Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
CONNIVENCY, n. Connivance, which see.
1. Shutting the eyes; forbearing to see.
2. In anatomy, the connivent valves are those wrinkles, cellules and vascules, which are found on the inside of the two intestines, ilium and jejunum.
3. In botany, closely united; converging together.
CONNIVER, n. One who connives.
CONNIVING, ppr. Closing the eyes against faults; permitting faults to pass uncensured.
CONNOISSEUR, n. [L., to know.] A person well versed in any subject; a skillful or knowing person; a critical judge or master of any art, particularly of painting and sculpture.
CONNOISSEURSHIP, n. The skill of a connoisseur.
CONNOTATE, v.t. [L.] To designate with something else; to imply. [Little used.]
CONNOTATION, n. The act of making known or designating with something; implication of something beside itself inference. [Little used.]
CONNOTE, v.t. [L., to mark. See Note.] To make known together; to imply; to denote or designate; to include. [Little used.]
CONNUBIAL, a. [L., to marry.] Pertaining to marriage; nuptial; belonging to the state of husband and wife; as, connubial rites; connubial love.
CONNUMERATION, n. A reckoning together.
CONNUSANCE, n. [L.] Knowledge. [See Cognizance.]
CONNUSANT, a. Knowing; informed; apprised.
A neutral vessel, breaking a blockade, is liable to confiscation, if connusant of the blockade.
CONNY, a. Brave; fine. [Local.]
CONOID, n. [Gr., a cone, form.]
1. In geometry, a solid formed by the revolution of a conic section about its axis. If the conic section is a parabola, the resulting solid is a parabolic conoid, or paraboloid; if a hyperbola, the solid is a hyperbolic conoid, or hyperboloid; of an ellipse, an elliptic conoid, a spheroid, or an ellipsoid.
2. In anatomy, a gland in the third ventricle of the brain, resembling a cone or pine-apple, and called the pineal gland.
CONOIDIC, CONOIDICAL, a. Pertaining to a conoid; having the form of a conoid.
CONQUASSATE, v.t. [L.] To shake. [Little used.]
1. To subdue; to reduce, by physical force, till resistance is no longer made; to overcome; to vanquish. Alexander conquered Asia. The Romans conquered Carthage.
2. To gain by force; to win; to take possession by violent means; to gain dominion or sovereignty over, as the subduing of the power of an enemy generally implies possession of the person or thing subdued by the conqueror. Thus, a king or an army conquers a country, or a city, which is afterward restored.
3. To subdue opposition or resistance of the will by moral force; to overcome by argument, persuasion or other influence.
Anna conquers but to save, and governs but to bless.
He went forth conquering, and to conquer. Revelation 6:2.
4. To overcome, as difficulties; to surmount, as obstacles; to subdue whatever opposes; as, to conquer the passions; to conquer reluctance.
5. To gain or obtain by effort; as, to conquer freedom; to conquer peace; a French application of the word.
CONQUER, v.i. To overcome; to gain the victory.
The champions resolved to conquer or to die.
CONQUERABLE, a. That may be conquered, overcome or subdued.
CONQUERED, pp. Overcome; subdued; vanquished; gained; won.
CONQUERESS, n. A female who conquers; a victorious female.
CONQUERING, ppr. Overcoming; subduing; vanquishing; obtaining.
CONQUEROR, n. One who conquers; one who gains a victory; one who subdues and brings into subjection or possession, by force or by influence. The man who defeats his antagonist in combat is a conqueror, as is the general or admiral who defeats his enemy.
CONQUEST, n. [The primary sense is to seek, to press or drive towards.]
1. The act of conquering; the act of overcoming or vanquishing opposition by force, physical or moral. Applied to persons, territory and the like, it usually implies or includes a taking possession of; as the conquest of Canada by the British troops. So we speak of the heart, the passions, or the will.
2. Victory; success in arms; the overcoming of opposition.
In joys of conquest he resigns his breath.
3. That which is conquered; possession gained by force, physical or moral; as, Jamaica was a valuable conquest for England.
4. In a feudal sense, acquest; acquisition; the acquiring of property by other means than by inheritance, or the acquisition of property by a number in community or by one for all the others.
