Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



E, the second vowel and the fifth letter of the English Alphabet, seems to be the ancient Phenician and Hebrew E inverted, corresponding nearly with the Chaldaic and later Hebrew. Its long and natural sound in English coincides with the sound of i in the Italian and French language, and is formed by a narrower opening of the glottis than that of a. It has a long sound, as in here, mere, me; a short sound, as in met, men; and the sound of a open or long, in there, prey, vein. As a final letter, it is generally quiescent; but it serves to lengthen the sound of the preceding vowel, or at least to indicate that the preceding vowel is to have its long sound, as in mane, cane, plume, which, without the final e, would be pronounced man, can, plum. After c and g, the final e serves to change these letters from hard to soft, or to indicate that c is to be pronounced as s, and g, as j. Thus without the final e, in mace [mase,] this word would be pronounced mac [mak,] and rage [raj] would be pronounced rag. In a numerous class of words, indeed in almost every word, except a few from the Greek, the final e is silent, serving no purpose whatever, unless to show from what language we have received the words, and in many cases, it does not answer this purpose. In words, ending in ive, as active; in ile, as futile; in ine, as in sanguine, examine; in ite as in definite; e is, for the most part, silent. In some of these words, the use of e is borrowed from the French; in most or all cases, it is not authorized by the Latin originals; it is worse than useless, as it leads to a wrong pronunciation; and the retaining of it in such words is, beyond measure, absurd.

When two of this vowel occur together, the sound is the same as that of the single e long, as in deem, esteem, need; and it occurs often with a and i, as in mean, hear, siege, deceive, in which cases, when one vowel only has a sound, the combination I call a digraph [double written.] In these combinations, the sound is usually that of e long, but sometimes the short sound of e, as in lead, a metal, read, pret. of read, and sometimes the sound of a long, as in rein, feign, pronounced rane, fane. Irregularities of this kind are not reducible to rules.

As a numeral, E stands for 250. In the calendar, it is the fifth of the dominical letters. As an abbreviation, it stands for East, as in charts; E. by S., East by South.

EACH, a. Every one of any number separately considered or treated.

To all of them he gave each man changes of raiment. Genesis 45:22.

And the princes of Israel, being twelve men, each one was for the house of his fathers. Numbers 1:44.

Simeon and Levi took each man his sword. Genesis 34:25.

The emperor distributed to each soldier in his army a liberal donative.

To each corresponds other. Let each esteem other better than himself. It is our duty to assist each other; that is, it is our duty to assist, each to assist the other.

EACHWHERE, adv. Every where.

EAD, ED, in names, is a Saxon word signifying happy, fortunate; as in Edward, happy preserver; Edgar, happy power; Edwin, happy conqueror; Eadulph, happy assistance; like Macarius and Eupolemus in Greek and Fausta, Fortunatus, Felicianus, in Latin.

EAGER, a. [L. acer, fierce, brisk, sharp, sour; acus, Eng. edge.]

1. Excited by ardent desire in the pursuit of any object; ardent to pursue, perform or obtain; inflamed by desire; ardently wishing or longing. The soldiers were eager to engage the enemy. Men are eager in the pursuit of wealth. The lover is eager to possess the object of his affections.

2. Ardent; vehement; impetuous; as eager spirits; eager zeal; eager clamors.

3. Sharp; sour; acid; as eager droppings into milk. [Little used.]

4. Sharp; keen; biting; severe; as eager air; eager cold. [Little used.]

5. Brittle; inflexible; not ductile; as, the gold is too eager. [Local.]

EAGERLY, adv. With great ardor of desire; ardently; earnestly; warmly; with prompt zeal; as, he eagerly flew to the assistance of his friend.

1. Hastily; impetuously.

2. Keenly; sharply.

EAGERNESS, n. Ardent desire to do, pursue or obtain any thing; animated zeal; vehement longing; ardor of inclination. Men pursue honor with eagerness. Detraction is often received with eagerness. With eagerness the soldier rushes to battle. The lover’s eagerness often disappoints his hopes.

1. Tartness; sourness.

EAGLE, n. [L. aquila.]

