General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3




We have reached the time when we can do more with the Religious Liberty Library than ever before. It is the medium through which the International Religious Liberty Association can speak most effectively on special topics. But in order to accomplish this, it is absolutely necessary that the subscription list be increased many thousands. Do you wish to help on the religious liberty work? You can do so at small cost. If you are a member of the Religious Liberty Association, send twenty-five cents for the Religious Liberty Library for one year. If you are not a member, send $1.25 and become a member, and receive the Library for one year. If you are not a member, and do not wish to become one, send the regular subscription price, fifty cents. By becoming subscribers to the Religious Liberty Library you aid the Association in sending out at pound rates to those not acquainted with these principles just as many more copies as there are subscribers. Send at once to the Religious Liberty Association, 750 Monon Building, Chicago, III. GCB January 1, 1900, page 120.5