5. In the law of nations, the acquisition of sovereignty by force of arms.
The right of conquest is derived from the laws of war.
6. The act of gaining or regaining by effort; as the conquest of liberty or peace; a French phrase.
CONSANGUINEOUS, a. [L., infra.] Of the same blood; related by birth; descended from the same parent or ancestor.
CONSANGUINITY, n. [L., blood.] The relation of persons by blood; the relation or connection of persons descended from the same stock or common ancestor, in distinction from affinity or relation by marriage. It is lineal or collateral.
CONSCIENCE, n. [L., to know, to be privy to.]
1. Internal or self-knowledge, or judgment of right and wrong; or the faculty, power or principle within us, which decides on the lawfulness or unlawfulness of our own actions and affections, and instantly approves or condemns them. Conscience is called by some writers the moral sense, and considered as an original faculty of our nature. Others question the propriety of considering conscience as a distinct faculty or principle. The consider it rather as the general principle of moral approbation or disapprobation, applied to ones own conduct and affections; alledging that our notions of right and wrong are not to be deduced from a single principle or faculty, but from various powers of the understanding and will.
Being convicted by their own conscience, they went out one by one. John 8:9.
The conscience manifests itself in the feeling of obligation we experience, which precedes, attends and follows our actions.
Conscience is first occupied in ascertaining our duty, before we proceed to action; then in judging of our actions when performed.
2. The estimate or determination of conscience; justice; honesty.
What you require cannot, in conscience, be deferred.
3. Real sentiment; private thought; truth; as, do you in conscience believe the story?
4. Consciousness; knowledge of our own actions or thought.
The sweetest cordial we receive at last, is conscience of our virtuous actions past.
[This primary sense of the word is nearly, perhaps wholly obsolete.]
5. Knowledge of the actions of others.
6. In ludicrous language, reason or reasonableness.
Half a dozen fools are, in all conscience, as many as you should require.
To make conscience or a matter of conscience, is to act according to the dictates of conscience, or to scruple to act contrary to its dictates.
Court of conscience, a court established for the recovery of small debts in London and other trading cities and districts.
CONSCIENCED, a. Having conscience.
CONSCIENT, Conscious. [Not used.]
1. Influenced by conscience; governed by a strict regard to the dictates of conscience, or by the known or supposed rules of right and wrong; as a conscientious judge.
2. Regulated by conscience; according to the dictates of conscience; as a conscientious probity.
CONSCIENTIOUSLY, adv. According to the direction of conscience; with a strict regard to right and wrong. A man may err conscientiously.
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS, n. A scrupulous regard to the decisions of conscience; a sense of justice, and strict conformity to its dictates.
All his conduct seemed marked with an exact and unvarying conscientiousness.
CONSCIONABLE, a. According to conscience; reasonable; just.
Let my debtors have conscionable satisfaction.
CONSCIONABLENESS, n. Reasonableness; equity.
CONSCIONABLY, adv. In a manner agreeable to conscience; reasonably; justly.
1. Possessing the faculty or power of knowing ones own thoughts or mental operations. Thus, man is a conscious being.
2. Knowing from memory, or without extraneous information; as, I am not conscious of the fact.
The damsel than to Tancred sent, who, conscious of the occasion, feared the event.
3. Knowing by conscience, or internal perception or persuasion; as, I am not conscious of having given any offense. Sometimes followed by to; as, I am not conscious to myself.
Aeneas only, conscious to the sign, presaged the event. So we say, conscious of innocence, or of ignorance, or of a crime.
CONSCIOUSLY, adv. With knowledge of ones own mental operations or actions.
If these perceptions, with their consciousness, always remained in the mind, the same thinking thing would be always consciously present.
1. The knowledge of sensations and mental operations, or of what passes in ones own mind; the act of the mind which makes known an internal object.
Consciousness of our sensation, and consciousness of our existence, seem to be simultaneous.
Consciousness must be an essential attribute of spirit.
2. Internal sense or knowledge of guilt or innocence.
A man may betray his consciousness of guilt by his countenance.
3. Certain knowledge from observation or experience.
CONSCRIPT, a. [L., to enroll; to write.] Written; enrolled; as conscript fathers, the senators of Rome, so called because their names were written in the register of the senate.
CONSCRIPT, n. [L.] An enrolled soldier; a word used in France.
