General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3







THIS organization shall be known as the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.1


The object of this Conference shall be to unify and extend the work of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination throughout the world. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.2


SECTION 1. This Conference shall be composed of such local Conferences of Seventh-day Adventists as are or may be properly organized, in any part of the world, under the direction of the Executive Committee; provided such Conferences shall have been accepted by vote at a session of the General Conference. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.3

SEC. 2. The legal voters of said Conference shall be such duly accredited delegates from the local Conferences, such members of the General Conference Executive Committee, and such other persons in the employ of the General Conference as shall receive delegates’ credentials from the Executive Committee, as are present at any duly convened regular or special Conference session. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.4

SEC. 3. Each local Conference shall be entitled to one delegate in the sessions of this Conference, without regard to numbers, and one additional delegate for every five hundred church-members in the Conference. Such delegates shall be elected by the local Conference, or appointed by its Executive Committee. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.5


SECTION 1.—The officers of this Conference shall be a President, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and such other assistant secretaries as may be necessary to carry on the work of the General Conference, and an Executive Committee composed of the President of the General Conference, the presidents of the union conferences, the President of the Mission Board, and such other persons as may be elected to make the whole number thirteen. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.6

SEC. 2. The officers shall be elected at the regular sessions of the Conference, and shall hold their offices for the term of two years, or until their successors are elected, and appear to enter upon their duties. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.7


SECTION 1. This Conference shall hold a regular session every alternate year, reckoning from 1889, at such date and place as the Executive Committee shall designate by a notice published in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, at least four weeks before the date of the session. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.8

SEC. 2. The Executive Committee may call extra sessions, if occasion requires, by a like notice; and the transactions of such sessions shall be equally valid with those of the regular sessions. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.9


The legal voters of this Conference, shall, at each regular session, elect the Trustees of such corporate bodies as are or may be connected with this organization, according to the State laws governing such corporations; and this Conference shall employ such committees and agents as it may deem necessary, according to the By-laws in such cases made and provided. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.10


The legal voters of this Conference may make By-laws, and amend and repeal them at any session thereof. The scope of such By-laws may embrace all subjects not inconsistent with this Constitution. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.11


The Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths’ vote of the legal voters present at any session; provided that if it is proposed to amend the Constitution at a special session, notice of the proposed amendments shall be given in the call for such special session. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.12




President. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.13

SECTION 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Conference and of the Executive Committee, and appoint all committees not otherwise created. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.14

Secretary. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.15

SEC. 2.—The duty of the Secretary shall be to keep a record of the proceedings of all sessions of the Conference, and of the statistics of the denomination, and shall have in charge the general correspondence of the Conference, and shall also be the Secretary of the Executive Committee. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.16

Treasurer. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.17

SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all money belonging to the Conference, to keep an account of the same, to disburse it by order of the Executive Committee, and to make a full report thereof at all sessions of the Conference. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.18

Powers of Executive Committee. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.19

SEC. 4. The Executive Committee shall have full administrative power during the intervals between the sessions of the Conference; it shall take the general supervision of all denominational work, and attend to the proper distribution of the laborers. It shall also give credentials to, or license, such ministers as may be employed in General Conference work; and shall fill for the current term any vacancies that may occur in the offices, boards, committees, or agents, by death, resignation, or otherwise. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.20

Auditing Committee. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.21

SEC. 5. At each regular session of the Conference the presiding officer shall appoint, unless otherwise voted, a standing committee of eight delegates, who shall, with the Chairman of the Executive Committee, and the superintendents of the six districts in America, constitute a committee for auditing and settling all accounts against the Conference. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.22

SEC. 6. That the General Conference territory be divided into three grand divisions; viz., first, the United States and British North America; second, Europe; third, Australasia; the remaining territory to be known as mission field. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.23

Mission Board. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.24

SEC. 7. The Conference shall elect a Mission Board of nine members, who shall have charge of the work in the mission field mentioned in Section 7, and of all mission funds. GCB October 1, 1900, page 229.25

Officers of the Mission Board. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.1

SEC. 8. The elected officers of the Mission Board shall be a President, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Corresponding Secretary. The Board may appoint such other secretaries as they shall deem advisable, and fill vacancies occurring on the Board. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.2


SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of this Conference to furnish such reports as the Executive Committee may require. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.3

SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of all persons employed by this Conference to furnish to the Secretary quarterly and annual reports of all their work and expenditures during such time as they may have been employed. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.4

SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of each local Conference to furnish quarterly to the Secretary of this Conference such statistical reports as the Executive Committee may require. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.5


The General Conference shall receive donations, and a tenth of the tithes of local Conferences. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.6

The Executive Committee is also authorized to call for donations from local Conferences, churches, or individuals, as the wants of the cause may in their judgment demand. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.7


The Conference shall elect at its regular sessions twenty-one Trustees for the General Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists, a corporation of the city of Battle Creek, Mich., existing under the laws of the State of Michigan. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.8


All sessions of the Conference shall be governed by the standard parliamentary rules, except in the By-laws otherwise provided. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.9



As amended, with Trustees elected, at the thirty-third session of the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference.) GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.10


The name of this corporation is “General Conference Association of the Seventh-day Adventists.” GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.11


The place where its principal office is located is the city of Battle Creek, county of Calhoun, and State of Michigan. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.12


The object of this corporation is to diffuse moral and religious knowledge and instruction, by means of publishing houses for such purpose, publications therefrom, and the further means of missionaries, missionary agencies and all other instrumentalities and methods appropriate and available for, and tending to, the advancement of the ends and aims above specified. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.13


This corporation may own real estate not exceeding in value five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000). GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.14


This corporation may own personal property not exceeding in value five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000). GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.15

This corporation may receive and apply to the ends, aims, and objects hereinbefore specified, all such loans, gifts and advances, and accept and execute all such trusts in aid thereof, as may be offered for that purpose: Provided, that the value of the property at any time owned by the corporation shall not exceed the limits in real and personal property hereinbefore specified. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.16

This corporation expressly takes to itself the powers by said Act conferred by Section 4; to wit, that it, said corporation, for the uses and purposes contemplated by said Act and specified in these Articles, may acquire, possess, hold, and convey real and personal property in any foreign state of country, to an amount not forbidden by the constitution or laws of such foreign state or country. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.17


The number of trustees of this corporation is twenty-one. Their names and residences are as follows:— GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.18

Sands Harvey Lane, 267 West Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.19

Lewis A. Hoopes, 267 West Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.20

Noah Wilson Allee, Graysville, Tenn. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.21

Almon Jared Breed, 33 Sanitarium Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.22

Christian Morton Christiansen, care Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.23

John S. Comins, care Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.24

Hampton Wade Cottrell, South Lancaster, Mass. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.25

Henry W. Decker, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oregon. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.26

Geo. Alexander Irwin, 267 West Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.27

Charles Harriman Jones, 718 Twelfth St., Oakland, Cal. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.28

Robert Meek Kilgore, 18 West Fifth St., Kansas City, Mo. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.29

Thomas Allen Kilgore, care Pacific Press, Oakland, Cal. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.30

James Harvey Morrision, College View, Nebr. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.31

George A. Nichols, College Place, Walla Walla Co., Wash. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.32

Charles McReynolds, Box 202, Oklahoma City, Okla. T. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.33

Albert E. Place, 1003 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.34

Clarence Santee, cor. Myrtle Ave. and Willow St., San Jose, Cal. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.35

William C. Sisley, 267 West Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.36

Charles Freeland Stevens, College View, Nebr. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.37

Joseph Sutherland, College View, Lancaster Co., Nebr. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.38

James W. Westphal, 118 East Fifth St., Topeka, Kans. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.39


The name and denomination of the religious body with which the trustees who sign these articles are connected, are as follows:— GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.40

NAME.—General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists, which is an unincorporated body. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.41

DENOMINATION.—Seventh-day Adventists. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.42


The duration of this corporation is until the eighteenth day of January, A. D. 1916. GCB October 1, 1900, page 230.43


SECTION 1. The Trustees of this corporation shall have full and exclusive power and authority to enact all of the By-laws of the corporation. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.1

SEC. 2. The Trustees shall have full power to appoint such officers, ministers, missionaries, delegates, agents, employees, and servants as they shall think proper, and prescribe their powers, duties, and obligations, fix their compensations, and make regulations for their change and removal. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.2

SEC. 3. The Trustees shall have the ordering and conduct the affairs of the corporation, the management and disposal of its property, and the execution of all the trusts confided to it. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.3

SEC. 4. In case of a vacancy occurring in the Board of Trustees for any term, the remaining trustees shall immediately fill it by appointment under their hands, and such appointee shall hold during the remainder of the term, and until the election of a successor and his appearance to assume office. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.4

