Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



EXTENDING, ppr. Stretching; reaching; continuing in length; spreading; enlarging; valuing.

EXTENDLESSNESS, n. Unlimited extension. [Not used.]

EXTENSIBILITY, a. [from extensible.] The capacity of being extended, or of suffering extension; as the extensibility of a fiber, or of a plate of metal.

EXTENSIBLE, a. [from L. extensus.] That may be extended; capable of being stretched in length or breadth; susceptible of enlargement.

EXTENSIBLENESS, n. Extensibility, which see.

EXTENSILE, a. Capable of being extended.

EXTENSION, n. [L. extension.] The act of extending; a stretching.

1. The state of being extended; enlargement in breadth, or continuation of length.

2. In philosophy, that property of a body by which it occupies a portion of space.

EXTENSIONAL, a. Having great extent. [Not used.]

EXTENSIVE, a. Wide; large; having great enlargement or extent; as an extensive farm; an extensive field; an extensive lake; and extensive sphere of operations; extensive benevolence.

1. That may be extended. [Not used.]

EXTENSIVELY, adv. Widely; largely; to a great extent; as, a story is extensively circulated.

EXTENSIVENESS, n. Wideness; largeness; extent; as the extensiveness of the ocean.

1. Extent; diffusiveness; as the extensiveness of a man’s charities or benevolence.

2. Capacity of being extended. [Little used.]

EXTENSOR, n. In anatomy, a muscle which serves to extend or straighten any part of the body, as an arm or a finger; opposed to flexor.

EXTENT, a. Extended.

EXTENT, n. [L. extentus. It is frequently accented on the first syllable.]

1. Space or degree to which a thing is extended; hence, compass; bulk; size; as a great extent of country, or of body.

2. Length; as an extent of line.

3. Communication; distribution.

The extent of equal justice.

4. In law, a writ of execution or extendi facias, commanding a sheriff to value the lands of a debtor; or extent is the act of the sheriff or commissioner in making the valuation.

EXTENUATE, v.t. [L. extenuo; ex and tenuo, to make thin.]

1. To make thin, lean or slender. Sickness extenuates the body.

2. To lessen; to diminish; as a crime or guilt.

But fortune there extenuates the crime.

3. To lessen in representation; to palliate; opposed to aggravate.

4. To lessen or diminish in honor. [Little used.]

5. To make thin or rare; opposed to condense. [Little used.]

EXTENUATE, a. Thin; slender. [Not used.]

EXTENUATED, pp. Made thin, lean or slender; made smaller; lessened; diminished; palliated; made rare.

EXTENUATING, ppr. Making thin or slender; lessening; diminishing; palliating; making rare.

EXTENUATION, n. The act of making thin; the process of growing thin or lean; the losing of flesh.

1. The act representing any thing less wrong, faulty or criminal than it is in fact; palliation; opposed to aggravation; as the extenuation of faults, injuries or crimes.

2. Mitigation; alleviation; as the extenuation of punishment.

[Not common.]

EXTERIOR, a. [L. from exterus, foreign.]

1. External; outward; applied to the outside or outer surface of a body, and opposed to interior. We speak of the exterior and interior surfaces of a concavo-convex lens.

2. External; on the outside, with reference to a person; extrinsic. We speak of an object exterior to a man, as opposed to that which is within or in his mind.

EXTERIOR, n. The outward surface; that which is external.

1. Outward or visible deportment; appearance.

EXTERIORLY, adv. Outwardly; externally. [An ill formed word.]

EXTERIORS, n. plu. The outward parts of a thing.

1. Outward or external deportment, or forms and ceremonies; visible acts; as the exteriors of religion.

EXTERMINATE, v.t. [L. extermino; ex and terminus, limit.]

Literally, to drive from within the limits or borders. Hence,

1. To destroy utterly; to drive away; to extirpate; as, to exterminate a colony, a tribe or a nation; to exterminate inhabitants or a race of men.

2. To eradicate; to root out; to extirpate; as, to exterminate error, heresy, infidelity or atheism; to exterminate vice.

3. To root out, as plants; to extirpate; as, to exterminate weeds.

4. In algebra, to take away; as, to exterminate surds or unknown quantities.

EXTERMINATED, pp. Utterly driven away or destroyed; eradicated; extirpated.

EXTERMINATING, ppr. Driving away or totally destroying; eradicating; extirpating.

EXTERMINATION, n. The act of exterminating; total expulsion or destruction; eradication; extirpation; excision; as the extermination of inhabitants or tribes, of error or vice, or of weeds from a field.

1. In algebra, a taking away.

EXTERMINATOR, n. He or that which exterminates.

EXTERMINATORY, a. Serving or tending to exterminate.

