General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4


Twentieth Meeting, April 16, 12:30 P. M


ELDER G. A. IRWIN in the chair. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.22

The Chair: The Committee on Distribution of Labor has a partial report to submit to the brethren. Brother Knox is chairman. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.23

W. T. Knox: The Committee on Distribution of Labor submit the following:— GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.24


“1. That L. R. Conradi take the general supervision of the German work in Europe, and of the Mediterranean Mission Field, spending at least one half of his time in the latter. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.26

“2. That we consider favorably the request of the Australian brethren, that in case A. G. Daniells does not return to that field, G. A. Irwin take the presidency of the Australasian Union Conference. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.27

“3. That W. A. Hennig be invited to go to Australia to labor under the direction of the Australasian Union Conference. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.28

“4. That O. E. Renke, of Wisconsin, labor in the German work in New York City. GCB April 17, 1901, page 282.1

“5. That H. Meyer, of Missouri, labor in Chicago in the German work. GCB April 17, 1901, page 282.2

“6. That D. B. Weber, of Kansas, labor in Missouri in the German work. GCB April 17, 1901, page 282.3

“7. That Elder H. J. Dirksen, of Manitoba, connect with Brother Henry Block for a number of months, advising and aiding him in his work. GCB April 17, 1901, page 282.4

“8. That Elder I. N. Williams, of the Quebec Conference, labor in the Pennsylvania Conference. GCB April 17, 1901, page 282.5

“9. That Elder S. A. Farnsworth, of the New England Conference, take the presidency of the Quebec Conference, made vacant by the change of Elder Williams. GCB April 17, 1901, page 282.6

“10. That Elder A. E. Place take the presidency of the New England Conference, made vacant by the change of Elder Farnsworth. GCB April 17, 1901, page 282.7

“11. That William Wendland, of Minnesota, labor in Manitoba, in the German work, connecting with Elder H. J. Dirksen. GCB April 17, 1901, page 282.8

“12. That John Isaac, of the Dakota Conference, labor in Wisconsin, in the German work. GCB April 17, 1901, page 282.9

“13. That Elder J. W. Boynton, of Nebraska, labor in Alberta, North West Territory.” GCB April 17, 1901, page 282.10

The Chair: This partial report will be printed in the BULLETIN for future action. GCB April 17, 1901, page 282.11

It was moved and seconded to adjourn. Carried unanimously. GCB April 17, 1901, page 282.12

Elder Allen Moon pronounced the benediction. GCB April 17, 1901, page 282.13

G. A. IRWIN, Chairman.
L. A. HOOPES, Secretary.