SEC. 5. The purposes and essence of this corporation being purely benevolent, charitable, and philanthropic, it is hereby expressly declared that this is a corporation not for gain, and that no dividends shall be paid on any funds but that all its property, real and personal, may be used and expended in carrying into effect the legitimate ends and aims of its being. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.5




SECTION 1. The Trustees shall elect, annually, from their numbers, a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Auditor, and an Executive Committee of five, who shall hold their respective offices one year, and until others are chosen in their stead and appear to enter upon their duties; provided, however, that three of said Executive Committee shall be the President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and that a quorum of said Executive Committee shall consist of not less than three, in which quorum shall be the President and Secretary, or Treasurer in lieu of the absentee. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.6

SEC. 2. The duties of such officers shall be such as usually pertain to such offices. The Executive Committee shall have full administrative power during the intervals when a quorum of the Board is not convened, but shall not unnecessarily originate any business of an extra-ordinary character on which the opinion of the Board is unknown, but shall confine their labors to the well-defined policy of the Board, as set forth in its regular meetings. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.7

SEC. 3. The President and Treasurer (or the Secretary in lieu of either absentee), shall sign all instruments and obligations of the corporation: Provided, however, that subject to the provisions of Section 7 of this Article, any seven of the Trustees within the legal quorum, as specified in Section 6 of this Article, duly convened, may authorize a named agent to sign the name of the corporation, and bind it to a named obligation or class of obligations. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.8

SEC. 4. At each session of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists, the Board of Trustees shall make to said Conference, or a duly appointed committee thereof, a complete statement of the affairs and business of this corporation. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.9

SEC. 5. The Board of Trustees shall meet on Thursday, the fifteenth day of December, A. D. 1887, at 10 A. M., at the office of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association in the city of Battle Creek, Calhoun country, Mich., and said board shall always be in session. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.10

SEC. 6. Subject to the provisions herein contained regarding the transaction of business by the Executive Committee, a quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of not less than nine Trustees, of whom the President and Treasurer (or Secretary in lieu of either absentee) shall be two, and the concurrence of at least seven of said Trustees shall be necessary to pass any measure coming before said Board. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.11

SEC. 7. Whenever more than thirteen trustees are present at any meeting, the concurrence of a majority of the trustees actually present shall be necessary to pass any measure coming before said board. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.12

SEC. 8. The presiding officer shall always have one, and but one, vote on the question before the board. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.13


The Board of Trustees shall provide a seal of the ordinary size, inscribed as follows:— GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.14

“General Conference Association of the Seventh-day Adventists” (the same to form an outer circle, enclosing the word “seal”). GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.15


These By-laws may be added to, amended, or repealed by the vote of any fourteen trustees actually convened. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.16




This Conference shall be known as the—Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.17


SECTION 1. The officers of this Conference shall be a President, Secretary, Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of—, of which the President shall be one; and they shall be elected annually. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.18

SEC. 2. The duties of the President and Secretary shall be such as usually pertain to these offices. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.19

SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep an accurate account of the receipts and disbursements of the Conference funds, to pay out the same as may be provided by the Conference, to report to the Conference Secretary each quarter the amount of money received and paid during the quarter, and the amount on hand at the close of the quarter, and to make an annual report thereof at the meetings of the Conference. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.20

SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to appoint through one of our weekly papers the time and place to hold the annual Conferences, and to call special Conferences whenever, in their judgment, it may be needful to do so; to take the general supervision of all labor performed within and for this Conference; to take charge of and care for all the property belonging to the Conference; and to exercise a general watch-care over all matters pertaining to the interests of the cause within the bounds of this Conference. GCB October 1, 1900, page 231.21

SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Conference to elect or appoint a committee of six, who shall not have been in the employ of the Conference during any part of the preceding year, who, with the Executive Committee, shall constitute an Auditing Committee, to examine and settle all accounts which are presented to the Conference at which they are elected or appointed. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.1


SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the churches belonging to this Conference to adopt the tithing system of the Bible, and the funds so raised shall be paid quarterly to the treasurer of the Conference, to be used for the work for which the Conference is formed. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.2

SEC. 2. In addition to the tithes, the Executive Committee is authorized to call for donations as the wants of the cause may, in their judgment, demand. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.3

SEC. 3. All money shall be paid out by the Treasurer as may be provided by the Executive Committee. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.4


SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of each church to make a written report every quarter to the Conference Secretary, of its standing, its additions and losses, the amount of its tithes, and the number of members of its Sabbath-school and its missionary society; and to make a like report for the year to the regular annual meetings of the Conference. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.5

SEC. 2. When any church or scattered brethren wish ministerial labor in their vicinity, their call shall be made to the Executive Committee. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.6


SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the Conference to determine who are the approved ministers within the bounds thereof; to grant suitable credentials to the same; and to grant licenses to those whom it shall consider suitable to labor in the cause. And in the interval between the regular meetings, the Executive Committee is authorized to perform such duties. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.7

SEC. 2. Those who may feel it their duty to exercise their gift as preachers or colporteurs, shall lay their exercises of mind before the Conference Committee, and the committee may license them if they consider them qualified. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.8


SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the ministers of this Conference to make a written report to each annual meeting, of their labors each week during the Conference year, or of so much of the year as they have been in the employ of the Conference. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.9

SEC. 2. It shall also be the duty of the ministers of this Conference to report to the annual meeting thereof all donations which they have received during the year from churches and individuals, and such donations shall be considered by the Auditing Committee in settling the accounts of said minister. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.10


SECTION 1. The delegates of this Conference shall be elected according to the following ratio: Each organized church shall be entitled to one delegate, and one additional delegate for every fifteen members. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.11

SEC. 2. The members of the Executive Committee shall be members of the Conference ex officio, and all ministers holding credentials from this Conference shall be considered delegates at large. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.12

SEC. 3. In case any of the delegates to which a church is entitled do not attend the Conference, the delegates attending may cast the full number of votes to which said church is entitled. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.13

SEC. 4. Unorganized companies of believers shall be represented in the Conference by the delegates at large. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.14


This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the Conference by a two-thirds’ vote of the members, provided that such amendment shall not conflict with the Constitution of the General Conference. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.15




THIS society shall be known as the International Tract and Missionary Society. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.16


The objects of this society are, 1 To publish and circulate religious, temperance, and educational literature; 2 To disseminate information in regard to home and foreign missions, and raise funds for their support; 3 To organize, assist, and have the oversight of national, State, and colonial auxiliary societies. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.17


Persons may become life members of this society by the payment of ten dollars, or annual members by the payment of one dollar. Both annual and life members shall be entitled to certificates of membership. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.18


SECTION 1. The officers of this society shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and a Board of eleven Directors, of which the President, Vice-President, and Secretary shall be members; all of whom shall be elected at the biennial sessions of the society. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.19

SEC. 2. It is the duty of the Board of Directors to carry out the decisions of the society; to furnish publications, and employ agents and corresponding secretaries as they may see fit; to audit all accounts; and to fill any vacancies that may occur in their number. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.20

SEC. 3. Five members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum, provided that the President of the society shall be one of the five. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.21


This society shall be represented at its biennial sessions by the delegates to the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference, the officers of State, colonial, and national auxiliary societies, and by life and annual members. GCB October 1, 1900, page 232.22


The funds of the society shall consist of receipts for life and annual memberships, and donations from societies and individuals. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.1


SECTION 1. This society shall convene biennially for the election of officers and the transaction of necessary business, at such time and place as the Board of Directors may appoint. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.2

SEC. 2. Special meetings may be called by a majority of the Board of Directors, at such times and places as they shall deem necessary for the interests of the organization. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.3


This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds’ vote at any biennial session. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.4




The name of this society shall be—Tract and Missionary Society. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.5


The objects of this society shall be: 1 To publish and circulate religious, temperance, and educational literature; 2 To secure subscriptions for periodicals, and to provide for supplying the same to the worthy poor; 3 To disseminate information in regard to home and foreign missions, and to raise funds for their support. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.6


All persons in regular standing in a Seventh-day Adventist church, or who may be recommended by the church, who contribute regularly to the funds of the society, shall be members. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.7


SECTION 1. The officers of this society shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, General Agent, and a Director for each district; who shall be elected at the annual meeting of the society. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.8

Sec. 2. Each local society shall elect a Librarian at the quarterly meeting in January of each year. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.9


The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, State Agent, and the Directors of Districts, together with the Executive Committee of the—Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, shall constitute a Board of Directors, who shall have the general management of the work of this society, and shall have power to fill any vacancies in the offices of the society. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.10


President. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.11

SECTION 1. The duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings of the society and of the Board of Directors, and to have the general oversight of the work of the society. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.12

