Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary


SUBPERPENDICULAR, n. [sub and perpendicular.]

A subnormal, which see.

SUBPETIOLATE, a. [sub and petiole.] In botany, having a very short petiole.

SUBPRIOR, n. [sub and prior.] The vicegerent of a prior; a claustral officer who assists the prior.

SUBPURCHASER, n. A purchaser who buys of a purchaser.

SUBQUADRATE, a. Nearly square.

SUBQUADRUPLE, a. [sub and quadruple.] Containing one part of four; as subquadruple proportion.

SUBQUINQUEFID, a. [sub and quinquefid.] Almost quinfuefid.

SUBQUINTUPLE, a. [sub and quintuple.] Containing one part of five; as subquintuple proportion.

SUBRAMOUS, a. [L. sub and ramosus, full of branches.]

In botany, having few branches.

SUBRECTOR, n. [sub and rector.] A rector’s deputy or substitute.

SUBREPTION, n. [L. subreptio, from subrepo, to creep under.]

The act of obtaining a favor by surprise or unfair representation, that is, by suppression or fraudulent concealment of facts.

SUBREPTITIOUS, a. [L. surreptitius, supra.] Falsely crept in; fraudulently obtained. [See Surreptitious.]

SUBROGATE, v.t. [L. subrogo.] To put in the place of another. [Not in use. See Surrogate.]

SUBROGATION, n. In the civil law, the substituting of one person in the place of another and giving him his rights.

SUBROTUND, a. [L. sub and rotundus, round.] Almost round.

SUBSALINE, a. Moderately saline or salt.

SUBSALT, n. A salt with less acid than is sufficient to neutralize its radicals; or a salt having an excess of the base.

SUBSCAPULAR, a. [L. sub and scapula.] The subscapular artery is the large branch of the axillary artery, which rises near the lowest margin of the scapula.

SUBSCRIBE, v.t. [L. subscribo; sub and scribo, to write.]

1. To sign with one’s own hand; to give consent to something written, or to bind one’s self by writing one’s name beneath; as, parties subscribe a covenant or contract; a man subscribes a bond or articles of agreement.

2. To attest by writing one’s name beneath; as, officers subscribe their official acts; and secretaries and clerks subscribe copies of records.

3. To promise to give by writing one’s name; as, each man subscribed ten dollars or ten shillings.

4. To submit. [Not in use.]

SUBSCRIBE, v.i. To promise to give a certain sum by setting one’s name to a paper. The paper was offered and many subscribed.

1. To assent; as, I could not subscribe to his opinion.

SUBSCRIBED, pp. Having a name or names written underneath. The petition is subscribed by two thousand persons.

1. Promised by writing the name and sum.

A large sum is subscribed.

SUBSCRIBER, n. One who subscribes; one who contributes to an undertaking by subscribing.

1. One who enters his name for a paper, book, map and the like.

SUBSCRIBING, ppr. Writing one’s name underneath; assenting to or attesting by writing the name beneath; entering one’s name as a purchaser.

SUBSCRIPTION, n. [L. subscriptio.] Any thing, particularly a paper, with names subscribed.

1. The act of subscribing or writing one’s name underneath; name subscribed; signature.

2. Consent or attestation given by underwriting the name.

3. The act of contributing to any undertaking.

4. Sum subscribed; amount of sums subscribed. We speak of an individual subscription, or of the whole subscription to a fund.

5. Submission; obedience. [Not in use.]

SUBSECTION, n. [L. sub and sectio.] The part or division of a section; a subdivision; the section of a section.

SUBSECUTIVE, a. [L. subsequor, subsecutus.]

Following in a train or succession. [Little used.]

SUBSEMITONE, n. In music, the sharp seventh or sensible of any key.

SUBSEPTUPLE, a. [L. sub and septuplus.] Containing one of seven parts.

SUBSEQUENCE, n. [L. subsequor, subsequens; sub and sequor, to follow.] A following; a state of coming after something.

SUBSEQUENT, a. [L. subsequens, supra.]

1. Following in time; coming or being after something else at any time, indefinitely; as subsequent events; subsequent ages or years; a period long subsequent to the foundation of Rome.

2. Following in the order of place or succession; succeeding; as a subsequent clause in a treaty. What is obscure in a passage may be illustrated by subsequent words.

SUBSEQUENTLY, adv. At a later time; in time after something else. Nothing was done at the first meeting; what was subsequently transacted, I do not know.

1. After something else in order. These difficulties will be subsequently explained.

SUBSERVE, v.t. subserv. [L. subservio; sub and servio, to serve.]

To serve in subordination; to serve instrumentally. In most engines, we make the laws of matter subserve the purposes of art.

Not made to rule,

But to subserve where wisdom bears command.

