several verses, extracted from different psalms.

ANTIPHRASIS, n. [Gr. against, and a form of speech.]

The use of words in a sense opposite to their proper meaning; as when a court of justice is called a court of vengeance.

ANTIPHRASTIC, ANTIPHRASTICAL, a. Pertaining to antiphrasis.

ANTIPODAL, a. Pertaining to the antipodes; having the feet directly opposite.

ANTIPODE, n. [Gr. opposite, and foot.]

One who lives on the opposite side of the globe, and of course, whose feet are directly opposite.

ANTIPOISON, n. s as z. An antidote for poison.

ANTIPOPE, n. [anti and pope.]

One who usurps the papal power, in opposition to the pope.

ANTIPOPE, n. An outward gate or door.

ANTIPRELATICAL, a. Adverse to prelacy.

ANTIPRIEST, n. An opposer or enemy of priests.

ANTIPRIESTCRAFT, n. Opposition to priestcraft.

ANTIPRINCIPLE, n. An opposite principle.

ANTIPROPHET, n. An enemy or opposer of prophets.

ANTIPTOSIS, n. [Gr. case.]

In grammar, the putting of one case for another.

ANTIPURITAN, n. An opposer of puritans.

ANTIQUARIAN, a. Pertaining to antiquaries, or to antiquity. As a noun, this is used for antiquary.

ANTIQUARIANISM, n. Love of antiquities.

ANTIQUARY, n. [L. antiquarius.]

One who studies into the history of ancient things, as statues, coins, medals, paintings, inscriptions, books and manuscripts, or searches for them, and explains their origin and purport; one versed in antiquity.

ANTIQUATE, v.t. [L. antiquo. See Antiquary.]

To make old, or obsolete; to make old in such a degree as to put out of use. Hence, when applied to laws or customs, it amounts to make void or abrogate.

Christianity might reasonably introduce new laws and antiquate or abrogate old ones.

ANTIQUATED, pp. Grown old; obsolete; out of use; having lost its binding force by non-observance; as an antiquated law.

ANTIQUATEDNESS, n. The state of being old or obsolete.

ANTIQUATION, n. The state of being antiquated.

ANTIQUE, a. antee’k. [L. antiquus, probably from ante.]

1. Old; ancient; of genuine antiquity; in this sense it usually refers to the flourishing ages of Greece and Rome; as an antique statue.

2. Old, as it respects the present age, or a modern period of time; of old fashion, as an antique robe.

3. Odd; wild; fanciful; more generally written antic.

ANTIQUE, n. antee’k. In general, any thing very old; but in a more limited sense, the remains of ancient artists, as busts, statues, paintings and vases, the works of Grecian and Roman antiquity.

ANTIQUENESS, n. antee’kness. The quality of being ancient; an appearance of ancient origin and workmanship.