Vice-President. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.13

SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to act in place of the President in his absence, and to work in connection with the President. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.14

Secretary. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.15

SEC. 3. The Secretary shall keep the records and documents of the society, conduct the business correspondence, have charge of the publications of the society, and fill all orders for the same. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.16

Corresponding Secretary. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.17

SEC. 4. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the missionary correspondence with Directors, Librarians, and individuals; submit plans to the local societies for the circulation of literature, and assist by correspondence or otherwise in organizing and conducting weekly missionary meetings, and in carrying forward other lines of missionary work, following such general plans as may be approved by the President and Secretary. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.18

Treasurer. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.19

SEC. 5. The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the society, and shall render an account thereof annually, or oftener if requested to do so by the President or Board of Directors. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.20

Directors. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.21

SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the Directors to labor for the promotion of the objects of the society in his district, and to visit the several local societies as often as practicable, to encourage, assist, and instruct them in their work, and to hold such general meetings in his district as the interest of the work may demand. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.22

State Agent. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.23

SEC. 7. The duties of the State Agent shall be to have charge of the subscription-book business of the society. He shall select, appoint, and instruct agents, and contract with them for territory in which to work. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.24


This society shall convene annually for the election of officers and the transaction of other necessary business, at such time and place as the President may appoint. Special meetings may be called at such times and places as the Board of Directors may deem necessary. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.25


The funds of this society shall consist of moneys received from free-will offerings and sales of publications. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.26


This Constitution may be amended at any annual meeting by a vote of two thirds of the members present. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.27




This organization shall be known as the International Sabbath-school Association of Seventh-day Adventists. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.28


The object of this association shall be to unify and extend the Sabbath-school work of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination throughout the world. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.29


SECTION 1. This association shall be composed of all the Sabbath-school associations, and Sabbath-schools outside of these associations, which have been properly organized, and that shall report quarterly to this body. GCB October 1, 1900, page 233.30

SEC. 2. The legal voters of this association shall be as follows: All accredited ministers and licentiates, and all members and workers from any Sabbath-school association, present at any regular meeting of this association. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.1


SECTION 1. The officers of this association shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, one or more Field Secretaries, a Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of nine, of which the President and Vice-President shall be members. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.2

SEC. 2. These officers shall be elected at the regular sessions of the association, and shall hold their office for the term of two years, or until their successors are elected, and appear to enter upon their duties. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.3

SEC. 3. The Secretaries of all associations outside of the United States shall be considered Corresponding Secretaries of this association. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.4

SEC. 4. The Presidents of all associations outside of the United States shall be considered as honorary Vice-Presidents of this association, and entitled to take part in the deliberations of the Executive Board wherever present at its meetings. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.5


SECTION 1. This association shall hold a regular session every alternate year, in connection with the regular session of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.6

SEC. 2. The Executive Committee may call extra sessions at such times and places as they may deem proper. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.7


SECTION 1. The duties of the President shall be to take the general oversight of the work of the association, to preside at all meetings of the association and of the Executive Board, and to call special meetings thereof. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.8

SEC. 2. The Vice-President, in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of that office. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.9


SECTION 1. The duties of the Recording Secretary shall be: 1 To record the proceedings of the association, and to submit a yearly summary to the Executive Board, to be presented at the regular session; 2 To present such other summary reports as may from time to time be ordered; 3 To make reports at such other times as may be ordered. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.10

SEC. 2. The duties of the Corresponding Secretary shall be to advance by correspondence the interests of the Sabbath-school Association in all parts of the world, and to give isolated schools and associations such instruction as shall enable them to act in harmony with the body. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.11

SEC. 3. The duties of the Field Secretaries shall be to advance, by personal, active labor and correspondence, the interests of the Sabbath-school association in the territory over which they are placed. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.12

SEC. 4. The duties of the Treasurer of this association shall be to receive and hold all moneys belonging to the association, giving receipts thereof, and paying out the same as the association or Executive Board may direct, through the written order of the President. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.13