1. A rapacious fowl of the genus Falco. The beak is crooked and furnished with a cere at the base, and the tongue is cloven or bifid. There are several species, as, the bald or white-headed eagle, the sea eagle or ossifrage, the golden eagle, etc.

The eagle is one of the largest species of fowls, has a keen sight, and preys on small animals, fish, etc. He lives to a great age; and it is said that one died at Vienna, after a confinement of a hundred and four years. On account of the elevation and rapidity of his flight, and of his great strength, he is called the king of birds. Hence the figure of an eagle was made the standard of the Romans, and a spread eagle is a principal figure in the arms of the United States of America. Hence also in heraldry, it is one of the most noble bearings in armory.

2. A gold coin of the United States, of the value of ten dollars, or forty-five shillings sterling.

3. A constellation in the northern hemisphere, having its right wing contiguous to the equinoctial.

EAGLE-EYED, a. Sharpsighted as an eagle; having an acute sight.

1. Discerning; having acute intellectual vision.

EAGLE-SIGHTED, a. Having acute sight.

EAGLE-SPEED, n. Swiftness like that of an eagle.

EAGLESS, n. A female or hen eagle.

EAGLE-STONE, n. Etite, a variety of argillaceous oxyd of iron, occurring in masses varying from the size of a walnut to that of a man’s head. Their form is spherical, oval or nearly reniform, or sometimes like a parallelopiped with rounded edges and angles. They have a rough surface, and are essentially composed of concentric layers. These nodules often embrace at the center a kernel or nucleus, sometimes movable, and always differing from the exterior in color, density and fracture. To these hollow nodules the ancients gave the name of eagle-stones, from an opinion that the eagle transported them to her nest to facilitate the laying of her eggs.

EAGLET, n. A young eagle or a diminutive eagle.

EAGLE-WINGED, a. Having the wings of an eagle; swift as an eagle.

EAGRE, n. A tide swelling above another tide, as in the Severn.

EALDERMAN. [See Alderman.]

EAME, n. Uncle.

EAN, v.t. or i. To yean. [See Yean.]

EANLING, n. A lamb just brought forth. [Not used.]

EAR, n. [L. auris, whence auricula; audio.]

1. The organ of hearing; the organ by which sound is perceived; and in general, both the external and internal part is understood by the term. The external ear is a cartilaginous funnel, attached, by ligaments and muscles, to the temporal bone.

2. The sense of hearing, or rather the power of distinguishing sounds and judging of harmony; the power of nice perception of the differences of sound, or of consonances and dissonances. She has a delicate ear for music, or a good ear.

3. In the plural, the head or person.

It is better to pass over an affront from one scoundrel, than to draw a herd about one’s ears.

4. The top, or highest part.

The cavalier was up to the ears in love.

5. A favorable hearing; attention; heed; regard. Give no ear to flattery.

I cried to God--and he gave ear to me. Psalm 77:1.

He could not gain the prince’s ear.

6. Disposition to like or dislike what is heard; opinion; judgment; taste.

He laid his sense closer--according to the style and ear of those times.

7. Any part of a thing resembling an ear; a projecting part from the side of any thing; as the ears of a vessel used as handles.

8. The spike of corn; that part of certain plants which contains the flowers and seeds; as an ear of wheat or maiz.

To be by the ears,

To fall together by the ears,

To fight or scuffle; to quarrel.

To go together by the ears,

To set by the ears, to make strife; to cause to quarrel.

EAR, v.i. To shoot, as an ear; to form ears, as corn.
EAR, v.t. [L. aro.] To plow or till.

EARABLE, a. Used to be tilled.

EARACHE, n. [See Ache.] Pain in the ear.

EARAL, a. Receiving by the ear. [Not used.]

EAR-BORED, a. Having the ear perforated.

EAR-DEAFENING, a. Stunning the ear with noise.

EARED, pp. Having ears; having spikes formed, as corn.

EAR-ERECTING, a. Setting up the ears.

EARING, n. In seamen’s language, a small rope employed to fasten the upper corner of a sail to its yard.

EARING, n. A plowing of land. Genesis 45:6.

