General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3




The presidents of conferences were called in to meet in council with the General Conference Committee at the above dates. We give herewith a summary of the proceedings. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.15

1. The first matter considered was the time and place for holding the next biennial session of the General Conference. The vote was almost unanimous for the Conference to be held in Oakland, Cal., Feb. 10 to March 3, 1901. [For reasons not known at the time of the council, the appointment was afterwards changed from Oakland, Cal., to Battle Creek, Mich., April 2 to 23, 1901] GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.16

2. The liquidation of the debt on the GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.17

CHRISTIANIA PUBLISHING HOUSE occupied a large share of the time of the council. Days were spent in seeking God and in considering plans; and finally a new proposition was drafted, to be submitted to the creditors of the Christiania Publishing House, to take the place of the one they had already accepted. This new proposition was as follows:— GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.18

“DEAR SIRS: Since Mr. I. H. Evans’s return to America, we have given much thought to the financial obligations of the Skandinaviske Forlags- og Trykkeriforening, of Akersgaden 74, Christiania, Norway, or what is known in America as the “Christiania Publishing House;” and, from the facts as presented to us now, we realize that it is inevitable that our creditors will be heavy losers. This we deeply regret. We therefore submit to you the following propositions for your consideration and acceptance:— GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.19

“1. We will pay our creditors the full face demand of all the principal of the legal paper of the Christiania Publishing House. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.20

“2. We will pay this principal in six equal semiannual payments, said payments to be made Feb. 1, 1901, July 1, 1901, Jan. 1, 1902, July 1, 1902, Jan. 1, 1903, and July 1, 1903. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.21

“3. We allow and will hold all the property of the Christiania Publishing House to be solely for the benefit of our creditors, till the entire principal of our debt is liquidated. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.22

“4. Our creditors shall appoint an attorney who shall have authority to represent their interests, to whom we may refer all matters pertaining to the settlement of their claims against the Christiania Publishing House. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.23

“5. We shall be allowed at any time after the acceptance of these propositions, to sell, mortgage, rent, occupy, or do anything we deem best with all assets, both real and personal, of the Christiania Publishing House, when such action has been first submitted to and approved by the creditors’ attorney; provided, that in case of sale, mortgage, or rental, the whole amount realized shall be applied to liquidate the principal of the obligations of said publishing house. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.24

“6. Our creditors shall relinquish all accrued interest yet unpaid. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.1

“7. From the time of accepting these propositions, our creditors shall not ask or receive from the Christiania Publishing House interest on any paper for which said publishing house is obligated. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.2

“8. Our creditors shall, on receipt of the principal of the obligations of the Christiania Publishing House, execute to said publishing house a full discharge of all its obligations. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.3

“9. All moneys received by our creditors since the acceptance of our first proposition, to meet in part or in full any of the obligations of the Christiania Publishing House, shall be applied in the liquidation of the principal, and accepted by the creditors as a partial payment thereof, to be deducted by us from the first semiannual payment hereinbefore provided: GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.4

“10. These propositions are made with the understanding that the property and assets, both real and personal, of the Christiania Publishing House still remain intact, not having been sold or otherwise disposed of by the creditors. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.5

“11. These propositions shall be null and void, unless we are informed of their acceptance by our creditors on or before Dec. 15, 1900. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.6

“12. In case our creditors accept these propositions, all former agreements with them concerning the settlement of the written obligations of the Christiania Publishing House, shall be null and void.” GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.7

These propositions were sent to our creditors attorney, Oct. 17, 1900. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.8

The same council provided the following as the best means for securing the funds necessary to meet these obligations:— GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.9

“2. On the acceptance of said propositions, the General Conference Committee shall select a trusty, competent man, giving him power of attorney to sell, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of the Christiania Publishing House and all its assets both real and personal, collecting all accounts, holding the funds, subject absolutely to the order of the General Conference. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.10

“3. That all the proceeds realized from the assets of the Christiania Publishing House be applied to liquidate the debts of said publishing house. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.11

“5. That we insist that brethren and sisters owing the Christiania Publishing House, as well as all sister institutions, promptly pay said publishing house the amount of their obligations. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.12

“6. That the General Conference Committee at once cause to be placed in the hands of each conference president a statement of the financial condition of the Christiania Publishing House, with a conservative estimate of the assets of said publishing house. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.13

“7. That we recommend the sale of the Christiania Publishing House property at the earliest date practicable; and that the proceeds of said sale be applied toward the liquidation of said debt. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.14

“8. That each of our conferences do all in their power to largely increase the annual offerings, and that the amount raised in excess of the amount received from the same source last year, be applied on said debt. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.15

“9. That we pledge ourselves to do all we can to increase the various offerings to the Foreign Mission Board, with the understanding that a portion of the same is to be applied in the liquidation of the aforesaid debt, the amount to be fixed by the Foreign Mission Board in counsel with the General Conference Committee. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.16

“11. Whereas, The Bible and the Testimonies approve of no business methods except those conducted on a sound basis; therefore,— GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.17

We recommend, That as speedily as possible, all our business enterprises be established on a strictly cash basis. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.18

“12. That we urge our brethren in Scandinavia to make a determined effort to cooperate with us in carrying out the above plans to liquidate the indebtedness of the Christiana Publishing House. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.19

“13. That the funds raised to apply on this indebtedness be forwarded to the Foreign Mission Board, Room 1906, 150 Nassau St., New York City, N. Y.” GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.20

Thus it will be plainly seen that we have a great responsibility in carrying this new load of debt. If each Seventh-day Adventist in America would donate $1.25 to this enterprise, the indebtedness would all be raised. Now that we are to meet the obligation, let us take hold with vigor, and each do his part. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.21

It was thought wiser to use the plans already in operation, rather than devise some new method. It will be observed that two ways are to be used to raise this money:— GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.22

First, by increasing our annual offerings, the Foreign Mission Board using for this purpose all money in excess of an amount equivalent to the last annual offering. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.23

Second, by the weekly offering. If each will take hold of this plan, and give regularly ten cents a week, we can raise this indebtedness and still carry on our foreign work. [Special appeals were sent out to all the churches, to be read in connection with the Week of Prayer readings.] GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.24

In connection with this general plan, it was voted to request Elder P. A. Hansen to take the responsibility of the disposal of the Christiania property, with A. C. Christensen, the active agent on the ground; and that the management of the Christiania business be placed in the hands of the Foreign Mission Board. GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.25

3. The next question which received due consideration was the GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.26