EXTERMINE, v.t. To exterminate. [Not used.]

EXTERN, a. [L. externus. External; outward; visible.]

1. Without itself; not inherent; not intrinsic. [Little used.]

EXTERNAL, a. [L. externus.]

1. Outward; exterior; as the external surface of a body; opposed to internal.

2. Outward; not intrinsic; not being within; as external objects; external causes or effects.

3. Exterior; visible; apparent; as external deportment.

4. Foreign; relating to or connected with foreign nations; as external trade or commerce; the external relations of a state or kingdom.

External taxes, are duties or imposts laid on goods imported into a country.

EXTERNALITY, n. External perception.

EXTERNALLY, adv. Outwardly; on the outside.

1. In appearance; visibly.

EXTERNALS, n. plu. The outward parts; exterior form.

Adam was no less glorious in his externals; he had a beautiful body, as well as an immortal soul.

1. Outward rites and ceremonies; visible forms; as the externals of religion.

EXTERRANEOUS, a. [L. exterraneus; ex and terra, a land.]

Foreign; belonging to or coming from abroad.

EXTERSION, n. [L. extersio, from extergeo; ex and tergeo, to wipe.] The act of wiping or rubbing out.

EXTILL, v.i. [L. extillo; ex and stillo, to drop.]

To drop or distil from.

EXTILLATION, n. The act of distilling from, or falling from in drops.

EXTIMULATE. [Not in use.] [See Stimulate.]

EXTIMULATION. [See Stimulation.]

EXTINCT, a. [L. extinctus. See Extinguish.]

1. Extinguished; put out; quenched; as, fire, light or a lamp is extinct.

2. Being at an end; having no survivor; as, a family or race is extinct.

3. Being at an end; having ceased. The enmity between the families is extinct.

My days are extinct. Job 17:1.

4. Being at an end, by abolition or disuse; having no force; as, the law is extinct.

EXTINCTION, n. [L. extinctio. See Extinguish.]

1. The act of putting out or destroying light or fire, by quenching, suffocation or otherwise.

2. The state of being extinguished, quenched or suffocated; as the extinction of fire or of a candle.

3. Destruction; excision; as the extinction of nations.

4. Destruction; suppression; a putting an end to; as the extinction of life, or of a family; the extinction of feuds, jealousies or enmity; the extinction of a claim.

EXTINGUISH, v.t. [L. extinguo; ex and stingo, stinguo, or the latter may be a contraction; Gr. to prick, that is, to thrust; or more directly from tingo, to dip, to stain; both probably allied to tango, for tago, to touch.]

1. To put out; to quench; to suffocate; to destroy; as, to extinguish fire or flame.

2. To destroy; to put an end to; as, to extinguish love or hatred in the breast; to extinguish desire or hope; to extinguish a claim or title.

3. To cloud or obscure by superior splendor.

4. To put an end to, by union or consolidation. [See Extinguishment.]

EXTINGUISHABLE, a. That may be quenched, destroyed or suppressed.

EXTINGUISHED, pp. Put out; quenched; stifled; suppressed; destroyed.

EXTINGUISHER, n. He or that which extinguishes.

1. A hollow conical utensil to be put on a candle to extinguish it.

EXTINGUISHING, ppr. Putting out; quenching; suppressing; destroying.

EXTINGUISHMENT, n. The act of putting out or quenching; extinction; suppression; destruction; as the extinguishment of fire or flame; of discord, enmity or jealousy; or of love or affection.

1. Abolition; nullification.

Divine laws of christian church policy may not be altered by extinguishment.

2. Extinction; a putting an end to, or a coming to an end; termination; as the extinguishment of a race or tribe.

3. The putting an end to a right or estate, by consolidation or union.

If my tenant for life makes a lease to A for life, remainder to B and his heirs, and I release to A; this release operates as an extinguishment of my right to the reversion.

EXTIRP, v.t. To extirpate. [Not used.]

EXTIRPABLE, a. That may be eradicated.

EXTIRPATE, v.t. [L. extirpo; ex and stirps, root.]

1. To pull or pluck up by the roots; to root out; to eradicate; to destroy totally; as, to extirpate weeds or noxious plants from a field.

2. To eradicate; to root out; to destroy wholly; as, to extirpate error or heresy; to extirpate a sect.

3. In surgery, to cut out; to cut off; to eat out; to remove; as, to extirpate a wen.

EXTIRPATED, pp. Plucked up by the roots; rooted out; eradicated; totally destroyed.

EXTIRPATING, ppr. Pulling up or out by the roots; eradicating; totally destroying.

EXTIRPATION, n. The act of rooting out; eradication; excision; total destruction; as the extirpation of weeds from land; the extirpation of evil principles from the heart; the extirpation of a race of men; the extirpation of heresy.