SUBSERVIENCE, SUBSERVIENCY, n. Instrumental use; use or operation that promotes some purpose.

--The body, wherein appears much fitness, use and subserviency to infinite functions.

There is a regular subordination and subserviency among all the parts to beneficial ends.

SUBSERVIENT, a. [L. subserviens.] Useful as an instrument to promote a purpose; serving to promote some end.

Hammond had an incredible dexterity, scarcely ever reading any thing which he did not make subservient in one kind or other.

1. Subordinate; acting as a subordinate instrument. These are the creatures of God, subordinate to him, and subservient to his will.

These ranks of creatures are subservient one to another.

SUBSERVIENTLY, adv. In a subservient manner.

SUBSESSILE, a. [L. sub and sessilis.] In botany, almost sessile; having very short footstalks.

SUBSEXTUPLE, a. [L. sub and sextuplus.] Containing one part in six.

SUBSIDE, v.i. [L. subsido; sub and sido, to settle. See Set.]

1. To sink or fall to the bottom; to settle; as lees.

2. To fall into a state of quiet; to cease to rage; to be calmed; to become tranquil. Let the passions subside. The tumults of war will subside. Christ commanded, and the storm subsided.

3. To tend downwards; to sink; as a subsiding hill. The land subsides into a plain.

4. To abate; to be reduced.

In cases of danger, pride and envy naturally subside.

SUBSIDENCE, SUBSIDENCY, n. The act or process of sinking or falling, as the lees of liquors.

1. The act of sinking or gradually descending, as ground.

SUBSIDIARY, a. [L. subsidiarius. See Subsidy.]

1. Aiding; assistant; furnishing help. Subsidiary troops are troops of one nation hired by another for military service.

2. Furnishing additional supplies; as a subsidiary stream.

SUBSIDIARY, n. An assistant; an auxiliary; he or that which contributes aid or additional supplies.

SUBSIDIZE, v.t. [from subsidy.] To furnish with a subsidy; to purchase the assistance of another by the payment of a subsidy to him. Great Britain subsidized some of the German powers in the late war with France.

SUBSIDIZED, pp. Engaged as an auxiliary by means of a subsidy.

SUBSIDIZING, ppr. Purchasing the assistance of by subsidies.

SUBSIDY, n. [L. subsidium, from subsido, literally to be or sit under or by.]

1. Aid in money; supply given; a tax; something furnished for aid, as by the people to their prince; as the subsidies granted formerly to the kings of England.

Subsidies were a tax, not immediately on property, but on persons in respect of their reputed estates, after the nominal rate of 4s. the pound for lands, and 2s. 8d. for goods.

2. A sum of money paid by one prince or nation to another, to purchase the service of auxiliary troops, or the aid of such foreign prince in a war against an enemy. Thus Great Britain paid subsidies to Austria and Prussia, to engage them to resist the progress of the French.

SUBSIGN, v.t. subsi’ne. [L. subsigno; sub and signo, to sign.]

To sign under; to write beneath. [Little used.]

SUBSIGNATION, n. The act of writing the name under something for attestation. [Little used.]

SUBSIST, v.i. [L. subsisto; sub and sisto, to stand, to be fixed.]

1. To be; to have existence; applicable to matter or spirit.

2. To continue; to retain the present state.

Firm we subsist, but possible to swerve.

3. To live; to be maintained with food and clothing. How many of the human race subsist on the labors of others! How many armies have subsisted on plunder!

4. To inhere; to have existence by means of something else; as qualities that subsist in substances.

SUBSIST, v.t. To feed; to maintain; to support with provisions. The king subsisted his troops on provisions plundered from the enemy.

SUBSISTENCE, SUBSISTENCY, n. Real being; as a chain of differing subsistencies.

Not only the things had subsistence, but the very images were of some creatures existing.

1. Competent provisions; means of supporting life.

His viceroy could only propose to himself a comfortable subsistence out of the plunder of his province.

2. That which supplies the means of living; as money, pay or wages.

3. Inherence in something else, as the subsistence of qualities in bodies.

SUBSISTENT, a. [L. subsistens.] Having real being; as a subsistent spirit.

1. Inherent; as qualities subsistent in matter.

SUBSOIL, n. [sub and soil.] The bed or stratum of earth which lies between the surface soil and the base on which they rest.

SUBSPECIES, n. [sub and species.] A subordinate species; a division of a species.

SUBSTANCE, n. [L. substantia, substo; sub and sto, to stand.]

1. In a general sense, being; something existing by itself; that which really is or exists; equally applicable to matter or spirit. Thus the soul of man is called an immaterial substance, a cogitative substance, a substance endued with thought. We say, a stone is a hard substance, tallow is a soft substance.