1. An enrolling or registering.
2. Soldiers or forces levied by enrolling.
CONSECRATE, v.t. [L., to consecrate, sacred. See Sacred.]
1. To make or declare to be sacred, by certain ceremonies or rites; to appropriate to sacred uses; to set apart, dedicate, or devote, to the service and worship of God; as, to consecrate a church.
Thou shalt consecrate Aaron and his sons. Exodus 29:9.
All the silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, are consecrated to the Lord. Joshua 6:19.
2. To canonize; to exalt to the rank of a saint; to enroll among the gods, as a Roman emperor.
3. To set apart and bless the elements in the eucharist.
4. To render venerable; to make respected; as, rules or principles consecrated by time.
CONSECRATE, a. Sacred; consecrated; devoted; dedicated.
They were assembled in that consecrate place.
[This word is now seldom used, unless in poetry.]
CONSECRATED, pp. Made sacred by ceremonies or solemn rites; separated from a common to a sacred use; devoted or dedicated to the service and worship of God; made venerable.
CONSECRATING, ppr. Making sacred; appropriating to a sacred use; dedicating to the service of God; devoting; rendering venerable.
1. The act or ceremony of separating form a common to a sacred use, or of devoting and dedicating a person or thing to the service and worship of God, by certain rites or solemnities. Consecration does not make a person or thing really holy, but declares it to be sacred, that is, devoted to God or to divine service; as the consecration of the priests among the Israelites; the consecration of the vessels used in the temple; the consecration of a bishop.
2. Canonization; the act of translating into heaven, and enrolling or numbering among the saints or gods; the ceremony of the apotheosis of an emperor.
3. The benediction of the elements in the eucharist; the act of setting apart and blessing the elements in the communion.
CONSECRATOR, n. One who consecrates; one who performs the rites by which a person or thing is devoted or dedicated to sacred purposes.
CONSECRATORY, a. Making sacred.
CONSECTARY, a. [L., to follow. See Seek.] Following; consequent; consequential; deducible.
CONSECTARY, n. That which follows; consequence; deduction from premises; corollary.
CONSECUTION, n. [L., to follow. See Seek.]
1. A following or sequel; train of consequences from premises; series of deductions.
2. Succession; series of things that follow each other; as a consecution of colors.
3. In astronomy, consecution month is the space between one conjunction of the moon with the sun and another.
CONSECUTIVE, a. [See Consecution.]
1. Following in a train; succeeding one another in a regular order; successive; uninterrupted in course or succession; as, fifty consecutive years.
2. Following; consequential; succeeding; as, the actions of men consecutive to volition.
3. Consecutive chords, in music, imply a succession or repetition of the same consonance in similar motion.
CONSECUTIVELY, adv. By way of consequence or succession, in opposition to antecedently or casually.
CONSENESCENCE, CONSENESCENCY, n. [L., to grow old.] A growing old; decay from age; as the consenescence of the world.
CONSENSION, n. [L. See Consent.] Agreement; accord. [Little used.]
CONSENT, n. [L., to be of one mind, to agree; to think, feel or perceive. See Sense and Assent.]
1. Agreement of the mind to what is proposed or state by another; accord; hence, a yielding of the mind or will to that which is proposed; as, a parent gives his consent to the marriage of his daughter. We generally use this word in cases where power, rights, and claims are concerned. We give consent, when we yield that which we have a right to withhold; but we do not give consent to a mere opinion, or abstract proposition. In this case, we give our assent. But assent is also used in conceding what we may withhold. We give our assent to the marriage of a daughter. Consequently, assent has a more extensive application than consent. But the distinction is not always observed. Consent often amounts to permission.
Defraud ye not one another, except with consent for a time. 1 Corinthians 7:5.
2. Accord of minds; agreement; unity of opinion.
All with one consent began to make excuse. Luke 14:18.
The company of priests murder by consent. Hosea 6:9.
3. Agreement; coherence; correspondence in parts, qualities, or operation.
Such is the worlds great harmony that springs from union, order, full consent of things.
