General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



Partial reports printed on slips:—
1. Committee on Organization.
2. Committee on Equal Distribution of Funds.
GCB April 9, 1901, page 137.1

Following Elder Daniells’s discourse Sunday night, a large company repaired to the east vestry of the Tabernacle, and there all engaged in an earnest, solemn meeting of consecration. Those present can not fail to be greatly benefitted if they continue the course on which they started at that meeting. If they do persevere, their home friends may expect good through them, when they return to their homes. May it be even so. GCB April 9, 1901, page 137.2

Life is the happiest gift of God, and the human body is the best of nature’s handiwork. It is perfect in design, and wonderful in construction. Carelessness, aided by ignorance, is responsible for all its diseases and all its defects. A regulated system of health would astound mankind with results both marvelous and enjoyable.—Hale. GCB April 9, 1901, page 137.3