Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



UNACCURATENESS, n. Want of correctness. [But we now use inaccurateness, or inaccuracy.]

UNACCUSED, a. s as z. Not accused; not charged with a crime or fault.


1. Not accustomed; not used; not made familiar; not habituated; as a bullock unaccustomed to the yoke. Jeremiah 31:18.

2. New; not usual; not made familiar; as unaccustomed air; unaccustomed ideas.

UNACHIEVABLE, a. That cannot be done or accomplished.

UNACHIEVED, a. Not achieved; not accomplished or performed.


1. Not acknowledged; not recognized; as an unacknowledged agent or consul.

2. Not owned; not confessed; not avowed; as an unacknowledged crime or fault.

UNACQUAINTANCE, n. Want of acquaintance or familiarity; want of knowledge; followed by with; as an utter unacquaintance with his design.


1. Not well known; unusual.

And th’ unacquainted light began to fear. [Not in use.]

2. Not having familiar knowledge; followed by with.

My ears are unacquainted with such bold truths.

UNACQUAINTEDNESS, n. Want of acquaintance.

UNACQUIRED, a. Not acquired; not gained.

UNACQUITTED, a. Not acquitted, not declared innocent.

UNACTED, a. Not acted; not performed; not executed.


1. Not active; not brisk. [We now use inactive.]

2. Having no employment.

3. Not busy; not diligent; idle.

4. Having no action or efficacy. [See Inactive.]

UNACTUATED, a. Not actuated; not moved.

UNADAPTED, a. Not adapted; not suited.

UNADDICTED, a. Not addicted; not given or devoted.

UNADJUDGED, a. Not adjudged; not judicially decided.


1. Not adjusted; not settled; not regulated; as differences unadjusted.

2. Not settled; not liquidated; as unadjusted accounts.

UNADMINISTERED, a. Not administered.

UNADMIRED, a. Not admired; not regarded with great affection or respect.

UNADMIRING, a. Not admiring.

UNADMONISHED, a. Not admonished; not cautioned, warned or advised.

UNADOPTED, a. Not adopted; not received as one’s own.

UNADORED, a. Not adored; not worshiped.

UNADORNED, a. Not adorned; not decorated; not embellished.

UNADULTERATED, a. Not adulterated; genuine; pure.

UNADULTEROUS, a. Not guilty of adultery.

UNADULTEROUSLY, adv. Without being guilty of adultery.

UNADVENTUROUS, a. Not adventurous; not bold or resolute.

UNADVISABLE, a. s as z. Not advisable; not to be recommended; not expedient; not prudent.

UNADVISED, a. s as z.

1. Not prudent; not discrete.

2. Done without due consideration; rash; as an unadvised measure or proceeding.

UNADVISEDLY, adv. s as z. Imprudently; indiscreetly; rashly; without due consideration.

UNADVISEDNESS, n. s as z. Imprudence; rashness.

UNAERATED, a. Not combined with carbonic acid.

UNAFFABLE, a. Not affable; not free to converse; reserved.


1. Not affected; plain; natural; not labored or artificial; simple; as unaffected ease and grace.

2. Real; not hypocritical; sincere; as unaffected sorrow.

3. Not moved; not having the heart or passions touched. Men often remain unaffected under all the solemn monitions of Providence.

UNAFFECTEDLY, adv. Really; in sincerity; without disguise; without attempting to produce false appearances. He was unaffectedly cheerful.

UNAFFECTING, a. Not pathetic; not adapted to move the passions.

UNAFFECTIONATE, a. Not affectionate; wanting affection.

UNAFFIRMED, a. Not affirmed; not confirmed.

UNAFFLICTED, a. Not afflicted; free from trouble.

UNAFFRIGHTED, a. Not frightened.

UNAGGRAVATED, a. Not aggravated.

UNAGITATED, a. Not agitated; calm.

UNAGREEABLE, a. Not consistent; unsuitable.

UNAGREEABLENESS, n. Unsuitableness; inconsistency with.

UNAIDABLE, a. Not to be aided or assisted. [Not used.]

