General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5



“So built we the wall; and all the wall was, joined together unto the half thereof; for the people had a mind to work.” GCB April 14, 1903, page 220.1

The proceedings of the final meetings of the Conference will be found in the latter pages of this number, following the sermons and reports. GCB April 14, 1903, page 220.2

In the Atlantic Union report the membership of the West Virginia Conference was given as 366, and the tithe $1,700. The figures should have been, membership, 450; tithe, $2,000. GCB April 14, 1903, page 220.3

Few changes were made in the Constitution reported by the Committee on Constitution; but inasmuch as the type was standing we reprint in this number the Constitution as adopted. GCB April 14, 1903, page 220.4

In order to get the full proceedings into this “Bulletin,” we have been able to give but short reports of the final meetings of the Conference. A spirit of hearty good cheer, and a determination to press the work as never before, pervaded the closing meetings. GCB April 14, 1903, page 220.5

The ringing key-note in this Conference has been the old, old message of the soon coming of our Lord. The Spirit of God witnessed to every word spoken that aimed in the direction of a definite message and a closing in of the ranks for pushing the work forward into every unentered field. Zion is to shake itself loose from every band that would hold it, and arise, in the name of the Lord, to do the work which will prepare the way of the coming King. GCB April 14, 1903, page 220.6

The Next “Bulletin”

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One more number of the “Bulletin” will be issued, to contain a reprint of the resolutions and reports adopted, and such, other matter as may be thought useful for reference. An index will also be provided. This number will be issued in Battle Creek, as one of the regular quarterly issues. It will be sent to all subscribers to the daily “Bulletin.” It may be several weeks before it appears, but subscribers will do well to reserve the binding of their sets until this final number, with index, can be published. GCB April 14, 1903, page 220.7

Brethren W. A. Colcord, C. P. Bollman, L. A. Hoopes, M. C. Wilcox, and W. A. Spicer have had editorial charge of the “Conference Bulletin.” Readers will readily see that the issue of a daily paper during the session required very hasty work, and night work, to which circumstances we ask that any errors may be attributed. GCB April 14, 1903, page 220.8

The stenographic staff have had two weeks of very close application to the work of reporting the Conference. The click of the four typewriters has been heard incessantly in the reporters’ room, on the ground floor of the church. Brethren H. Edson Rogers, R. V. Ashley, C. C. Crisler, and H. W. Rose have composed the regular reporting staff. GCB April 14, 1903, page 220.9