2. That which supports accidents.

That which subsists by itself is called substance; that which subsists in and by another, is called a mode or manner of being.

3. The essential part; the main or material part. In this epitome, we have the substance of the whole book.

This edition is the same in substance with the Latin.

4. Something real, not imaginary; something solid, not empty.

Heroic virtue did his actions guide,

And he the substance, not th’ appearance chose.

5. Body; corporeal nature or matter.

The qualities of plants are more various than those of animal substances.

6. Goods; estate; means of living. Job’s substance was seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, etc. Job 1:3.

We are--exhausting our substance, but not for our own interest.

SUBSTANTIAL, a. Belonging to substance; real; actually existing.

If this atheist would have his chance to be a real and substantial agent, he is more stupid than the vulgar.

1. Real; solid; true; not seeming or imaginary.

If happiness be a substantial good.

The substantial ornaments of virtue.

2. Corporeal; material.

The rainbow appears like a substantial arch in the sky.

3. Having substance; strong; stout; solid; as substantial cloth; a substantial fence or gate.

4. Possessed of goods or estate; responsible; moderately wealthy; as a substantial freeholder or farmer; a substantial citizen.

SUBSTANTIALITY, n. The state of real existence.

1. Corporeity; materiality.

The soul is a stranger to such gross substantiality.

SUBSTANTIALLY, adv. In the manner of a substance; with reality of existence.

In him his Father shone, substantially express’d.

1. Strongly; solidly.

2. Truly; solidly; really.

The laws of this religion would make men, if they would truly observe them substantially religious towards God, chaste and temperate.

3. In substance; in the main; essentially.

This answer is substantially the same as that before given.

4. With competent goods or estate.

SUBSTANTIALNESS, n. The state of being substantial.

1. Firmness; strength; power of holding or lasting; as the substantialness of a wall or column.

SUBSTANTIALS, n. plu. Essential parts.

SUBSTANTIATE, v.t. To make to exist.

1. To establish by proof or competent evidence; to verify; to make good, as, to substantiate a charge or allegation; to substantiate a declaration.

SUBSTANTIVE, a. Betokening existence; as the substantive verb.

1. Solid; depending on itself. [Not in use.]

SUBSTANTIVE, n. In grammar, a noun or name; the part of speech which expresses something that exists, either material or immaterial. Thus man, horse, city, goodness, excellence, are substantives. [Better called name, L. nomen, or even noun, a corruption of nomen.]

SUBSTANTIVELY, adv. In substance; essentially.

1. In grammar, as a name or noun. An adjective or pronoun may be used substantively.

SUBSTILE, n. [sub and stile.] The line of a dial on which the stile is erected.

SUBSTITUTE, v.t. [L. substituo; sub and statuo, to set.]

To put in the place of another.

Some few verses are inserted or substituted in the room of others.

SUBSTITUTE, n. One person put in the place of another to answer the same purpose. A person may be a substitute with full powers to act for another in an office. Representatives in legislation are the substitutes of their constituents. The orthodox creed of christians is that Christ dies as the substitute of sinners.

1. One thing put in the place of another. If you have not one medicine, use another as its substitute.

SUBSTITUTION, n. The act of putting one person or thing in the place of another to supply its place; as the substitution of an agent, attorney or representative to act for one in his absence; the substitution of bank notes for gold and silver, as a circulating medium.

1. In grammar, syllepsis, or the use of one word for another.

SUBSTRACT, v.t. [L. subtraho, subractum.] To subtract.

Note.--Substract was formerly used in analogy with abstract. But in modern usage, it is written according to the Latin, subtract. See this word and its derivatives.

SUBSTRACTION, n. In law, the withdrawing or withholding of some right. Thus the substraction of conjugal rights, is when either the husband or wife withdraws from the other and lives separate. The substraction of a legacy, is the withholding or detaining of it from the legatee by the executor. In like manner, the withholding of any service, rent, duty or custom, is a substraction, for which the law gives a remedy.

SUBSTRATUM, n. [L. substratus, spread under; sub and sterno.]

1. That which is laid or spread under; a layer of earth lying under another. In agriculture, the subsoil.

2. In metaphysics, the matter or substance supposed to furnish the basis in which the perceptible qualities inhere.

SUBSTRUCTION, n. [L. substructio.] Under building.

SUBSTRUCTURE, n. [L. sub and structure.] An under structure; a foundation.

SUBSTYLAR, a. In dialing, the substylar line, is a right line on which the gnomon or style is erected at right angles with the plane.

SUBSTYLE, n. [sub and style.] In dialing, the line on which the gnomon stands.

SUBSULPHATE, n. A sulphate with an excess of the base.