EARLAP, n. The tip of the ear.

EARLOCK, n. A lock or curl of hair, near the ear.

EARMARK, n. A mark on the ear, by which a sheep is known.

EARMARK, v.t. To mark, as sheep by cropping or slitting the ear.

EARPICK, n. An instrument for cleansing the ear.

EAR-PIERCING, a. Piercing the ear, as a shrill or sharp sound.

EARRING, n. A pendant; an ornament, sometimes set with diamonds, pearls or other jewels, worn at the ear, by means of a ring passing through the lobe.

EARSHOT, n. Reach of the ear; the distance at which words may be heard.

EARWAX, n. The cerumen; a thick viscous substance, secreted by the glands of the ear into the outer passage.

EARWIG, n. A genus of insects of the order of Coleopters. The antennae are bristly; the elytra dimidiated; the wings covered; and the tail forked. This animal is called in Latin forficula, from the forceps at the end of the abdomen. The English name was given to it from an ill founded notion that the animal creeps into the ear and causes injury.

In New England, this name is vulgarly given to a species of centiped.

EAR-WITNESS, n. One who is able to give testimony to a fact from his own hearing.

EARL, n. erl.

A British title of nobility, or a nobleman, the third in rank, being next below a marquis, and next above a viscount. The title answers to count [compte] in France, and graaf in Germany. The earl formerly had the government of a shire, and was called shireman. After the conquest earls were called counts, and from them shires have taken the name of counties. Earl is now a mere title, unconnected with territorial jurisdiction.

EARLDOM, n. erl’dom. The seignory, jurisdiction or dignity of an earl.

EARL-MARSHAL, n. An officer in Great Britain, who has the superintendence of military solemnities. He is the eighth great officer of state. The office was originally conferred by grant of the king, but is now hereditary in the family of the Howards.

EARLES-PENNY, n. Money given in part payment. [L. arrha.] [Not in use.]

EARLESS, a. Destitute of ears; disinclined to hear or listen.

EARLINESS, n. er’liness. [See Early and Ere.]

A state of advance or forwardness; a state of being before anything, or at the beginning; as the earliness of rising in the morning is a rising at the dawn of the morning, or before the usual time of rising. So we speak of the earliness of spring, or the earliness of plants, to express a state somewhat in advance of the usual time of spring, or growth of plants.

EARLY, a. er’ly. [Eng. ere.]

1. In advance of something else; prior in time; forward; as early fruit, that is, fruit that comes to maturity before other fruit; early growth; early manhood; early old age or decrepitude, that is, premature old age. So an early spring; an early harvest.

2. First; being at the beginning; as early dawn.

3. Being in good season; as, the court met at an early hour.

EARLY, adv. er’ly. Soon; in good season; betimes; as, rise early; come early; begin early to instill into children principles of piety.

Those who seek me early shall find me. Proverbs 8:17.

EARN, v.t. ern.

1. To merit or deserve by labor, or by any performance; to do that which entitles to a reward, whether the reward is received or not. Men often earn money or honor which they never receive.

Earn money before you spend it, and spend less than you earn.

2. To gain by labor, service or performance; to deserve and receive as compensation; as, to earn a dollar a day; to earn a good living; to earn honors or laurels.

EARNED, pp. ern’ed. Merited by labor or performance; gained.

EARNEST, a. ern’est.

1. Ardent in the pursuit of an object; eager to obtain; having a longing desire; warmly engaged or incited.

They are never more earnest to disturb us, than when they see us most earnest in this duty.

2. Ardent; warm; eager; zealous; animated; importunate; as earnest in love; earnest in prayer.

3. Intent; fixed.

On that prospect strange

Their earnest eyes were fixed.

4. Serious; important; that is, really intent or engaged; whence the phrase, in earnest. To be in earnest, is to be really urging or stretching towards an object; intent on a pursuit. Hence, from fixed attention, comes the sense of seriousness in the pursuit, as opposed to trifling or jest. Are you in earnest or in jest?

EARNEST, n. ern’est. Seriousness; a reality; a real event; as opposed to jesting or feigned appearance.

Take heed that this jest do not one day turn to earnest.

