Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



FRUSTRATED, pp. Defeated; disappointed; rendered vain or null.

FRUSTRATING, ppr. Defeating; disappointing; making vain or of no effect.

FRUSTRATION, n. The act of frustrating; disappointment; defeat; as the frustration of one’s attempt or design.

FRUSTRATIVE, a. Tending to defeat; fallacious.

FRUSTRATORY, a. That makes void; that vacates or renders null; as a frustatory appeal.

FRUSTUM, n. [L. See Frustrate.] a piece or part of a solid body separated from the rest. The frustum of a cone, is the part that remains after the top is cut off by a plane parallel to the base; called otherwise a truncated cone.

FRUTESCENT, a. [L. frutex, a shrub.] In botany, from herbaceous becoming shrubby; as a frutescent stem.

FRUTEX, n. [L.] In botany, a shrub; a plant having a woody, durable stem, but less than a tree.

FRUTICANT, a. Full of shoots.

FRUTICOUS, a. [L. fruiticosus.] Shrubby; as a fruticous stem.

FRY, v.t. [L. frigo. Gr.]

To dress with fat by heating or roasting in a pan over a fire; to cook and prepare for eating in a fryingpan; as, to fry meat or vegetables.

FRY, v.i.

1. To be heated and agitated; to suffer the action of fire or extreme heat.

2. To ferment, as in the stomach.

3. To be agitated; to boil.

FRY, n.

1. A swarm or crowd of little fish; so called from their crowding, tumbling and agitation. [L. ferveo.]

2. A dish of any thing fried.

3. A kind of sieve. [Not used in America.]

FRYING, ppr. Dressing in a fryingpan; heating; agitating.

FRYINGPAN, n. a pan with a long handle, used for frying meat and vegetables.

FUB, n. a plump boy; a woman. [Not in use.]

FUB, v.t. to put off; to delay; to cheat. [See Fob.]

FUCATE, FUCATED, a. [L. fucatus, from fuco, to stain.]

Painted; disguised with paint; also, disguised with false show.

FUCUS, n. [L. See Feign.]

1. A paint; a dye; also, false show.

2. plu. fucuses. In botany, a genus of Algae, or seaweed; the sea-wrack, etc.

FUDDER, of lead. [See Fother.]

FUDDLE, v.t. To make drunk; to intoxicate.

FUDDLE, v.i. To drink to excess.

FUDDLED, pp. Drunk; intoxicated.

FUDDLING, ppr. Intoxicating; drinking to excess.

FUDGE, a word of contempt.

FUEL, n. [L. focus.]

1. Any matter which serves as aliment to fire; that which feeds fire; combustible matter, as wood, coal, peat, etc.

2. Any thing that serves to feed or increase flame, heat or excitement.

FUEL, v.t.

1. To feed with combustible matter.

Never, alas! the dreadful name, that fuels the infernal flame.

2. To store with fuel or firing.

FUELED, pp. Fed with combustible matter; stored with firing.

FUELER, n. He or that which supplies fuel.

FUELING, ppr. Feeding with fuel; supplying with fuel.

FUGACIOUS, a. [L. fugax, from fugo, to chase, or fugio, to flee.] Flying or fleeing away; volatile.

FUGACIOUSNESS, n. The quality of flying away; volatility.

FUGACITY, n. [L. fugax, supra.]

1. Volatility; the quality of flying away; as the fugacity of spires.

2. Uncertainty; instability.

FUGH, FOH, an exclamation expressing abhorrence.

FUGITIVE, a. [L. fugitivus, from fugio, to flee. Gr.]

1. Volatile; apt to flee away; readily wafted by the wind.

The more tender and fugitive parts -

2. Not tenable; not to be held or detained; readily escaping; as a fugitive idea.

3. Unstable; unsteady; fleeting; not fixed or durable.

4. Fleeing; running from danger or pursuit.

5. Fleeing from duty; eloping; escaping.

Can a fugitive daughter enjoy herself, while her parents are in tears?

6. Wandering; vagabond; as a fugitive physician.

7. In literature, fugitive compositions are such as are short and occasional, written in haste or at intervals, and considered to be fleeting and temporary.


1. One who fees from his station or duty; a deserter; one who flees from danger.

2. One who has fled or deserted and taken refuge under another power, or one who has fled from punishment.

3. One hard to be caught or detained.

Or catch that airy fugitive, called wit.


1. Volatility; fugacity; an aptness to fly away.

2. Instability; unsteadiness.

FUGUE, n. [L. fuga.]

In music, a chase or succession in the parts; that which expresses the capital thought or sentiment of the piece, in causing it to pass successively and alternately from one part to another.

FUGUIST, n. A musician who composes fugues, or performs them extemporaneously.

FULCIMENT, n. [L. fulcimentum, from fulcio, to prop.]

A prop; a fulcrum; that on which a balance or lever rests. [Little used.]

FULCRATE, a. [from L. fulcrum, a prop.]

