General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3




The camp-meeting season is right upon us. All our conferences are now making arrangements for these important gatherings. The plan of having many small meetings in different parts of the conference met with general satisfaction last year. The same is being contemplated for this year. GCB January 1, 1900, page 120.6

The question of our camp-meetings, and laborers for the same, occupied a considerable portion of the time of the council just closed. The general sentiment prevailed that, because of the scarcity of general laborers, the State conferences will have to rely more upon home talent than upon help from the general field. However, the plan is to have a sufficient corps of laborers for each meeting. An exchange of laborers between two conferences has worked to good advantage in the past, and is recommended for the coming season. GCB January 1, 1900, page 120.7