And given in earnest what I begg’d in jest.

1. First fruits; that which is in advance, and gives promise of something to come. Early fruit may be an earnest of fruit to follow. The first success in arms may be an earnest of future success. The christian’s peace of mind in this life is an earnest of future peace and happiness. Hence earnest or earnest-money is a first payment or deposit giving promise or assurance of full payment. Hence the practice of giving an earnest to ratify a bargain.

This sense of the word is primary, denoting that which goes before, or in advance. Thus the earnest of the spirit is given to saints, as a pledge or assurance of their future enjoyment of God’s presence and favor.

EARNESTLY, adv. ern’estly. Warmly; zealously; importunately; eagerly; with real desire.

Being in an agony, he prayed more earnestly. Luke 22:44.

That ye should earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. Jude 3.

2. With fixed attention; with eagerness.

A certain maid looked earnestly upon him. Luke 22:56.

EARNESTNESS, n. ern’estness. Ardor or zeal in the pursuit of any thing; eagerness; animated desire; as, to seek or ask with earnestness; to engage in a work with earnestness.

1. Anxious care; solicitude; intenseness of desire.

2. Fixed desire or attention; seriousness; as, the charge was maintained with a show of gravity and earnestness.

EARNFUL, a. ern’ful. Full of anxiety. [Not used.]

EARNING, ppr. ern’ing. Meriting by services; gaining by labor or performance.

EARNING, n. ern’ing. plu. earnings. That which is earned; that which is gained or merited by labor, services or performance; wages; reward. The folly of young men is to spend their earnings in dissipation or extravagance. It is wise for the poor to invest their earnings in a productive fund.

EARSH, n. [See Ear, to plow.] A plowed field. [Not in use.]

EARTH, n. erth.

1. Earth, in its primary sense, signifies the particles which compose the mass of the globe, but more particularly the particles which form the fine mold on the surface of the globe; or it denotes any indefinite mass or portion of that matter. We throw up earth with a spade or plow; we fill a pit or ditch with earth; we form a rampart with earth. This substance being considered, by ancient philosophers, as simple, was called an element; and in popular language, we still hear of the four elements, fire, air, earth, and water.

2. In chimistry, the term earth was, till lately, employed to denote a simple elementary body or substance, tasteless, inodorous, uninflammable and infusible. But it has also been applied to substances which have a very sensible alkaline taste, as lime. The primitive earths are reckoned ten in number, viz, silex, alumin, lime, magnesia, baryte, strontian, zircon, glucin, yttria and thorina. Recent experiments prove that most or all of them are compounds of oxygen with bases, some of which appear to possess the properties of metals. In this case the earths are to be considered as metallic oxyds.

3. The terraqueous globe which we inhabit. The earth is nearly spherical, but a little flatted at the poles, and hence its figure is called an oblate spheroid. It is one of the primary planets, revolving round the sun in an orbit which is between those of Venus and Mars. It is nearly eight thousand miles in diameter, and twenty five thousand miles in circumference. Its distance from the sun is about ninety five millions of miles, and its annual revolution constitutes the year of 365 days, 5 hours, and nearly 49 minutes.

4. The world, as opposed to other scenes of existence.

5. The inhabitants of the globe.

The whole earth was of one language. Genesis 11:1.

6. Dry land, opposed to the sea.

God called the dry land earth. Genesis 1:10.

7. Country; region; a distinct part of the globe.

In this sense, land or soil is more generally used.

In scripture, earth is used for a part of the world. Ezra 1:2.

8. The ground; the surface of the earth. He fell to the earth. The ark was lifted above the earth.

In the second month--was the earth dried. Genesis 8:14.

9. In scripture, things on the earth, are carnal, sensual, temporary things; opposed to heavenly, spiritual or divine things.

10. Figuratively, a low condition. Revelation 12:4.

11. [from ear, L. aro, to plow.] The act of turning up the ground in tillage. [Not used.]

EARTH, v.t. To hide in the earth.

The fox is earthed.

1. To cover with earth or mold.

EARTH, v.i. To retire under ground; to burrow. Here foxes earthed.