EXTIRPATOR, n. One who roots out; a destroyer.

EXTOL, v.t. [L. extollo; ex and tollo, to raise.]

To raise in words or eulogy; to praise; to exalt in commendation; to magnify. We extol virtues, noble exploits, and heroism. Men are too much disposed to extol the rich and despise the poor.

Extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name Jah. Psalm 68:4.

EXTOLLED, ppr. Exalted in commendation; praised; magnified.

EXTOLLER, n. One who praises or magnifies; a praiser or magnifier.

EXTOLLING, ppr. Praising; exalting by praise or commendation; magnifying.

EXTORSIVE, a. [See Extort.] Serving to extort; tending to draw from by compulsion.

EXTORSIVELY, adv. In an extorsive manner; by extortion.

EXTORT, v.t. [L. extortus, from extorqueo, to wrest from; ex and torqueo, to twist.]

1. To draw from by force or compulsion; to wrest or wring from by physical force, by menace, duress, violence, authority, or by an illegal means. Conquerors extort contributions from the vanquished; tyrannical princes extort money from their subjects; officers often extort illegal fees; confessions of guilt are extorted by the rack. A promise extorted by duress is not binding.

2. To gain by violence or oppression.

EXTORT, v.i. To practice extortion.

EXTORTED, pp. Drawn from by compulsion; wrested from.

EXTORTER, n. One who extorts, or practices extortion.

EXTORTING, ppr. Wresting from by force or undue exercise of power.

EXTORTION, n. The act of extorting; the act or practice of wresting any thing from a person by force, duress, menaces, authority, or by any undue exercise of power; illegal exaction; illegal compulsion to pay money, or to do some other act. Extortion is an offense punishable at common law.

1. Force or illegal compulsion by which any thing is taken from a person.

EXTORTIONER, n. One who practices extortion.

Extortioners shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:10.

EXTORTIOUS, a. Oppressive; violent; unjust.

EXTRA, A Latin preposition, denoting beyond or excess; as extra-work, extra-pay, work or pay beyond what is usual or agreed on.

EXTRACT, v.t. [L. extractus, from extraho; ex and traho, to draw.]

1. To draw out; as, to extract a tooth.

2. To draw out, as the juices or essence of a substance, by distillation, solution or other means; as, to extract spirit from the juice of the cane; to extract salts from ashes.

3. To take out; to take from.

Woman is her name, of man


4. To take out or select a part; to take a passage or passages from a book or writing.

I have extracted from the pamphlet a few notorious falsehoods.

5. In a general sense, to draw from by any means or operation.

EXTRACT, n. That which is extracted or drawn from something.

1. In literature, a passage taken from a book or writing.

2. In pharmacy, any thing drawn from a substance, as essences, tinctures, etc.; or a solution of the purer parts of a mixed body inspissated by distillation or evaporation, nearly to the consistence of honey.

Any substance obtained by digesting vegetable substances in water, and evaporating them to a solid consistence.

3. In chimistry, a peculiar principle, supposed to form the basis of all vegetable extracts; called also the extractive principle.

4. Extraction; descent. [Not now used.]

EXTRACTED, pp. Drawn or taken out.

EXTRACTING, ppr. Drawing or taking out.

EXTRACTION, n. [L. extractio.] The act of drawing out; as the extraction of a tooth; the extraction of a bone or an arrow from the body; the extraction of a fetus or child in midwifery.

1. Descent; lineage; birth; derivation of persons from a stock or family. Hence, the stock or family from which one has descended. We say, a man is of a noble extraction.

2. In pharmacy, the operation of drawing essences, tinctures, etc. from a substance.

3. In arithmetic and algebra, the extraction of roots is the operation of finding the root of a given number of quantity; also, the method or rule by which the operation is performed.

EXTRACTIVE, a. That may be extracted.

EXTRACTIVE, n. The proximate principle of vegetable extracts.

EXTRACTOR, n. In midwifery, a forceps or instrument for extracting children.

EXTRADICTIONARY, a. [L. extra and dictio.] Consisting not in words, but in realities. [Not used.]

EXTRA-DOTAL, a. Not belonging to dower paraphernal.

EXTRAFOLIACEOUS, a. [L. extra, on the outside, and folium, a leaf.]

In botany, growing on the outside of a leaf; as extrafoliaceous stipules.

EXTRAGENEOUS, a. [L. extra and genus, kind.] Belonging to another kind.

EXTRAJUDICIAL, a. [extra, without, and judicial.] of the proper court, or the ordinary course of legal procedures.

EXTRAJUDICIALLY, adv. In a manner out of the ordinary course of legal proceedings.

