General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



The sweet-toned bell rings out sweetness, however gently or rudely it is struck; while the clanging gong can not be so touched as not to respond with a jangle. There is the same difference in people. From some you learn always to expect a snarl, or a whine, or a groan; while others give forth words of cheerfulness and joy. When the grace of God possesses mind and heart, you will respond with a sweet spirit to every touch, kind or unkind, rude or loving. You will be a voice for God, in whatever place or company you are thrown, a witness for charity and kindness and truth. GCB April 7, 1901, page 112.6

“When a man lives with God,” says Emerson, “his voice shall be as sweet as the murmur of the brook and the rustle of the corn.” Whatever you are, be as a sweet-toned bell.—Selected. GCB April 7, 1901, page 112.7