EARTHBAG, n. A bag filled with earth, used for defense in war.

EARTHBANK, n. A bank or mound of earth.

EARTHBOARD, n. The board of a plow that turns over the earth; the mold-board.

EARTHBORN, a. Born of the earth; terrigenous; springing originally from the earth; as the fabled earthborn giants.

1. Earthly; terrestrial.

All earthborn cares are wrong.

EARTHBOUND, a. Fastened by the pressure of the earth.

EARTHBRED, a. Low; abject; groveling.

EARTH-CREATED, a. Formed of earth.

EARTHEN, a. erth’n. Made of earth; made of clay; as an earthen vessel; earthen ware.

EARTHFED, a. Low; abject.

EARTHFLAX, n. Amianth; a fibrous, flexile, elastic mineral substance, consisting of short interwoven, or long parallel filaments.

EARTHINESS, n. The quality of being earthy, or of containing earth; grossness.

EARTHLINESS, n. [from earthly.] The quality of being earthly; grossness.

1. Worldliness; strong attachment to worldly things.

EARTHLING, n. An inhabitant of the earth; a mortal; a frail creature.

EARTHLY, a. Pertaining to the earth, or to this world.

Our earthly house of this tabernacle. 2 Corinthians 5:1.

1. Not heavenly; vile; mean,

This earthly load

Of death called life.

2. Belonging to our present state; as earthly objects; earthly residence.

3. Belonging to the earth or world; carnal; vile; as opposed to spiritual or heavenly.

Whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. Philippians 3:19.

4. Corporeal; not mental.

EARTHLY-MINDED, a. Having a mind devoted to earthly things.

EARTHLY-MINDEDNESS, n. Grossness; sensuality; extreme devotedness to earthly objects.

EARTHNUT, n. The groundnut, or root of the Arachis; a small round bulb or knob, like a nut. This root or bulb is formed from the germen, which becomes a pod and is thrust into the ground by a natural motion of the stalk.

It is properly the fruit of the plant, and differs from other fruit only in the circumstance of ripening in the earth.

EARTHNUT, n. The pignut, or bunium; a globular root, somewhat resembling in taste a chestnut, whence it is called bulbocastanum.

EARTHQUAKE, n. A shaking, trembling or concussion of the earth; sometimes a slight tremor; at other times a violent shaking or convulsion; at other times a rocking or heaving of the earth. Earthquakes are usually preceded by a rattling sound in the air, or by a subterraneous rumbling noise. Hence the name, earthdin, formerly given to an earthquake.

EARTHSHAKING, a. Shaking the earth; having power to shake the earth.

EARTHWORM, n. The dew worm, a species of Lumbricus; a worm that lives under ground.

1. A mean sordid wretch.

EARTHY, a. Consisting of earth; as earthy matter.

1. Resembling earth; as an earthy taste or smell.

2. Partaking of earth; terrene.

3. Inhabiting the earth; terrestrial; as earthy spirits.

4. Relating to earth; as an earthy sign.

5. Gross; not refined; as an earthy conceit.

6. Earthy fracture, in mineralogy, is when the fracture of a mineral is rough, with minute elevations and depressions.

EASE, n. s as z. [L. otium.]

1. Rest; an undisturbed state. Applied to the body, freedom from pain, disturbance, excitement or annoyance. He sits at his ease. He takes his ease.

2. Applied to the mind, a quiet state; tranquillity; freedom from pain, concern, anxiety, solicitude, or any thing that frets or ruffles the mind.

His soul shall dwell at ease. Psalm 25:13.

Woe to them that are at ease in Zion. Amos 6:1.

3. Rest from labor.

4. Facility; freedom from difficulty or great labor. One man will perform this service with ease. This author writes with ease.

5. Freedom from stiffness, harshness, forced expressions, or unnatural arrangement; as the ease of style.

6. Freedom from constraint or formality; unaffectedness; as ease of behavior.

At ease, in an undisturbed state; free from pain or anxiety.

EASE, v.t. To free from pain or any disquiet or annoyance, as the body; to relieve; to give rest to; as, the medicine has eased the patient.