UNAIDED, a. Not aided; not assisted.

UNAIMING, a. Having no particular aim or direction.

UNAKING, a. Not aking; not giving or feeling pain.

UNALARMED, a. Not alarmed; not disturbed with fear.

UNALIENABLE, a. Not alienable; that cannot be alienated; that may not be transferred; as unalienable rights.

UNALIENABLY, adv. In a manner that admits of no alienation; as property unalienable vested.

UNALIENATED, a. Not alienated; not transferred; not estranged.


1. Not allayed; not appeased or quieted.

2. For unalloyed.

UNALLEVIATED, a. Not alleviated; not mitigated.

UNALLIABLE, a. That cannot be allied or connected in amity.


1. Having no alliance or connection, either by nature, marriage or treaty; as unallied families or nations, or substances.

2. Having no powerful relation.

UNALLOWED, a. Not allowed; not permitted.

UNALLOYED, a. Not alloyed; not reduced by foreign admixture; as metals unalloyed.

I enjoyed unalloyed satisfaction in his company.

UNALLURED, a. Not allured; not enticed.

UNALLURING, a. Not alluring; not tempting.

UNALMSED, a. unamzed. Not having received alms.

UNALTERABLE, a. Not alterable; unchangeable; immutable.

UNALTERABLENESS, n. Unchangeableness; immutability.

UNALTERABLY, adv. Unchangeably; immutably.

UNALTERED, a. Not altered or changed.

UNAMAZED, a. Not amazed; free from astonishment.

UNAMBIGUOUS, a. Not ambiguous; not of doubtful meaning; plain; clear; certain.

UNAMBIGUOUSLY, adv. In a clear, explicit manner.

UNAMBIGUOUSNESS, n. Clearness; explicitness.


1. Not ambitious; free from ambition.

2. Not affecting show; not showy or prominent; as unambitious ornaments.

UNAMBITIOUSNESS, n. Freedom from ambition.

UNAMENDABLE, a. Not capable of emendation.

UNAMENDED, a. Not capable of emendation.

UNAMIABLE, a. Not amiable; not conciliating love; not adapted to gain affection.

UNAMIABLENESS, n. Want of amiableness.

UNAMUSED, a. s as z. Not amused; not entertained.

UNAMUSING, a. s as z. Not amusing; not affording entertainment.

UNAMUSIVE, a. Not affording amusement.

UNANALOGICAL, a. Not analogical.

UNANALOGOUS, a. Not analogous; not agreeable to.

UNANALYSED, a. s as z. Not analysed; not resolved into simple parts.

UNANCHORED, a. Not anchored; not moored.

UNANELED, a. Not having received extreme unction. [See Anneal.]

UNANGULAR, a. Having no angles.

UNANIMALIZED, a. Not formed into animal matter.


1. Not animated; not possessed of life.

2. Not enlivened; not having spirit; dull.

UNANIMATING, a. Not animating; dull.

UNANIMITY, n. [L. unus, one, and animus, mind.]

Agreement of a number of persons in opinion or determination; as, there was perfect unanimity among the members of the council.


1. Being of one mind; agreeing in opinion or determination; as, the house of assembly was unanimous; the members of the council were unanimous.

2. Formed by unanimity; as a unanimous vote.

UNANIMOUSLY, adv. With entire agreement of minds.


1. The state of being of one mind.

2. Proceeding from unanimity; as the unanimousness of a vote.

UNANNEALED, a. Not annealed; not tempered by heat; suddenly cooled.

UNANNEXED, a. Not annexed; not joined.

UNANNOYED, a. Not annoyed or incommoded.


1. Not anointed.

2. Not having received extreme unction.

UNANSWERABLE, a. Not to be satisfactorily answered; not capable of refutation; as an unanswerable argument.

UNANSWERABLENESS, n. The state of being unanswerable.

UNANSWERABLY, adv. In a manner not to be answered; beyond refutation.


1. Not answered; not opposed by a reply.

2. Not refuted.

3. Not suitably returned.