SUBSULTIVE, SUBSULTORY, a. [from L. subsultus, a leap, from subsulto; sub and salio.] Bounding; leaping; moving by sudden leaps or starts, or by twitches.

SUBSULTORILY, adv. In a bounding manner; by leaps, starts or twitches.

SUBSULTUS, n. [L.] In medicine, a twitching or convulsive motion; as subsultus tendinum.

SUBSUME, v.t. [L. sub and sumo.] To assume as a position by consequence. [Not used.]

SUBTANGENT, n. In geometry, the part of the axis contained between the ordinate and tangent drawn to the same point in a curve.

SUBTEND, v.t. [L. sub and tendo, to stretch.] To extend under; as the line of a triangle which subtends the right angle; to subtend the chord of an arch. A line from the eye to a planet, subtends an angle of 40 degrees with the horizon.

SUBTENDED, pp. Extended under.

SUBTENDING, ppr. Extending under.

SUBTENSE, n. subtens’. [L. sub and tenus.] The chord of an arch or arc.

SUBTEPID, a. [L. sub and tepidus, warm.] Moderately warm.

SUBTER, a Latin preposition, signifies under.

SUBTERFLUENT, SUBTERFLUOUS, a. [L. subterfluens, subterfluo.]

Running under or beneath.

SUBTERFUGE, n. [L. subter and fugio, to flee.] Literally, that to which a person resorts for escape or concealment; hence, a shift; an evasion; an artifice employed to escape censure or the force of an argument, or to justify opinions or conduct.

Affect not little shifts and subterfuges, to avoid the force of an argument.

SUBTERRANE, n. [infra.] A cave or room under ground.

SUBTERRANEAN, SUBTERRANEOUS, a. [L. subter, under, and terra, earth.] Being or lying under the surface of the earth; situated within the earth or under ground; as subterranean springs; a subterraneous passage.

[Subterraneal and Subterrany, are not in use.]

SUBTERRANITY, n. A place under ground. [Not in use.]

SUBTERRANY, n. What lies under ground. [Not in use.]

SUBTIL, a. [L. subtilis. This word is often written subtle, but less properly.]

1. Thin; not dense or gross; as subtil air; subtil vapor; a subtil medium.

2. Nice; fine; delicate.

I do distinguish plain

Each subtil line of her immortal face.

3. Acute; piercing; as subtil pain.

4. Sly; artful; cunning; crafty; insinuating; as a subtil person; a subtil adversary.

5. Planned by art; deceitful; as a subtil scheme.

6. Deceitful; treacherous.

7. Refined; fine; acute; as a subtil argument.

SUBTILIATE, v.t. To make thin. [Not in use.]

SUBTILIATION, n. The act of making thin or rare. [Not in use.]

SUBTILITY, n. Fineness.

SUBTILIZATION, n. [from subtilize.]

1. The act of making subtil, fine or thin. In the laboratory, the operation of making so volatile as to rise in steam or vapor.

2. Refinement; extreme acuteness.

SUBTILIZE, v.t. [L. subtilis.]

1. To make thin or fine; to make less gross or coarse.

2. To refine; to spin into niceties; as, to subtilize arguments.

SUBTILIZE, v.i. To refine in argument; to make very nice distinctions.

In whatever manner the papist might subtilize--

SUBTILLY, adv. Thinly; not densely.

1. Finely; not grossly or thickly.

The opakest bodies, if subtilly divided--become perfectly transparent.

2. Artfully; cunningly; craftily; as a scheme subtilly contrived.

SUBTILNESS, n. Thinness; rareness; as the subtilness of air.

1. Fineness; acuteness; as the subtilness of an argument.

2. Cunning; artfulness; as the subtilness of a foe.

SUBTILTY, n. [L. subtilitas.]

1. Thinness; fineness; exility; in a physical sense; as the subtilty of air or light; the subtilty of sounds.

2. Refinement; extreme acuteness.

Intelligible discourses are spoiled by too much subtilty in nice divisions.

3. Slyness in design; cunning; artifice; usually but less properly written subtlety.

SUBTLE, a. [See Subtil.] Sly in design; artful; cunning; insinuating; applied to persons; as a subtle foe.

1. Cunningly devised; as a subtle stratagem.

SUBTLY, adv. Slyly; artfully; cunningly.

Thou seest how subtly to detain thee I devise.

1. Nicely; delicately.

In the nice bee, what sense so subtly true.

SUBTRACT, v.t. [L. subtraho, subtractus; sub and traho, to draw.]

To withdraw or take a part from the rest; to deduct. Subtract 5 from 9, and the remainder is 4.

SUBTRACTED, pp. Withdrawn from the rest; deducted.

SUBTRACTER, n. He that subtracts.

1. The number to be taken from a larger number. [Not used.]