1. To free from anxiety, care or disturbance, as the mind; as, the late news has eased my mind.

2. To remove a burden from, either of body or mind; to relieve; with of. Ease me of this load; ease them of their burdens.

3. To mitigate; to alleviate; to assuage; to abate or remove in part any burden, pain, grief, anxiety or disturbance.

Ease thou somewhat the grievous servitude of thy father. 2 Chronicles 10:4.

4. To quiet; to allay; to destroy; as, to ease pain.

To ease off or ease away, in seamen’s language, is to slacken a rope gradually.

To ease a ship, is to put the helm hard alee, to prevent her pitching, when close hauled.

EASEFUL, a. Quiet; peaceful; fit for rest.

EASEFULLY, adv. With ease or quiet.

EASEL, n. The frame on which painters place their canvas.

Easel-pieces, among painters, are the smaller pieces, either portraits or landscapes, which are painted on the easel, as distinguished from those which are drawn on walls, ceilings, etc.

EASEMENT, n. Convenience; accommodation; that which gives ease, relief or assistance.

He has the advantage of a free lodging, and some other easements.

In law, any privilege or convenience which one man has of another, either by prescription or charter, without profit; as a way through his land, etc.

EASILY, adv. [from easy.] Without difficulty or great labor; without great exertion, or sacrifice of labor or expense, as, this task may be easily performed; that event might have been easily foreseen.

1. Without pain, anxiety or disturbance; in tranquillity; as, to pass life well and easily.

2. Readily; without the pain of reluctance.

Not soon provoked, she easily forgives.

3. Smoothly; quietly; gently; without tumult or discord.

4. Without violent shaking or jolting; as, a carriage moves easily.

EASINESS, n. Freedom from difficulty; ease.

Easiness and difficulty are relative terms.

1. Flexibility; readiness to comply; prompt compliance; a yielding or disposition to yield without opposition or reluctance.

Give to him, and he shall but laugh at your easiness.

So we say, a man’s easiness of temper is remarkable.

2. Freedom from stiffness, constraint, effort or formality; applied to manners or to the style of writing.

3. Rest; tranquillity; ease; freedom from pain.

4. Freedom from shaking or jolting, as of a moving vehicle.

5. Softness; as the easiness of a seat.

EAST, n. [L. oriens, this word may belong to the root of hoise, hoist.]

1. The point in the heavens, where the sun is seen to rise at the equinox, or when it is in the equinoctial, or the corresponding point on the earth; one of the four cardinal points. The east and the west are the points where the equator intersects the horizon. But to persons under the equinoctial line, that line constitutes east and west.

2. The eastern parts of the earth; the regions or countries which lie east of Europe, or other country. In this indefinite sense, the word is applied to Asia Minor, Syria, Chaldea, Persia, India, China, etc. We speak of the riches of the east, the diamonds and pearls of the east, the kings of the east.

The gorgeous east, with richest hand,

Pours on her kings barbaric, pearl and gold.

EAST, a. Towards the rising sun; or towards the point where the sun rises, when in the equinoctial; as the east gate; the east border; the east side. The east wind is a wind that blows from the east.


A festival of the christian church observed in commemoration of our Savior’s resurrection. It answers to the pascha or passover of the Hebrews, and most nations still give it this name, pascha, pask, paque.

EASTERLING, n. A native of some country eastward of another.

1. A species of waterfowl.

EASTERLY, a. Coming from the eastward; as an easterly wind.

1. Situated towards the east; as the easterly side of a lake or country.

2. Towards the east; as, to move in an easterly direction.

3. Looking towards the east; as an easterly exposure.

EASTERLY, adv. On the east; in the direction of east.

EASTERN, a. Oriental; being or dwelling in the east; as eastern kings; eastern countries; eastern nations.

1. Situated towards the east; on the east part; as the eastern side of a town or church; the eastern gate.

2. Going towards the east, or in the direction of east; as an eastern voyage.

EASTWARD, adv. [east and ward.] Toward the east; in the direction of east from some point or place. New Haven lies eastward from New York. Turn your eyes eastward.

