General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



“Through the work for the relief of our schools a fourfold blessing will be realized,—a blessing to the schools, to the world, to the church, and to the workers themselves. GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.5

“While funds are gathered for the relief of the schools, the best reading-matter is being placed in the hands of a large number of people, who, if this effort had not been made, would never have seen ‘Christ’s Object Lessons.’ There are souls in desolate places who will be reached by this effort. The lessons drawn from the parables of our Saviour will be to very many as the leaves of the tree of life. GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.6

“It is the Lord’s design that ‘Christ’s Object Lessons,’ with its precious instruction, will unify the believers. The self-sacrificing efforts put forth by the members of our churches will prove a means of uniting them, that they may be sanctified, body, soul, and spirit, as vessels unto honor, prepared to receive the Holy Spirit. Those who seek to do God’s will, investing every talent to the best advantage, will become wise in working for his kingdom. They will learn lessons of the greatest value, and they will feel the highest satisfaction of a rational mind. Peace and grace and power of intellect will be given them. GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.7

“As they carry this book to those who need the instruction it contains, the workers will gain a precious experience. This work is a means of education. Those who will do their best as the Lord’s helping hand to circulate ‘Christ’s Object Lessons’ will obtain an experience that will enable them to be successful laborers for God. Very many, through the training received in this work, will learn how to canvass for our larger work, which the people need so much. GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.8

“All who engage in the work aright, cheerfully and hopefully, will find it a very great blessing. The Lord does not force any to engage in his work, but to those who place themselves decidedly on his side he will give a willing mind. He will bless all who will work out the spirit which he works in. To such workers he will give favor and success. As field after field is entered new methods and new plans will spring from new circumstances. New thoughts will come with the new workers who give themselves to the work. As they seek the Lord for help, he will communicate with them. They will receive plans devised by the Lord himself. Souls will be converted and money will come in The workers will find waste places of the Lord’s vineyard lying close beside fields that have been worked. Every field shows new places to win. All that is done brings to light how much more still remains to be done. GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.9

“As we work in connection with the Great Teacher, the mental faculties are developed. The conscience is under divine guidance. Christ takes the entire being under his control. GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.10

“No one can be truly united with Christ, practicing his lessons, submitting to his yoke of restraint, without realizing that which he can never express in words. New, rich, thoughts come to him. Light is given to the intellect, determination to the will, sensitiveness to the conscience, purity to the imagination. The heart becomes more tender, the thoughts more spiritual, the service more Christlike. In the life there is seen that which no words can express,—true, faithful, loving devotion of heart, mind, soul, and strength to the work of the Master.” GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.11

Our institutions have made and will make sacrifices, and we wish to say, Do not be weary in well-doing. The most precious work is yet before us. Our camp-meetings will soon open; and if every one will put on the armor, and work intelligently, the blessing of God will come to us. GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.12

The light that has been given me is that Battle Creek has not the best influence over the students in our school. There is altogether too congested a state of things. The school, although it will mean a fewer number of students, should be moved out of Battle Creek. Get an extensive tract of land, and there begin the work which I entreated should be commenced before our school was established here,—to get out of the cities, to a place where the students would not see things to remark upon and criticize, where they would not see the wayward course of this one and that one, but would settle down to diligent study. GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.13

Every term of school which we have held at Avondale has resulted in the conversion of nearly every student in the school. In some terms this has been the case without exception, and in others there have not been more than two or three exceptions. Business men have brought their children from Newcastle to our school in Avondale, so that they would not be tempted as they would be in the public schools, which they declared were corrupted. Our schools should be located away from the cities, on a large tract of land, so that the students will have opportunity to do manual work. They should have opportunity to learn lessons from the objects which Christ used in the inculcation of truth. He pointed to the birds, to the flowers, to the sower and the reaper. GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.14

In schools of this kind not only are the minds of the students benefited, but their physical powers are strengthened. All portions of the body are exercised. The education of mind and body is equalized. The body needs a great deal more care than it gets. There are men here who are suffering, O so much, because they are not faithful stewards of their bodies. God wants you to use every means in your power to care for the wonderful machinery which he has given you. Let no part of it rust from inaction. GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.15