The functions of the Executive Board shall be: 1 To represent this association when not in session assembled, to execute all its recommendations and orders, and to fill all vacancies which may occur from death or otherwise: 2 To assist, either personally or by authorized agents, in organizing and conducting Sabbath-schools, Sabbath-school associations, and Sabbath-school conventions; 3 To induce those possessing the requisite ability and having a heart in the work, to write in the interest of Bible study and proper Sabbath-school instruction, to secure the publication and distribution of needed Sabbath-school literature, and to provide suitable lessons for all divisions of the Sabbath-school; 4 To make all necessary provisions for rendering the sessions of this association interesting and profitable; and in general, to labor to make our Sabbath-schools efficient in preparing their members to be fruitful workers in the grand mission of the third angel’s message. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.14


The funds for defraying the expenses of this association shall be obtained by the tithes from the State associations, and by contributions and donations. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.15


This Constitution may be altered or amended by a two-thirds’ vote of the members present at any regular meeting. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.16




THIS society shall be known as the ----- Sabbath-school Association of Seventh-day Adventists. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.17


This association shall be composed of all the members of such Sabbath-schools as shall report quarterly to the Secretary, and also of all accredited ministers and licentiates within its bounds. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.18


This association shall be represented by all members of the association who may be present at any regular meeting. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.19


The officers of this association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and an Executive Board of five, of which the President, Vice-President, and Secretary shall be members. These officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the association. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.20


The duties of the President shall be to take the general oversight of the work of the association, to preside at all the meetings of the association and of the Executive Board, and to call special meetings thereof. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.21


SECTION 1. As Secretary, 1 He shall keep a record of the proceedings of the association, and present a yearly summary of its workings at the annual session; 2 He shall execute all correspondence ordered by the association and the Executive Board. GCB October 1, 1900, page 234.22

SEC. 2. As Treasurer, He shall receive and hold all moneys belonging to the association, giving receipts therefor, and paying out the same as the association or the Executive Board may direct. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.1


The functions of the Executive Board shall be: 1 To represent this association when not in session assembled, and to execute all its recommendations and orders; 2 To co-operate with all accredited ministers laboring in the limits of the association, in furthering the interests of the Sabbath-school work; 3 To assist, either personally or by authorized agents, in organizing and conducting Sabbath-school conventions and Sabbath-schools and Sunday-schools in those places where an attendance can be secured and where the truths of the Bible can be plainly taught; 4 To make all necessary provisions for rendering the sessions of the association interesting and profitable; and in general, to labor to make our Sabbath-schools efficient in preparing their members to be fruitful workers in the grand mission of the third angel’s message. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.2


The funds for defraying the expenses of the association shall be obtained by tithes from the Sabbath-schools in the State, and by donations. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.3


This constitution may be altered or amended by a two-thirds’ vote of the members present at any regular meeting. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.4




This society shall be called the International Religious Liberty Association. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.5


The object of this association shall be the promulgation of the principles of liberty—Christian and constitutional. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.6


All persons approving these objects, and who will subscribe to the Declaration of Principles, may be members of this association by the payment of one dollar, and an annual due thereafter of one dollar. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.7


SECTION 1. The officers of this association shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of nine. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.8

SEC. 2. The Executive Committee shall have power to appoint one or more General Field Secretaries, also to appoint in each State and Territory a Vice-President, a District Secretary, and a Press Agent, all of whom shall work under the direction of the Executive Committee. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.9

SEC. 3. The officers of this association shall be elected at the biennial meetings of the association, notice of which shall be published at least three weeks before such meetings are held, and the members present shall constitute a quorum. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.10

SEC. 4. Vacancies occurring in any of the offices of the association may be filled by the Executive Committee. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.11


SECTION 1. All funds arising from membership fees and annual dues shall be used according to the discretion of the Executive Committee in assisting members who may be prosecuted in consequence of religious intolerance and unjust and oppressive legislation, and for the publication and distribution of literature upon the principles of the association, and for the support of lecturers in the field. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.12

SEC. 2. The Executive Committee may call for contributions, and accept donations for special enterprises and emergencies that may arise as funds are needed. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.13


This constitution may be amended by a three-fourths’ vote of those present at any regular meeting. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.14

BY-LAWS. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.15

1. This International Religious Liberty Association shall have an organ through which to advocate its principles and advertise and mold its work. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.16

2. No literature shall be published or circulated under the name of this society by any of its officers or members until it has been endorsed by the Executive Committee of the association. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.17

3. No act or decision involving great expense, or change in the working of the association, shall be valid, unless, at the time the act is voted upon, or a decision is made, a majority of the Executive Committee shall be present. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.18

4. The President shall preside at the meetings of the association and of the Executive Committee, and see that the will of the committee is faithfully executed. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.19