EASY, a. s as z. [See Ease.] Quiet; being at rest; free from pain, disturbance or annoyance. The patient has slept well and is easy.

1. Free from anxiety, care, solicitude or peevishness; quiet; tranquil; as an easy mind.

2. Giving no pain or disturbance; as an easy posture; an easy carriage.

3. Not difficult; that gives or requires no great labor or exertion; that presents no great obstacles; as an easy task. It is often more easy to resolve, than to execute.

Knowledge is easy to him that understandeth. Proverbs 14:6.

4. Not causing labor or difficulty. An easy ascent or slope, is a slope rising with a small angle.

5. Smooth; not uneven; not rough or very hilly; that may be traveled with ease; as an easy road.

6. Gentle; moderate; not pressing; as a ship under easy sail.

7. Yielding with little or no resistance; complying; credulous.

With such deceits he gained their easy hearts.

8. Ready; not unwilling; as easy to forgive.

9. Contented; satisfied. Allow hired men wages that will make them easy.

10. Giving ease; freeing from labor, care or the fatigue of business; furnishing abundance without toil; affluent; as easy circumstances; an easy fortune.

11. Not constrained; not stiff or formal; as easy manners; an easy address; easy movements in dancing.

12. Smooth; flowing; not harsh; as an easy style.

13. Not jolting; as, the horse has an easy gait.

14. Not heavy or burdensome.

My yoke is easy, and my burden light. Matthew 11:30.

EAT, v.t. pret. ate; pp. eat or eaten. [L. edo, esse, esum.]

1. To bite or chew and swallow, as food.

Men eat flesh and vegetables.

They shall make thee to eat grass as oxen. Daniel 4:25.

2. To corrode; to wear away; to separate parts of a thing gradually, as an animal by gnawing. We say a cancer eats the flesh.

3. To consume; to waste.

When goods increase, they are increased that eat them. Ecclesiastes 5:11.

4. To enjoy.

If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. Isaiah 1:19.

5. To consume; to oppress.

Who eat up my people as they eat bread. Psalm 14:4.

6. To feast.

Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die. Isaiah 22:13.

In scripture, to eat the flesh of Christ, is to believe on him and be nourished by faith.

To eat one’s words, is to swallow back; to take back what has been uttered; to retract.

EAT, v.i. To take food; to feed; to take a meal, or to board.

He did eat continually at the king’s table. 2 Samuel 9:13.

Why eateth your master with publicans and sinners. Matthew 9:11.

1. To take food; to be maintained in food.

To eat, or to eat in or into, is to make way by corrosion; to gnaw, to enter by gradually wearing or separating the parts of a substance. A cancer eats into the flesh.

Their word will eat as doth a canker. 2 Timothy 2:17.

To eat out, to consume.

Their word will eat out the vitals of religion, corrupt and destroy it.

EATABLE, a. That may be eaten; fit to be eaten; proper for food; esculent.

EATABLE, n. Any thing that may be eaten; that which is fit for food; that which is used as food.

EATEN, pp. ee’tn. Chewed and swallowed; consumed; corroded.

EATER, n. One who eats; that which eats or corrodes; a corrosive.

EATH, a. easy, and adv. easily.

EATING, ppr. Chewing and swallowing; consuming; corroding.

EATING-HOUSE, n. A house where provisions are sold ready dressed.

EAVES, n. plu. [In English the word has a plural ending.]

The edge or lower border of the roof of a building, which overhangs the walls, and casts off the water that falls on the roof.

EAVES-DROP, v.i. [eaves and drop.] To stand under the eaves or near the windows of a house, to listen and learn what is said within doors.

EAVES-DROPPER, n. One who stands under the eaves or near the window or door of a house, to listen and hear what is said within doors, whether from curiosity, or for the purpose of tattling and making mischief.

EBB, n. The reflux of the tide; the return of tidewater towards the sea; opposed to flood or flowing.

1. Decline; decay; a falling from a better to a worse state; as the ebb of life; the ebb of prosperity.

EBB, v.i. To flow back; to return as the water of a tide towards the ocean; opposed to flow. The tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty four hours.

1. To decay; to decline; to return or fall back from a better to a worse state.