1. In botany, a fulcrate stem is one whose branches descend to the earth, as in Ficus.

2. Furnished with fulcres.


1. A prop or support.

2. In mechanics, that by which a lever is sustained.

3. In botany, the part of a plant which serves to support or defend it, or to facilitate some necessary secretion, as a stipule, a bracte, a tendril, a gland, etc.

FULFILL, v.t. [A tautological compound of full and fill.]

1. To accomplish; to perform; to complete; to answer in execution or event what has been foretold or promised; as, to fulfill a prophecy or prediction; to fulfill a promise.

2. To accomplish what was intended; to answer a design by execution.

Here nature seems fulfilled in all her ends.

3. To accomplish or perform what was desired; to answer any desire by compliance or gratification.

He will fulfill the desire of them that fear him. Psalm 145:19.

4. To perform what is required; to answer a law by obedience.

If ye fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well. James 2:8.

5. To complete in time.

Fulfill her week. Genesis 29:27.

6. In general, to accomplish; to complete; to carry into effect.

FULFILLED, pp. Accomplished; performed; completed; executed.

FULFILLER, n. One that fulfills or accomplishes.

FULFILLING, ppr. Accomplishing; performing; completing.


1. Accomplishment; completion; as the fulfillment of prophecy.

2. Execution; performance; as the fulfillment of a promise.

FULFRAUGHT, a. [full and fraught.] Full-stored.

FULGENCY, n. [L. fulgens, from fulgeo, to shine. See Effulgence.] Brightness; splendor; glitter.

FULGENT, a. Shining; dazzling; exquisitely bright.

FULGID, a. [L. fulgidus, from fulgeo, to shine.] Shining; glittering; dazzling. [Not in use.]

FULGOR, n. [L.] Splendor; dazzling brightness. [Little used.]

FULGURANT, a. Lightening. [Not used.]

FULGURATE, v.i. To flash as lightning. [Not used.]

FULGURATION, n. [L. fulguratio, from fulgur, lightning.]

Lightning; the act of lightening. [Little used or not at all.]

FULIGINOSITY, n. [L. fuligo, soot, probably from the root of foul.]

Sootiness; matter deposited by smoke.

FULIGINOUS, a. [L. fuligineus, fuliginosus, from fuligo, soot.]

1. Pertaining to soot; sooty; dark; dusky.

2. Pertaining to smoke; resembling smoke; dusky.

FULIGINOUSLY, a. By being sooty.

FULIMART, [See Foumart.]

FULL, a.

1. Replete; having within its limits all that it can contain; as a vessel full of liquor.

2. Abounding with; having a large quantity or abundance; as a house full of furniture; life is full of cares and perplexities.

3. Supplied; not vacant.

Had the throne been full, their meeting would not have been regular.

4. Plump; fat; as a full body.

5. Saturated; sated.

I am full of the burnt offerings of rams. Isaiah 1:11.

6. Crowded, with regard to the imagination or memory.

Every one is full of the miracles done by cold baths on decayed and weak constitutions.

7. Large; entire; not partial; that fills; as a full meal.

8. Complete; entire; not defective or partial; as the full accomplishment of a prophecy.

9. Complete; entire; without abatement.

It came to pass, at the end of two full years, that Pharoah dreamed - Genesis 41:1.

10. Containing the whole matter; expressing the whole; as a full narration or description.

11. Strong; not faint or attenuated; loud; clear; distinct; as a full voice or sound.

12. Mature; perfect; as a person of full age.

13. Entire; complete; denoting the completion of a sentence; as a full stop or point.

14. Spread to view in all dimensions; as a head drawn with a full face.

15. Exhibiting the whole disk or surface illuminated; as the full moon.

16. Abundant; plenteous; sufficient. We have a full supply of provisions for the year.

17. Adequate; equal; as a full compensation or reward for labor.

18. Well fed.

19. Well supplied or furnished; abounding.

20. Copious; ample. The speaker or the writer was full upon that point.

A full band, in music, is when all the voices and instruments are employed.

A full organ, is when all or most of the stops are out.

FULL, n.

1. Complete measure; utmost extent. this instrument answers to the full.

2. The highest state or degree.

The swan’s down feather, that stands upon the swell at full of tide -

3. The whole; the total; in the phrase, at full.

4. The state of satiety; as fed to the full.

The full of the moon, is the time when it presents to the spectator its whole face illuminated, as it always does when in opposition to the sun.

FULL, adv.

1. Quite; to the same degree; without abatement or diminution.

The pawn I proffer shall be full as good.

2. With the whole effect.

The diapason closing full in man.

3. Exactly.

Full in the center of the sacred wood.

4. Directly; as, he looked him full in the face.

It is placed before adjectives and adverbs to heighten or strengthen their signification; as full sad.

Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. Mark 7:9.

Full is prefixed to other words, chiefly participles, to express utmost extent or degree.

FULL-ACORNED, a. Fed to the full with acorns.

FULL-BLOOMED, a. Having perfect bloom.


1. Fully expanded, as a blossom.

2. Fully distended with wind.

FULL-BOTTOM, n. A wig with a large bottom.

FULL-BOTTOMED, a. Having a large bottom, as a wig.