When students study the popular literature of the present day, evil will be sure to crop out. When young ladies read novels, they are led away from the living experience which they should gain in the truth. Instead of preparing themselves for missionary work, they pore over novels, by which they are made just as drunk as is a drunkard by the liquor which he drinks. Thus the mind is impaired, and they are made unable to study. GCB April 14, 1901, page 216.1

Students should have manual work to do, and it will not hurt them if in doing this work they become weary. Do you not think Christ became weary?—Indeed he did. Weariness injures no one. It only makes rest sweeter. It will not hurt the students to deny appetite, and live on a simple diet of fruits and grains. This will help them. It will strengthen and bless them. It is a meat diet, and a great variety of food, which is ruining the digestive organs. None of our schools are to indulge in these harmful things. GCB April 14, 1901, page 216.2

The young men, as well as the young women are to be taught how to cook; and the young women, as well as the young men, are to take a part in outside work. When this is done, there will be found in our schools in America as healthy a class of students as is found in our school in Cooranbong, where there are few of the students whose health has not been improved by correct habits of life. GCB April 14, 1901, page 216.3

God wants the school to be taken out of Battle Creek. Let us take away the excuse which has been made for families to come into Battle Creek. They must get away from Battle Creek; for God does not want them here. Day after day the question is put to individuals. “What doest thou here, Elijah?” Who sent you here? God did not send Elijah into the wilderness; he went of himself. God did not send you to Battle Creek. He has a work for you to do in his vineyard. Put on the armor, and go forth into places where you can raise up churches, where you can establish humble institutions, where you can work in medical missionary lines. GCB April 14, 1901, page 216.4

God wants the perceptive faculties of his people to be clear and capable of hard work. But if you are living on a flesh diet, you need not expect that your mind will be fruitful. The thoughts must be cleansed: then the blessing of God will rest upon his people. We want the pervading truth of God’s word to get hold of every one of our people before this Conference is over. We want them to understand that the flesh of animals is not the proper food for them to eat. Such a diet cultivates the animal passions in them and in their children. God wants us to educate our children in right habits of eating, dressing, and working. He wants us to do what we can to repair the broken-down machinery. GCB April 14, 1901, page 216.5

Some may be stirred about the transfer of the school from Battle Creek. But they need not be. This move is in accordance with God’s design for the school before the institution was established. But men could not see how this could be done. There were so many who said that the school must be in Battle Creek. Now we say that it must be somewhere else. The best thing that can be done is to dispose of the school’s buildings here as soon as possible. Begin at once to look for a place where the school can be conducted on right lines. God wants us to place our children where they will not see and hear that which they should not see or hear. God wants his church to take up the stones, to remove the rubbish, to clear the highway for the coming of the Lord. He wants them to prepare to meet their God. GCB April 14, 1901, page 216.6

I shall at another time have more to say on the subject of education of children in the school and in the family. Oh, with what sadness God looks upon the neglect of fathers and mothers. This neglect is registered in the books of heaven. GCB April 14, 1901, page 216.7

Let the work of relieving our schools go steadily forward. Work to the point, and the blessing of God will rest upon you. And when the debt is lifted, still continue the work: for a fund should be raised to send to school students who can not pay their own way. GCB April 14, 1901, page 216.8

Parents should be willing to pay a little higher tuition, that our schools may not again fall into debt. It is the duty of those who sent their children to school when the tuition was too low to help in lifting the debt on the schools. God will bless them in the performance of this duty. GCB April 14, 1901, page 216.9

In our camp-meetings let a thorough work be done in selling, not only “Object Lessons,” but all our books. Let not one minister think that to sell our books is too humiliating a work. Too humiliating a work! Not at all. God wants every line of his work to be carried forward intelligently, in the name of the Lord God of Israel. A sermon is of tenfold more value than it would otherwise be if, after it is delivered, books treating upon the subject presented are sold to the hearers. Let us push with all our might the work of selling our books, and God will bless us in this effort. This is not a work of which any of us should be ashamed. By this work the light of truth is shed abroad in the world. GCB April 14, 1901, page 216.10

The meeting adjourned to 11 A. M. GCB April 14, 1901, page 216.11

G. A. IRWIN, Chairman.
L. A. HOOPES, Secretary.