4. In the animal economy, an agreement, or sympathy, by which one affected part of the system affects some distant part. This consent is supposed to exist in, or be produced by the nerves; and the affections to be communicated from one part to another by means of their ramifications and distribution through the body. Thus, the stone in the bladder, by vellicating the fibers, will produce spasms and colic in the bowels; a shameful thing seen or heard will produce blushing in the cheeks. But many facts indicate that other causes than nervous communication produce sympathy.
CONSENT, v.i. [L. See the noun.]
1. Literally, to think with another. Hence, to agree or accord. More generally, to agree in mind and will; to yield to what one has the power, the right, or the disposition to withhold, or refuse to grant.
If sinners entice thee, consent thou not. Proverbs 1:10.
And Saul was consenting to Stephens death. Acts 8:1.
Only let us consent to them, and they will dwell with us. Genesis 34:23.
2. To agree.
When thou sawest a thief, thou consentedst with him. Psalm 50:18.
3. To assent.
I consent to the law that it is good. Romans 7:17; 1 Timothy 6:3.
CONSENTANEOUS, a. [L. See Consent.] Agreeable; accordant; consistent with; suitable.
The practice of virtue is not consentaneous to the unrenewed heart.
CONSENTANEOUSLY, adv. Agreeably; consistently; suitably.
CONSENTANEOUSNESS, n. Agreement; accordance; consistency.
CONSENTER, n. One who consents.
CONSENTIENT, a. [L.] Agreeing in mind; accordant in opinion.
The authority due to the consentient judgment of the church.
CONSEQUENCE, n. [L., to follow. See Seek.]
1. That which follows from any act, cause, principle, or series of actions. Hence, an event or effect produced by some preceding act or cause.
Shun the bitter consequence; for know, the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt die.
The consequences of intemperance are disgrace, poverty, disease and premature death.
2. In logic, a proposition collected from the agreement of other previous propositions; the conclusion which results from reason or argument; inference; deduction.
Every rational being is accountable to his maker; man is a rational being; the consequence then must be, that man is accountable to his maker.
From this train of argument, the consequence is obvious.
3. Connection of cause and effect; consecution.
I felt that I must after thee, with this my son; such fatal consequence unites us three.
4. Influence; tendency, as to effects. The sense of consequence, in this use, is modified by the words connected with it; as, it is of little consequence, that is, of little importance, small effects will follow; it is of no consequence, of no moment, no effect of importance will follow; it is of great consequence, of great importance, great effects will follow.
5. Importance; extensive influence; distinction; as a man of great consequence in society.
In consequence, by means of; as the effect of.
1. Following, as the natural effect; with to or on.
The right was consequent to, and built on, an act perfectly personal.
His poverty was consequent on his vices.
2. Following by necessary inference or rational deduction; as a proposition consequent to other propositions.
1. Effect; that which follows a cause.
They were ill governed, which is always a consequent of ill payment.
2. That which follows from propositions by rational deduction; that which is deduced from reasoning or argumentation; a conclusion or inference.
1. Following as the effect; produced by the connection of effects with causes; as a consequential evil.
2. Having the consequence justly connected with the premises; conclusive.
These arguments are highly consequential and concludent to my purpose.
3. Important.
4. With assumed importance; with conceit.
CONSEQUENTIALNESS, n. Regular consecution in discourse.
CONSEQUENTLY, adv. By consequence; by necessary connection of effects with their causes; in consequence of something.
CONSEQUENTNESS, n. Regular connection of propositions, following each other; consecution of discourse. [Little used.]
CONSERTION, n. [L.] Junction; adaptation.
CONSERVABLE, a. [See Conserve.] That may be kept or preserved from decay or injury.
CONSERVANCY, n. [L. See Conserve.] A court of conservancy is held by the Lord Mayor of London, for the preservation of the fishery on the Thames.
CONSERVANT, a. Preserving; having the power or quality of preserving from decay or destruction.
CONSERVATION, n. [L. See Conserve.] The act of preserving, guarding or protecting; preservation from loss, decay, injury, or violation; the keeping of a thing in a safe or entire state; as the conservation of bodies from perishing; the conservation of the peace of society; the conservation of privileges.
CONSERVATIVE, a. Preservative; having power to preserve in a safe or entire state, or from loss, waste or injury.