FULL-BUTT, adv. Meeting directly and with violence. [Vulgar.]

FULL-CHARGED, a. Charged to fullness.

FULL-CRAMMED, a. Crammed to fullness.

FULL-DRESSED, a. Dressed in form or costume.

FULL-DRIVE, a. Driving with full speed.

FULL-EARED, a. Having the ears or heads full of grain.

FULL-EYED, a. Having large prominent eyes.

FULL-FACED, a. Having a broad face.

FULL-FED, a. Fed to fullness; plump with fat.

FULL-FRAUGHT, a. Laden or stored to fullness.

FULL-GORGED, a. Over fed; a term of hawking.

FULL-GROWN, a. Grown to full size.

FULL-HEARTED, a. Full of courage or confidence.


1. Heated to the utmost.

2. Quite as hot as it ought to be.

FULL-LADEN, a. Laden to the full.

FULL-MANNED, a. Completely furnished with men.

FULL-MOUTHED, a. Having a full or strong voice.

FULL-ORBED, a. Having the orb complete or fully illuminated as the moon; like the full moon.

FULL-SPREAD, a. Extended to the utmost.

FULL-STOMACHED, a. Having the stomach crammed.

FULL-STUFFED, a. Filled to the utmost extent.

FULL-SUMMED, a. Complete in all its parts.


1. Having complete wings or large strong wings.

2. Ready for flight; eager.

FULL, v.t. [L. fullo. Gr. that is, a crowd, a throng. foul and defile are probably of the same family.]

To thicken cloth in a mill. This is the primary sense: but in practice, to full is to mill; to make compact; or to scour, cleanse and thicken in a mill.

FULLAGE, n. Money paid for fulling cloth.

FULLED, pp. Cleansed; thickened; made dense and firm in a mill.

FULLER, n. One whose occupation is to full cloth.

FULLER’S-EARTH, n. A variety of clay, compact, but friable, unctuous to the touch, and of various colors, usually with a shade of green. It is useful in scouring and cleansing cloth, as it imbibes the grease and oil used in preparing wool.

FULLER’S-THISTLE, FULLER’S-WEED, n. Teasel, a plant of the genus Dipsacus. The burs are used in dressing cloth.

FULLERY, n. The place or the works where the fulling of cloth is carried on.

FULLING, ppr. Thickening cloth in a mill; making compact.

FULLING, n. The art or practice of thickening cloth and making it compact and firm in a mill, at the same time the cloth is cleansed of oily matter.

FULLINGMILL, n. A mill for fulling cloth by means of pestles or stampers, which beat and press it to a close or compact state and cleanse it.

FULLNESS, n. [from full.]

1. The state of being filled, so as to leave no part vacant.

2. The state of abounding or being in great plenty; abundance.

3. Completeness; the state of a thing in which nothing is wanted; perfection.

In thy presence is fullness of joy. Psalm 16:11.

4. Repletion; satiety; as from intemperance.

5. Repletion of vessels; as fullness of blood.

6. Plenty; wealth; affluence.

7. Struggling perturbation; swelling; as the fullness of the heart.

8. Largeness; extent.

There wanted the fullness of a plot, and variety of characters to form it as it ought.

9. Loudness; force of sound, such as fills the ear.

FULLSOME, a. Gross; disgusting by plainness, grossness or excess; as fullsome flattery or praise.

FULLSOMELY, adv. Grossly; with disgusting plainness or excess.

FULLSOMENESS, n. Offensive grossness, as of praise.

[These are the senses of this word and the only senses used in New England, as far as my knowledge extends.]

FULLY, adv.

1. Completely; entirely; without lack or defect; in a manner to give satisfaction; to the extent desired; as, to be fully persuaded of the truth of a proposition.

2. Completely; perfectly. Things partially known in this life will be hereafter fully disclosed.


1. A fowl of the genus Procellaria, or petrel kind, larger than a gull, possessing the singular faculty of spouting from its bill a quantity of pure oil against its adversary. It is an inhabitant of the Hebrides; it feeds on the fat of whales, and when one of them is taken, will perch on it even when alive and pick out pieces of flesh.

2. The foulemart or fulimart. [See Foumart.]

FULMINANT, a. [L. fulminans.] Thundering.

FULMINATE, v.i. [L. fulmino, from fulmen, thunder, from a root in Bl, which signifies to throw or to burst forth.]

1. To thunder.

2. To make a loud sudden noise, or a sudden sharp crack; to detonate; as fulminating gold.

3. To hurl papal thunder; to issue forth ecclesiastical censures, as the pope.


1. To utter or send out, as a denunciation or censure; to send out, as a menace or censure by ecclesiastical authority.

2. To cause to explode.


1. Thundering; crackling; exploding; detonating.

2. Hurling papal denunciations, menaces or censures.

Fulminating powder, a detonating compound of sulphur, carbonate of potash and niter.


1. A thundering.

2. Denunciation of censure or threats, as by papal authority.

The fulminations from the Vatican were turned into ridicule.

3. The explosion of certain chimical preparations; detonation.