General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



Enriched by God through grace alone,
What boundless wealth is given;
By grace his love in Christ is shown,
To make us heirs of heaven.
GCB April 22, 1901, page 378.17

Through grace enriched by knowledge all,
In utterance complete,
We all may now upon him call,
And worship at his feet.
GCB April 22, 1901, page 378.18

By grace alone are ye now saved,
Not works that we have done;
It comes to all by sin enslaved,
Its power do not shun.
GCB April 22, 1901, page 378.19

By grace shall Christ abide in thee,
To keep thee from all sin;
By grace thine eyes be made to see
God’s glory shine within.
GCB April 22, 1901, page 378.20

By grace he’ll take the hopeless soul
Held fast by Satan’s chains;
By grace he’ll make the vilest whole,
And cleanse all guilty stains.
GCB April 22, 1901, page 378.21

What grace! how wondrous is the gift,
What tongue its fullness tell?
In praise to him thine heart now lift,
Thy voice the chorus swell.
GCB April 22, 1901, page 378.22