1. A preserver; one who preserves from injury or violation. Appropriately, an officer who has the charge of preserving the public peace, as judges and sheriffs; also, an officer who has the charge of preserving the rights and privileges of a city, corporation or community, as in catholic universities. It is a word of extensive application.
2. In Connecticut, a person appointed to superintend idiots, lunatics, etc., manage their property, and preserve it from waste.
CONSERVATORY, a. Having the quality of preserving from loss, decay or injury.
1. A place for preserving any thing in a state desired, as from loss, decay, waste or injury. Thus a fish-pond for keeping fish, a granary for corn, an ice-house for ice and other things, a receptacle for water, etc., are called conservatories.
2. A large green-house for exotics, in which the plants are planted in beds and borders, and not in tubs or pots, as in the common green-house.
CONSERVE, v.t. [L., to hold, keep or guard.] To keep in a safe or sound state; to save; to preserve from loss, decay, waste, or injury; to defend from violation; as, to conserve bodies from perishing; to conserve the peace of society; to conserve fruits, roots and herbs, with sugar, etc.
1. A sweetmeat made of the inspissated juice of fruit, boiled with sugar.
2. In pharmacy, a form of medicine contrived to preserve the flowers, herbs, roots or fruits of simples, as nearly as possible, in their natural fresh state. Fresh vegetables and sugar of the consistence of honey.
3. A conservatory. [Not usual.]
CONSERVED, pp. Preserved in a safe and sound state; guarded; kept; maintained; protected; prepared with sugar.
CONSERVER, n. One who conserves; one who keeps from loss or injury; one who lays up for preservation; a preparer of conserves.
CONSERVING, ppr. Keeping in safety; defending; maintaining; preparing with sugar.
CONSESSION, n. [L. See Session.] A sitting together. [Little used.]
CONSESSOR, n. One that sits with others. [Little used.]
CONSIDER, v.t. [L., to consider, to view attentively, to sit by; to sit. See Sit. The literal sense is, to sit by or close, or to set the mind or the eye to; hence, to view or examine with attention.]
1. To fix the mind on, with a view to a careful examination; to think on with care; to ponder; to study; to meditate on.
Know, therefore, this day, and consider it in thy heart. Deuteronomy 4:39.
Hast thou considered my servant Job? Job 1:8.
Consider the lilies of the field how they grow. Matthew 6:28.
2. To view attentively; to observe and examine.
The priest shall consider the leprosy. Leviticus 13:13.
3. To attend to; to relieve.
Blessed is he that considereth the poor. Psalm 41:1.
4. To have regard to; to respect.
Let us consider one another, to provoke to love, and to good words. Hebrews 10:24.
5. To take into view in examination, or into account in estimates.
In adjusting accounts, services, time, and expense ought to be considered.
6. In the imperative, consider is equivalent to, think with care, attend, examine the subject with a view to truth or the consequences of a measure. So we use see, observe, think, attend.
7. To requite; to reward; particularly for gratuitous services.
1. To think seriously, maturely or carefully; to reflect.
None considereth in his heart, neither is there knowledge or understanding. Isaiah 44:19.
In the day of adversity consider. Ecclesiastes 7:14.
2. To deliberate; to turn in the mind; as in the case of a single person; to deliberate or consult, as numbers; sometimes followed by of; as, I will consider your case, or of your case.
The apostles and elders come together to consider of this matter. Acts 15:6.
3. To doubt; to hesitate.
CONSIDERABLE, a. [See Consider.]
1. That may be considered; that is to be observed, remarked or attended to.
It is considerable, that some urns have had inscriptions on them, expressing that the lamps were burning.
[This primary use of the word is obsolescent or very rarely used.]
2. Worthy of consideration; worthy of regard or attention.
Eternity is infinitely the most considerable duration.
As that which is worthy of regard is in some measure important, hence
3. Respectable; deserving of notice; of some distinction; applied to persons.
Men considerable in all worthy professions, eminent in many ways of life.
4. Important; valuable; or moderately large, according to the subject. Considerable aid was expected from the allies. A man has a considerable estate in Norfolk. A considerable sum of money was collected. Sometimes followed by to. He thought his aid considerable to him.
CONSIDERABLENESS, n. Some degree of importance, moment or dignity; a degree of value or importance that deserves notice.
The considerableness of things is to be estimated by their usefulness, or by their effects on society.
