General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5



Showing Total Number of (S. D. A.) Sabbath-keepers, Amount of Tithe Paid, and the Amount for Each Member, for 16 Years.

Year.Sabbath-Keepers.Amount of Tithes.Per. Capita.
188725,841$192,720 99$7 44
188826,112163,129 236 20
188928,324224,743 787 93
189029,711225,433 987 59
189131,665258,037 278 11
189233,778302,310 198 94
189337,404350,690 569 37
189442,763321,517 067 51
189547,680309,142 766 45
189652,202341,978 376 55
189756,436363,415 166 43
189859,447432,158 087 26
189964,003490,656 167 66
190075,767510,258 976 73
190178,188578,628 137 40
190273,522643,747 838 75
Total tithe for 16 years, $5,708,568 52
Average tithe per capita for 16 years,$7 52

We have greatly appreciated the earnest cooperation of the workers in the Pacific Press job department, who have been on night duty, and part day duty, as well, in the getting out of the “Bulletin.” The two linotype composing machines have been kept very busy. GCB April 14, 1903, page 220.10