Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



FURUNCLE, n. [L. furunculus, furia, furo.]

A small tumor or boil, with inflammation and pain, arising under the skin in the adipose membrane.

FURY, n. [L. furor, furia, furo, to rage.]

1. A violent rushing; impetuous motion; as the fury of the winds.

2. Rage; a storm of anger; madness; turbulence.

I do oppose my patience to his fury.

3. Enthusiasm; heat of the mind.

4. In mythology, a deity; a goddess of vengeance; hence, a stormy turbulent, violent woman.

FURYLIKE, a. Raging; furious; violent.

FURZ, n.

Gorse; whin; a thorny plant of the genus Ulex.

FURZY, a. Overgrown with furz; full of gorse.

FUSCITE, n. A mineral of a grayish or greenish black color, found in Norway.

FUSCOUS, a. [L. fuscus.] Brown; of a dark color.

FUSE, v.t. s as z. [L. fundo, fusum, to pour out.]

To melt; to liquefy by heat; to render fluid; to dissolve.

FUSE, v.i. To be melted; to be reduced from a solid to a fluid state by heat.

FUSED, pp. Melted; liquefied.

FUSEE, n. s as z. [L. fusus, a spindle, from fundo, fudi, fusum.]

The cone or conical part of a watch or clock, round which is wound the chain or cord.

FUSEE, n. s as z.

1. A small neat musket or firelock. But we now use fusil.

2. Fusee or fuse of a bomb or granade, a small pipe filled with combustible matter by which fire is communicated to the powder in the bomb; but as the matter burns slowly, time is given before the charge takes fire, for the bomb to reach its destination.

3. The track of a buck.

FUSIBILITY, n. [See Fusible.] The quality of being fusible, or of being convertible from a solid to a fluid state by heat.

FUSIBLE, a. s as z. [L. fusus, from fundo.]

That may be melted or liquefied. The earths are found to be fusible.

FUSIFORM, a. [L. fusus, a spindle, and form.]

Shaped like a spindle.

FUSIL, a, s as z. [L. fusilis, from fusus, fundo.]

1. Capable of being melted or rendered fluid by heat.

2. Running; flowing, as a liquid.

FUSIL, n. s as z. [L. fusus, fundo.]

1. A light musket or firelock.

2. A bearing in heraldry of a rhomboidal figure, named from its shape, which resembles that of a spindle.

FUSILEER, n. [from fusil.] Properly, a soldier armed with a fusil; but in modern times, a soldier armed like others of the infantry, and distinguished by wearing a cap like a grenadier, but somewhat shorter.

FUSION, n. s as z. [L. fusio, from fundo, fusum.]

1. The act or operation of melting or rendering fluid by heat, without the aid of a solvent; as the fusion of ice or of metals.

2. The state of being melted or dissolved by heat; a state of fluidity or flowing in consequence of heat; as metals in fusion.

Watery fusion, the melting of certain crystals by heat in their own water of crystallization.

FUSS, n. [allied perhaps to Gr. to blow or puff.]

A tumult; a bustle; but the word is vulgar.

FUST, n. [L. fustis, a staff.] The shaft of a column.

FUST, n. A strong musty smell.
FUST, v.i. To become moldy; to smell ill.

FUSTED, a. Moldy; ill smelling.

FUSTET, n. The wood of the Rhus cotinus, which yields a fine orange color.


1. A kind of cotton stuff, or stuff of cotton and linen.

2. An inflated style of writing; a kind of writing in which high sounding words are used, above the dignity of the thoughts or subject; a swelling style; bombast.

Fustian is thoughts and words ill sorted.

FUSTIAN, a. Made of fustian.

1. In style, swelling above the dignity of the thoughts or subject; too pompous; ridiculously tumid; bombastic.

FUSTIANIST, n. One who writes bombast.

FUSTIC, n. [L. fustis.] The wood of the Morus tinctoria, a tree growing in the West Indies, imported and used in dyeing yellow.

FUSTIGATION, n. [L. fustigatio, from fustigo, to beat with a cudgel, from fustis, a stick or club.] Among the Ancient Romans, a punishment by beating with a stick or club, inflicted on freemen.

FUSTINESS, n. A fusty state or quality; an ill smell from moldiness, or moldiness itself.

FUSTY, a. [See Fust.] Moldy; musty; ill smelling; rank; rancid.

FUTILE, a. [L. futilis, from futio, to pour out; effutio, to prate or babble; Heb. to utter rashly or foolishly.]

1. Talkative; loquacious; tattling.

2. Trifling; of no weight or importance; answering no valuable purpose; worthless.

3. Of no effect.

FUTILITY, n. Talkativeness; loquaciousness; loquacity. [In this sense, not now used.]

1. Triflingness; unimportance; want of weight or effect; as, to expose the futility of arguments.

2. The quality of producing no valuable effect, or of coming to nothing; as the futility of measures or schemes.

FUTILOUS, a. Worthless; trifling. [Not used.]

FUTTOCK, n. [It is more probably corrupted from foot-lock.]

In a ship, the futtocks are the middle timbers, between the floor and the upper timbers, or the timbers raised over the keel which form the breadth of the ship.

FUTURE, a. [L. futurus.] That is to be or come hereafter; that will exist at any time after the present, indefinitely. The next moment is future to the present.

1. The future tense, in grammar, is the modification of a verb which expresses a future act or event.

FUTURE, n. Time to come; a time subsequent to the present; as, the future shall be as the present; in future; for the future. In such phrases, time or season is implied.

FUTURELY, adv. In time to come. [Not used.]

FUTURITION, n. The state of being to come or exist hereafter.

FUTURITY, n. Future time; time to come.

1. Event to come.

All futurities are naked before the all-seeing eye.

2. The state of being yet to come, or to come hereafter.

FUZZ, v.i. To fly off in minute particles.

FUZZ, n. Fine, light particles; loose, volatile matter.

FUZZBALL, n. A kind of fungus or mushroom, which when pressed bursts and scatters a fine dust.

1. A puff.

FUZZLE, v.t. To intoxicate.

FY, exclam. A word which expresses blame, dislike, disapprobation, abhorrence or contempt.

Fy, my lord, fy! a solider, and afraid!