CONSIDERABLY, adv. In a degree deserving notice; in a degree not trifling, or unimportant.
And Europe still considerably gains both by their good examples and their pains.
CONSIDERANCE, n. Consideration; reflection; sober thought. [Not used. See Consideration.]
CONSIDERATE, a. [L. See Consider.]
1. Given to consideration, or to sober reflection; thoughtful; hence, serious; circumspect; careful; discreet; prudent; not hasty or rash; not negligent.
Aeneas is patient, considerate, and careful of his people.
2. Having respect to; regardful; as, considerate of praise. [Little used.]
3. Moderate; not rigorous.
CONSIDERATELY, adv. With deliberation; with due consideration; calmly; prudently.
CONSIDERATENESS, n. Prudence; calm deliberation.
CONSIDERATION, n. [L. See Consider.]
1. The act of considering; mental view; regard; notice.
Let us take into consideration the consequences of a hasty decision.
2. Mature thought; serious deliberation.
Let us think with consideration.
3. Contemplation; meditation.
The love you bear to Mopsa hath brought you to the consideration of her virtues.
4. Some degree of importance; claim to notice, or regard; a moderate degree of respectability.
Lucan is an author of consideration among the Latin poets.
5. That which is considered; motive of action; influence; ground of conduct.
He was obliged, antecedent to all other considerations, to search an asylum.
6. Reason; that which induces to a determination.
He was moved by the considerations set before him.
7. In law, the reason which moves a contracting party to enter into an agreement; the material cause of a contract; the price or motive of a stipulation. In all contracts, each party gives something in exchange for what he receives.
A contract is an agreement, upon sufficient consideration. This consideration is express or implied; express, when the thing to be given or done is specified; implied, when no specific consideration is agreed upon, but justice requires it and the law implies it; as when a man labors for another, without stipulating for wages, the law infers that he shall receive a reasonable consideration. A good consideration is that of blood, or natural love; a valuable consideration, is such as money, marriage, etc. Hence a consideration is an equivalent or recompense; that which is given as of equal estimated value with that which is received.
CONSIDERATIVE, a. Taking into consideration. [Little used.]
CONSIDERED, pp. Thought of with care; pondered; viewed attentively; deliberated on; examined.
CONSIDERER, n. A thinker; one who considers; a man of reflection. [Considerator is not in use.]
CONSIDERING, ppr. Fixing the mind on; meditating on; pondering; viewing with care and attention; deliberating on.
Note. We have a peculiar use of this word, which may be a corruption for considered, or which may be a deviation from analogy by an insensible change in the structure of the phrase. It is not possible for us to act otherwise, considering the weakness of our nature. As a participle, this word must here refer to us, or the sentence cannot be resolved by any rule of English syntax. It should be correct to say, It is not possible for us to act otherwise, the weakness of our nature being considered; or We, considering the weakness of our nature, cannot act otherwise. But the latter phrase is better grammar, than it is sense. We use other participles in like manner; as, Allowing for tare, the weight could not be more than a hundred pounds. These and similar phrases are anomalous. But considering is no more a kind of conjunction, in such phrases, than it is a noun.
CONSIDERING, n. The act of deliberating, or carefully attending to; hesitation; as, many mazed considerings.
CONSIDERINGLY, adv. With consideration or deliberation. Whole Duty of Man.
CONSIGN, v.t. [L., to seal or sign; to seal or stamp; a sign, seal or mark; to deposit, deliver, consign. See Sign. The sense is to set to, to thrust or sent.]
1. To give, send or set over; to transfer or deliver into the possession of another, or into a different state, with the sense of fixedness in that state, or permanence of possession.
At the day of general account, good men are to be consigned over to another state.
At death the body is consigned to the grave.
2. To deliver or transfer, as a charge or trust; to commit; as, to consign a youth to the care of a preceptor; to consign goods to a factor.
3. To set over or commit, for permanent preservation; as, to consign a history to writing.
4. To appropriate.
CONSIGN, v.i. To submit to the same terms with another; also, to sign; to agree or consent.
CONSIGNATION, n. The act of consigning; the act of delivering or committing to another person, place or state.
Despair is certain consignation to eternal ruin. [Little used. See Consignment.]