General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



1. Resolved, That the German brethren recommend that all our laborers and brethren do all in their power to circulate the German “Object Lessons” among the German people. GCB April 22, 1901, page 378.11

2. Since we acknowledge that the Hausfreund occupies an important place in the proclamation of the third angel’s message among the Germans of different countries, and that many souls have already been brought to the knowledge of the truth through it; be it— GCB April 22, 1901, page 378.12

Resolved 1, That we recommend those whom the Lord has given talents in this direction contribute original articles, such as are fitting and timely for our own members, and also suitable for a missionary paper. GCB April 22, 1901, page 378.13

2. That as far as possible every German Seventh-day Adventist family or single member, not only subscribe for the paper for himself, but also pay for one or more subscriptions for his friends or neighbors, and that not only the ministers, but also the members of the churches, take subscriptions for it. GCB April 22, 1901, page 378.14

3. We recommend that steps be taken that the Hausfreund be sold from house to house, especially in the large cities, and that monthly subscriptions be taken at the rate of ten cents a month, and be delivered by the laborers, and that such agents be assisted from the Hausfreund fund when deemed advisable. GCB April 22, 1901, page 378.15

Resolved, That we, acknowledging the importance of the circulation of our literature, recommend: 1 That all brethren and sisters as far as possible supply themselves with our books, tracts, and pamphlets, and become familiar with the contents of the same; 2 That we urge all our ministers and Bible workers to set a good example before the members of our churches in the diligent circulation of our books, etc., as well as taking subscriptions for our German paper; 3 That all our laborers and church-members keep an eye on devoted suitable persons of both sexes for the purpose of encouraging them to enter the canvassing field; 4 That our church-members not only pray for them, but also assist them financially when necessary. GCB April 22, 1901, page 378.16