5. The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the association and of the Executive Committee, and shall maintain a regular correspondence with the Vice-Presidents, District Secretaries, and State Press Agents, and execute all other correspondence ordered by the Executive Committee. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.20

6. It shall be the duty of the Vice-Presidents to enlist the co-operation of ministers, lawyers, school-teachers, and business men in the work of the association; to assist under the direction of the Executive Committee, in aiding those who may be prosecuted for non-compliance with religious enactments, and to take the general supervision of the work in their respective territories. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.21

7. District Secretaries shall lecture on the subject of religious liberty in all its phases, secure signatures to the petitions opposing religious legislation, and also obtain all possible co-operation in such work, and in the distribution of literature in harmony with the aim of the association. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.22

8. Press Agents shall be empowered, with the concurrence of the Vice-Presidents and District Secretaries of their respective States, to select and appoint in each country seat and city of their States, responsible persons who are in sympathy with the object of the association, and who will act in its behalf by working with local editors to bring to their attention the importance of the question of religious liberty and to get their influence in behalf of the aim of the association. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.23

9. The general meetings of the association shall be held biennially at such time and place as may be agreed upon by the Executive Committee. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.24

10. The Executive Committee shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer, and make a report of the same at the regular meetings of the association. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.25

11. These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds’ vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the association, or at any meeting called for that purpose, due notice having been given of such meeting. GCB October 1, 1900, page 235.26



Know all men by these presents, that we, the undersigned, in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 165 of Howell’s Annotated Statutes of the State of Michigan, as amended, do hereby incorporate ourselves and those who may from time to time become associated with us, according to the terms and conditions of membership herein prescribed, as a body politic and corporate for the objects and purposes hereinafter specified, that is to say— GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.1


The names of the persons associating in the first instance, and their places of residence, are— GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.2

A. R. Henry, of Battle Creek, Michigan. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.3

O. A. Olsen, of Battle Creek, Michigan. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.4

L. McCoy, of Battle Creek, Michigan. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.5

J. H. Kellogg, of Battle Creek, Michigan. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.6


a. The name of the corporation is “International Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association.” GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.7

b. The place where its office for the transaction of business is located, is at the City of Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Michigan. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.8

c. The period for which it is incorporated is thirty years. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.9


The objects for which this corporation is organized are— GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.10

The charitable purposes of founding, establishing and maintaining institutions, homes, or asylums where children shall be beneficently educated generally, in the arts and sciences, in useful trades and professions, and in manual training, affording them special hygienic advantages, such as physical culture, wholesome dietary, and healthful clothing; giving them proper moral instruction and training; finding good homes for such children as are in need thereof, and arranging for and securing the adoption of children whenever proper cases present themselves, and the law will permit the same; fitting children for philanthropic work, and for work as medical missionaries; maintaining schools of instruction for mothers and trainers of children; offering and affording a home where destitute and friendless children and deserving persons of all ages may have a temporary or permanent home, and be taken care of and furnished with food and clothing, and given medical, surgical, and hygienic aid and relief when needed; which institutions, homes, or asylums may receive pay from all such persons as are competent to contract, and may choose to and are able to pay for the benefits received, but all of the funds of which institutions, homes, or asylums shall be used, after paying necessary expenses, not for profit, but faithfully and exclusively for the purposes set forth herein. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.11


a. The number of the Trustees of this corporation is nine. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.12

b. The Trustees shall be chosen and elected by the members. At the first election of Trustees the entire nine shall be elected, to hold until the annual meeting in 1895. At the annual meeting of 1895, a new election shall be had, and four 4 Trustees shall then be elected for two years, and five 5 Trustees for four years. Thereafter the Trustees shall be elected so as to preserve the classification last above provided for. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.13

c. The regular officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other officers as the By-laws may from time to time create and specify. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.14

d. The officers shall be chosen by the Trustees. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.15

e. The Trustees shall have full power to fill, for the term of the vacating person, all vacancies occurring among the Trustees or the officers, by death, resignation, or otherwise. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.16

f. The annual meeting of this corporation shall be held at the City of Battle Creek, Michigan, at such a time as the Board of Trustees shall designated by a notice published in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, at least four weeks before the date of the session. Special meetings of this corporation shall be called in the same manner, or by a personal notice given each member a reasonable time before the meeting to be held. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.17


