General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4




Seventh Meeting (Continued), April 4, 3 P.M.

W. H. Thurston (continuing): I will speak of the needs of Brazil. We want a good German, perhaps two. I was chosen superintendent of the work in Brazil, and have done the best I knew, in the fear of the Lord, and the work has gone on. We have all worked together as one. When anything has come up, or any plan to be made, we have called the brethren together and counseled. There were times, to be sure, when I had to decide some things alone. GCB April 9, 1901, page 137.4

But the time has come when I feel that the work there demands a superintendent, who can impart help which I am not able to impart. I can not speak German. I appreciate your letters, and the counsel, and the money that has been sent over to us. We appreciate very much the operation of the Foreign Mission Board the last two years in their carrying out of the plans for the advancement of the work in foreign fields. GCB April 9, 1901, page 137.5

Meeting adjourned. Benediction was pronounced by Elder O. A. Olsen. GCB April 9, 1901, page 137.6

A. G. DANIELS, Chairman.
L. A. HOOPES, Secretary.