EXTRALIMITARY, a. [extra and limit.] Being beyond the limit or bounds; as extralimitary land.

EXTRAMISSION, n. [L. extra and mitto, to send.]

A sending out; emission.

EXTRAMUNDANE, a. [L. extra and mundus, the world.]

Beyond the limit of the material world.

EXTRANEOUS, a. [L. extraneus.] Foreign; not belonging to a thing; existing without; not intrinsic; as, to separate gold from extraneous matter.

Relation is not contained in the real existence of things, but is extraneous and superinduced.

Extraneous fossils, organic remains; exuviae of organized beings, imbedded in the strata of the earth.

EXTRAORDINARIES, n. plu. Things which exceed the usual order, kind or method. Rarely used in the singular.

EXTRAORDINARILY, adv. extror’dinarily. [See Extraordinary.]

In a manner out of the ordinary or usual method; beyond the common course, limits or order; in an uncommon degree; remarkably; particularly; eminently.

The temple of Solomon was extraordinarily magnificent.

EXTRAORDINARINESS, n. Uncommonness; remarkableness.

EXTRAORDINARY, a. extror’dinary. [L. extraordinarius; extra and ordinarius, usual, from ordo, order.]

1. Beyond or out of the common order or method; not in the usual, customary or regular course; not ordinary. Extraordinary evils require extraordinary remedies.

2. Exceeding the common degree or measure; hence, remarkable; uncommon; rare; wonderful; as the extraordinary talents of Shakespeare; the extraordinary powers of Newton; an edifice of extraordinary grandeur.

3. Special; particular; sent for a special purpose, or on a particular occasion; as an extraordinary courier or messenger; an embassador extraordinary; a gazette extraordinary.

EXTRAPAROCHIAL, a. [extra and parochial.] Not within the limits of any parish.

EXTRAPROFESSIONAL, a. [extra and professional.] Foreign to a profession; not within the ordinary limits of professional duty or business.

Molina was an ecclesiastic, and these studies were extraprofessional.

EXTRAPROVINCIAL, a. [extra and provincial.] Not within the same province; not within the jurisdiction of the same archbishop.

EXTRAREGULAR, a. [extra and regular.] Not comprehended with a rule or rules.

EXTRATERRITORIAL, a. Being beyond or without the limits of a territory or particular jurisdiction.

EXTRAUGHT, old pp. of extract.

EXTRAVAGANCE, EXTRAVAGANCY, a. [L. extra and vagans; vagor, to wander. See Vague.]

1. Literally, a wandering beyond a limit; an excursion or sally from the usual way, course or limit.

2. In writing or discourse, a going beyond the limits of strict truth, or probability; as extravagance of expression or description.

3. Excess of affection, passion or appetite; as extravagance of love, anger, hatred or hunger.

4. Excess in expenditures of property; the expending of money without necessity, or beyond what is reasonable or proper; dissipation.

The income of three dukes was not enough to supply her extravagance.

5. In general, any excess or wandering from prescribed limits; irregularity; wildness; as the extravagance of imagination; extravagance of claims or demands.

EXTRAVAGANT, a. Literally, wandering beyond limits.

1. Excessive; exceeding due bounds; unreasonable. The wishes, demands, desires and passions of men are often extravagant.

2. Irregular; wild; not within ordinary limits of truth or probability, or other usual bounds; as extravagant flights of fancy.

There is something nobly wild and extravagant in great geniuses.

3. Exceeding necessity or propriety; wasteful; prodigal; as extravagant expenses; an extravagant mode of living.

4. Prodigal; profuse in expenses; as an extravagant man.

He that is extravagant will quickly become poor, and poverty will enforce dependence, and invite corruption.

EXTRAVAGANT, n. One who is confined to no general rule.

EXTRAVAGANTLY, adv. In an extravagant manner; wildly; not within the limits of truth or probability. Men often write and talk extravagantly.

1. Unreasonably; excessively. It is prudent not to praise or censure extravagantly.

2. In a manner to use property without necessity or propriety, or to no good purpose; expensively, or profusely to an unjustifiable degree; as, to live, eat, drink, or dress extravagantly.

EXTRAVAGANTNESS, n. Excess; extravagance. [Little used.]

EXTRAVAGANTS, n. In church history, certain decretal epistles, or constitutions of the popes, which were published after the Clementines, and not at first arranged and digested with the other papal constitutions. They were afterward inserted in the body of the canon law.

EXTRAVAGATE, v.i. To wander beyond the limits. [Not used.]

EXTRAVAGATION, n. Excess; a wandering beyond limits.

EXTRAVASATED, a. [L. extra and vasa, vessels.] Forced or let out of its proper vessels; as extravasated blood.