General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4




Nineteenth Meeting, April 15, 3 P. M.

ELDER A. G. DANIELLS in the chair. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.9

Prayer was offered by Elder H. W. Decker. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.10

The Chair: Some of the delegates have a little matter of Conference business that they are very anxious to dispose of, so that they can go on with other matters that are being delayed because this is not attended to. Dr. Kellogg has consented to allow us to take a few minutes for this purpose; so we will ask the delegates to consider this a meeting of the Conference, until this matter is disposed of. Brother Sharp, I believe, will present the matter to you. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.11

Smith Sharp: It is the report of the Committee on Organization, which was rendered yesterday morning, and ordered printed, so that it could be considered. It is with reference to the transfer of the control of the Graysville and Huntsville schools to the Union Conference. The chairman of the Committee on Organization yesterday morning reported that that committee had passed a vote requesting the Conference to transfer the matter of the appointment of the boards for the control of the Graysville and Huntsville schools to the Southern Union Conference, with the recommendation that it be passed at this Conference. It was ordered printed, and to be considered this morning. No unfinished business was called for this morning. Brother Kilgore can tell us in regard to the matter. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.12

R. M. Kilgore: I will simply say that the report of the Committee on Organization was that the responsibility of appointing the boards for the Southern Industrial School at Graysville and the Oakwood Industrial School at Huntsville, Ala., be transferred to the Southern Union Conference. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.13

Charles Thompson: It may be found on page 232 of the BULLETIN. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.14

The Chair: Please read it. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.15

Charles Thompson [reading]: “That the responsibility heretofore carried by the General Conference in appointing boards of management for the Southern Industrial School (Graysville, Tenn.) and the Oakwood Industrial School (Huntsville, Ala.) be transferred to the Southern Union Conference.” GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.16

The Chair: What is your pleasure regarding this recommendation? GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.17

M. C. Wilcox: I move that it be approved. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.18

Irving Keck: I support that motion. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.19

The motion was called, and carried. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.20

The meeting was here turned over to the stockholders of the Michigan Sanitarium and Benevolent Association. GCB April 17, 1901, page 281.21

A. G. DANIELLS, Chairman.
L. A. HOOPES, Secretary.