The terms and conditions of membership in the corporation are as follows:— GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.18

a. The signers of these Articles shall be permanent members. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.19

b. All members of the Executive Committee of the incorporated General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists shall be ex-officio members during their respective terms of office in said Executive Committee, but no longer. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.20

c. All persons who contribute one thousand dollars ($1000.00) or more to this corporation, in real or personal property, shall be permanent members as long as they live, and no longer: at the death of such persons their membership shall expire. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.21

d. All Presidents of Seventh-day-Adventist Conferences in the United States and elsewhere shall be ex-officio members of the Association during their respective terms of office, and no longer. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.22


a. A majority of the Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.23

b. The Trustees are hereby authorized to provide, by their By-laws, for the delegation, by them, of their powers, to a committee, or committees of their own body. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.24

c. In case any Trustee is absent from the State of Michigan, it shall be unnecessary to notify such Trustee of the meetings of the Trustees during such absence. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.25


A quorum of the members for the transaction of business shall consist of such number as are present at any meeting duly called. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.26


At the expiration of the corporate term of this corporation, the Trustees shall convey all the corporate assets remaining after the payment of all debts, to such charitable corporation as the majority of the Trustees shall select, absolutely for the charitable uses and purposes; and if ?? any cause the corporation shall be wound up before the expiration of its corporate term, the same disposition shall be made of all its assets remaining after payment of its debts. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.27

Witness the signatures and seals of the subscribers hereto. July tenth, 1893. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.28

A. R. HENRY, (L. S.)
O. A. OLSEN, (L. S.)
L. McCOY, (L. S.)
J. H. KELLOGG, (L. S.)




SECTION 1. A majority of Trustees shall be a quorum to transact business. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.29

SEC. 2. By vote of not less than five Trustees, any of the business of the corporation may be delegated to a committee of one or more Trustees. Such delegation shall be by resolution duly entered in the record book of the Trustees which resolution shall concisely state the business so delegated, and the record shall state the name of the Trustee who vote in the affirmative and the negative on such resolution. Such delegation may be of a particular item of business or of a specified class of business. GCB October 1, 1900, page 236.30

SEC. 3. The power of any such committee shall be subject to revocation as to all future acts, at any regular or special meeting of the Trustees, which revocation shall be by resolution duly entered in the record book of the Trustees, and said record shall state the names of the Trustees who vote in the affirmative and the negative. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.1

SEC. 4. When any committee is composed of more than one Trustee, due notice of the meeting of such committee shall be given to all members of such committee, by written or verbal notice, a reasonable time before the meeting; but the notice need not specify the nature of the business to be done. A majority of the committee shall suffice to constitute a meeting and to proceed to business, and a majority of a majority may bind the committee, Trustees, and the corporation. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.2


SEC. 1. There-shall be one regular meeting of the Trustees in each year, which shall be held in the city of Battle Creek, on the same day and immediately preceding the annual meeting of the corporation, of the time of which meeting each shall take notice without special notification. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.3

SEC. 2. Special meetings of the Trustees may be had at any time, and on the call of a Trustee, by verbal or written notice, given to each Trustee a reasonable time before the meeting. The notice need not state the object of the meeting. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.4

SEC. 3. In case any Trustee is absent from the State of Michigan, it shall not be necessary to notify such Trustee of the meetings held during his absence. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.5


A quorum of members shall consist of such members as are present at any meeting duly called. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.6


SEC. 1. Each member shall have one vote, and but one, on any question to be voted upon by the members. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.7

SEC. 2. Every member may vote in person, or by written proxy duly filed with the Secretary. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.8


All notices to Trustees may be either verbal, or by a written prepostpaid notice, directed to the Trustee at his last known post-office address and deposited in the post-office at the City of Battle Creek, Michigan. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.9


The seal of this corporation shall be a metal seal of the ordinary size, with the words “International Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association—Incorporated 1893.” GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.10


These By-laws shall be enacted by the vote of not less than five Trustees, and may be amended, added to, or repealed by the Trustees, by not less than a like number of votes. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.11

REPORTS. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.12

A GLANCE at the summary of statistics will reveal unfaithfulness on the part of some one. Please read Article II of the By-Laws of the General Conference Constitution. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.13

All statistical blanks for reports to the Conference are arranged so that they may be filled out at the close of each quarter. The secretary should get a statement from the treasurer, of the amount of tithes received between the first and the last days of the quarter. All other items the secretary should supply from what he has in his office. GCB October 1, 1900, page 237.14