General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6



W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, I. H. Evans, C. M. Snow, T. E. Bowen

The afternoon hour of the closing day of the Conference was occupied by Sister White. It is to be hoped that her address may be published later in full. GCB June 7, 1909, page 378.7

Sister White read the first chapter of 2 Peter, and the first and fourth chapters of 1 Peter. These scriptures clearly set forth the privileges of the Christian. A close walk with God, steady advancement in the way of truth and holiness, constant growth in grace, an ever-increasing desire and effort to save souls,—these are some of the characteristics of a victorious believer. GCB June 7, 1909, page 378.8

As the aged speaker referred to her appreciation of the privileges of the General Conference Session, and expressed her intense anxiety that the meeting might result in great good to all in attendance, the congregation responded with many hearty “amens.” And as, with trembling lips and a voice touched with deep emotion, she assured the ministers and other workers that God loves them, and that Jesus delights to make intercession in their behalf, many were profoundly moved. The speaker called attention to the fact that at such a gathering as this, angels mighty in strength are hovering round about us, and that these angels will accompany to the ends of the earth the faithful workers who have come thousands and thousands of miles to Washington to unite with their brethren in counseling over the furtherance of God’s cause. GCB June 7, 1909, page 378.9

The speaker exhorted every worker to go forth in the strength of the Mighty One of Israel. She declared that while she might never have the privilege of meeting her brethren from abroad in another Conference like this one, yet she would pray for them, and prepare to meet them all in the kingdom of glory. GCB June 7, 1909, page 378.10

Sister White’s words of farewell brought courage and good cheer to many a heart, and were spoken so tenderly, withal, as to constitute a powerful appeal for reconsecration and untiring devotion. GCB June 7, 1909, page 378.11