General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



“Your slave may with your gold abscond,
The fire your home lay low;
Your debtor may disown his bond,
Your farm no crops bestow.
Your steward false may prove a cheat;
Your freighted ships the storms may beat;
That, only, from mischance you’ll save
Which to your friends is given;
The only wealth you’ll always have
Is that you’ve lent to heaven.”
GCB April 7, 1901, page 112.8

The Dark Day of the Revolution has been frequently described, to many yet living, by ancient people who were eyewitnesses. This account was given by a Rhode Island lady, a cousin of General Nathaniel Greene:— GCB April 7, 1901, page 112.9

“The sky was clear until near noon, when the sun began to fade, as if its light were withdrawn, until it needed very keen eyes to mark its position in the heavens. At first there was a sort of greenish twilight, then everything became as dark as midnight. The stars came out. The fowls went to roost. People looked at their clocks, sure that they must somehow have mistaken the time. The churches and meeting-houses were open. The bells tolled mournfully. Some men stood upon the corners preaching that this was the last day, foretold by the Evangelist. Some sat at open windows or on roofs, singing hymns. But just before sunset the sky cleared. I remember that my mother and father embraced each other, then kissed me, and seemed overjoyed, and the street was full of people running to and fro and shouting that the world was safe.”—New York Sun. GCB April 7, 1901, page 112.10

More dear in the sight of God and his angels than any other conquest is the conquest of self, which each, with the help of Heaven, can secure for himself.—Dean Stanley. GCB April 7, 1901, page 112.11

ERRATA. GCB April 7, 1901, page 112.12

On page 66 of Bulletin No. 3, near top of first column, read “Mrs. D. A. Robinson, of India,” instead of “D. D. GCB April 7, 1901, page 112.13

On the same page the name of M. H. Brown should be added to the Committee on Education. GCB April 7, 1901, page 112.14