General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



“Those who engage in this work should first give themselves unreservedly to God. They should place themselves where they can learn of Christ and follow his example. He has invited them: ‘Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.’ Matthew 11:28-30. Angels are commissioned to go forth with those who take up this work in true humility.” GCB April 14, 1901, page 214.8

Recently I have been shown again and again that it is the angels of God who make the impression on human hearts. It is the angels of God who go before the workers. In the night season I was laboring with the problem of the relief of our schools, not knowing how to answer the letters written to me regarding the situation. I feel asleep, and the angel of God seemed to stand beside me, saying, “Donate to the cause of education the book ‘Christ’s Object Lessons.’” This so startled me that I at once awoke. And O, I was so grateful to the Lord for the light he had given me regarding what I could do to help to free our schools from debt! It was only twelve o’clock, but I could stay in bed no longer. I rose, and began writing something of what must be done. And I wish to say now that much more has been done with the book than I flattered myself could be done. I feel like shedding tears of joy when I think of what God has permitted me to do for the schools. GCB April 14, 1901, page 214.9

“We are to pray without ceasing, and we are to live our prayers.” GCB April 14, 1901, page 214.10

This is a lesson we need to learn. We are to live our prayers. Some say, “I do not know that the Lord hears me.” Do not know! What do you mean? Do you mean to say that you do not believe the word of the One who had such an interest in you that he gave his only begotten Son to secure your salvation? Do you mean to say that you do not believe your Redeemer, who left the heavenly courts, and came to this earth to suffer and die for you? He says to you, “Come unto me, ...and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” What makes the yoke easy and the burden light?—Our willingness to wear it, our gladness in being able to do something for the Saviour. GCB April 14, 1901, page 214.11

Let us yoke up with Christ. Let us practice self-denial and self-sacrifice. May God help us to do all we can for his work. He will hear our prayers. Let us believe in him. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen.” Remembering this, let our faith cleave the dark shadow which Satan has thrown across our pathway. Looking into the face of Jesus Christ, let us say, “He is the hope of my calling.” Let us believe in him, irrespective of feeling. Feeling has nothing to do with faith. It is as distinct from faith as the east is from the west. We have the word of the living God. In that let us trust. GCB April 14, 1901, page 214.12

“Faith will greatly increase by exercise. Let those who are canvassing for ‘Object Lessons’ learn the lessons taught in the book for which they are working. Learn of Christ. Have faith in his power to help and save you. Faith is the very life-blood of the soul. Its presence gives warmth, health, consistency, and sound judgment. Its vitality and vigor exert a powerful though unconscious influence.” GCB April 14, 1901, page 214.13

You do not know how much influence the Lord places behind this book. You do not know how he speaks through it to the hearts and minds of men and women. But you may know that you are doing the work he wishes you to do. I know that I did what he wanted me to do in giving this book to our schools, and I have been happy ever since. You will be happy if you do his will. You will find that his yoke is easy, and his burdens are light. GCB April 14, 1901, page 214.14

“The life of Christ in the soul is as a well of water, springing up unto everlasting life. It leads to a constant cultivation of the heavenly graces, and to a kindly submission in all things to the Lord. GCB April 14, 1901, page 214.15

“I speak to the workers, young and old, who are handling our books, and especially to those who are canvassing for the book that is now doing its appointed errand of mercy: Exemplify in the life the lessons given by Christ in his sermon on the mount. This will make a deeper impression and have a more lasting influence upon minds than will the sermons given from the pulpit. You may not be able to speak eloquently to those you desire to help, but if you speak modestly, hiding self in Christ, your words will be dictated by the Holy Spirit; and Christ, with whom you are co-operating will impress the heart.” You do not make the impression. It is Christ, with whom you are a co-worker, who impresses hearts. We are laborers together with God. GCB April 14, 1901, page 214.16

“Exercise that faith which works by love and sanctifies the soul. Let none now make the Lord ashamed of them because of their unbelief.” Let us not get into the habits of manifesting this miserable thing—unbelief. “Sloth and despondency accomplish nothing. Entanglements in secular business are sometimes permitted by God, in order to stir the sluggish faculties to more earnest action, that he may honor faith by the bestowal of rich blessings. This is a means of advancing his work.” This is doing work for the Master. And when you see how unbelievers appreciate the work, it will make your heart leap for joy. It will make the yoke easy and the burden light. God will help you work intelligently. GCB April 14, 1901, page 214.17

“Looking unto Jesus, not only as our example, but as the author and finisher of our faith. Remember this. As at our baptism we pledged ourselves to him, and received the ordinance in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, these three great powers of heaven pledged themselves to work in our behalf, not only to begin, but to finish our faith. I am so glad that we have the promises of God. GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.1

“Let us go forward, having confidence that he will supply strength for every duty.... GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.2

“The work for the relief of our schools should be taken up by our people in all countries. Let it be entered upon by our churches in Australasia. Our school there is in need of help, and if our people will take hold of the work unitedly, they can do much toward lifting the burden of debt; they can encourage the hearts of those who are laboring to build up this, the Lord’s instrumentality; and they can aid in extending its influence of blessing to far heathen lands, and to the islands of the sea.” GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.3

In Australia we realized the blessing of God in the establishment of a school on right principles. GCB April 14, 1901, page 215.4